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Ambition Interupted

Posted on 29 Apr 2012 @ 11:33pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

769 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Back post


Tika sat in command of the Achilles' Bridge, watching as the stars streaked past the viewscreen as they tracked the Kzinti vessel, trying to control her emotions. She'd just found out that a new XO had been picked. It was a job she was sure she was next in line for because of her seniority and her time served onboard, and she was not pleased with the idea of someone else getting it. She'd also been trying to chase dealing with Don's death for the past few hours to little avail, deciding that tears were not an option and neither was the diverted focus they'd require. Her emotions, however, had never paid much allegiance to her reason and she found herself holding back her tears in almost every situation.

The Bridge was a hive of activity and could hardly stand being left unattended, but she needed a moment. She stood, gave the Bridge to a junior officer, and approached the Captain's Ready Room. She was juggling two jobs, Chief of Strategic Operations and Dama Liaison Officer, but she was sure Da'nal was just as busy and, likely just as stressed as she was. What bugged her most was the appointment of the new XO over her... She pressed the chime and waited for an answer.

Da`nal had little time before heading to security to plan their next operation when the door rang. "Enter."

Tika entered quickly her skirt fluttering with the breeze that was created by her speed. Before the door was even closed behind her, she was planted right in front of the Captain's desk, her hands on her shapely hips and the look of someone who wasn't getting their way on her face. "Have I displeased you, Captain?"

As soon as the door opened he knew exactly what this was about and while understandable he really didn't have the time. Standing at his desk organizing the various padds he stopped and looked up from under his brow. "Had you displeased me you would not have to ask."

Straightening up, "I know you probably think I passed you over, but this is not the case. Right now I need you where you are. Commander Ciara Brannagh has already been an XO for an entire Starbase so managing a starship should be simple for her. Not to mention there has been entirely too much shuffling lately and we nee to establish some stability for the crew. It is easier to replace on position than alter the entire chain with more shuffling. It wasn't that you aren't qualified. Despite the need for stability I seriously considered you for the post and had Commander Ciara Brannagh not been recovered from the station you most likely would have gotten the job."

She rolled her eyes, throwing respect out the window almost completely. "Why would it be necessary to give someone who isn't even a member of the crew the job instead of someone who is familiar with the staff and the ship." She argued.

His expression hardened. "Be VERY careful Commander! You know that in a time of war stability is crucial. If I were to have moved you or Commander Silonez or any other member of the crew into the position I would have had to adjust the entire chain of command to adjust the vacuum created by the promotion. Beside she IS more qualified that anyone aboard having already held the post."

Even though they were alone in is ready room he mores to her position, taking a position just behind her. He leaned in and lowered his tone having heard Lance just around the corner at his desk. He took a deep breath through his nostrils and his hot breath was at her ear and neck as he dressed down the officer. "Don't ever question my authority again."

Turning sharply he stepped to the door as he left her staring straight head at the Bat'leth on the wall behind his desk and as they parted he turned to let her know he still trusted her abilities. "You have the Bridge."

It took until the doors closed before Tika realized the effect that had had on her. She was sure she'd never been more attracted to anyone in her life than she was right now to her Captain. There was something about him taking charge like that that really effected her. "Aye, sir." She said to herself quietly, turning on her heal and heading back to the Bridge.


Captain Da'nal
Commanding Officer
USS Achilles


Lieutenant Commander Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
Chief of Strategic Operations Officer/2XO
USS Achilles


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