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Arrest gone wrong....way wrong Part 2

Posted on 28 Apr 2012 @ 4:16am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,165 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Timeline: MD 15


The planning had come to a quick end and those assembled were rising to their feet. Tapping his commbadge only to get nothing Da`nal called out to the others. "Is everyone ok?"

"What happened? We weren't hit." Tu'roK grumbled.

HoS'a' rose to his feet, "No, that feels different."

He pulled a Klingon communicator from his belt, "Hung'pu'vo D'ama, HIja'! Beq botoghmoH." [All D'ama Security teams check in. I need a crew headcount.]

"maw'tok!" Kre said surprised. "qaStaH nuq, QI'yaH? [What is happening? @#$.]"

"Shall we go to their bridge and find out?" HoS'a' asked, still unsure of the exact liberties he was allowed on this vessel.

Tu'rocK pulled his disruptor from it's holster "Orders my lord." He asked Kretorg

Kre grunted as he straightened himself. "Wait!" he said, before Turock started shooting.

Da`nal rose blood flowing from the gash on his head. "I give the orders on this ship Lieutenant! Something had happened but I don't think it was the Kzinti or we would have either been boarded or destroyed. One thing is certain; without main power the ship is visible..." The emergency lighting had come on and Da`nal move to the door that connected the Chiefs office to the main armory. "We need to arm ourselves in case we are found and then get to engineering to restore power and the cloak."

Without main power he had manually release the doors and once in the armoury he began unlocking and handing out weapons.

HoS'a' had his weapons on him already and watched the corridor while the others kitted up, "Primary targets, Bridge and Engineering. Power outage suggests Engineering."

He glanced at Da'nal. In his opinion the Captain should be on the bridge, not leading an assault, but every ship handled things differently and there was no doubt that Da'nal was obviously the most competent warrior on this Star fleet vessel. For now he kept his mouth shut and followed instructions as they were given.

Tossing a weapon to the Dama's Captain he addressed them all. "Engineering is one deck down. Once power is restored, if need be, we can transfer control the ship from there. Let’s go!"

Caleb very quietly moved out the door behind HoS'a', he too already having his Type IIa SFMC-Issue Pulse Phaser Pistol on his right leg and a couple of knives hidden on his person. He looked at HoS'a' outside in the hallway then back into the room from which that had just come; silently waiting. Funny that Caleb should have to wait out in the hall with the very man he just insulted. HoS'a' returned the glance, his face inscrutable.

Once the emergency lighting had come on, Kre took the weapon and nodded. He glanced at Tu'rock and HoS'a' to stay with him as they started to follow Da'nal.

HoS'a' fell in step beside the Captain. While he respected the Captain as a warrior, it was his job to make sure he got in the way of any stray shots.


No one was prepared for the sudden loss of power and to top things off everyone when flying when the warp field collapsed.

Oakheart scrambled to his feet in the pitch black and made it to the control console as the emergency light came up. “What the hell, Report!â€

“Everything is offline. Weapons, shields, population, sensors. We are dead in the water, sir!â€

“I can see that we need to know why.â€

The engineers scrambled about to figure out what the hell had happened both nothing was working. Sasha Oakheart was not having any more luck than the others but a shrill whistle brought everyone to a halt.

“Lets work the problem people. There hasn’t been anything following the initial jolt and we don’t have any unwanted guests to this isn’t an attack.†He hadn’t had time to learn any names yet so he just started pointing. “You – find out if this is a computer failure. You – look for mechanical. The Dama’s XO mentioned sabotage to the control systems on the Starbase so look for a break in signal flow. You – pull the backup control files from protected memory in case we need to reset the engineering control systems. You – you’re with me. We need to restore power to the monitors here so we can see what’s going on.â€

They all nodded and sprang to carry out their instructions...orders.

[Deck 7]

Pr'Tern was approaching main engineering fast and furious. His blade dripped blood as he ran as he had dispatched several members of the crew and Klingons unlucky enough to be in the corridor has he bolted past. He rounded the corner into engineering ignoring those scrambling about to restore the ships systems.

In the darkness and shadows he climbed the warp core; activating a high powered magnet on the back of his harness he secured himself to the warp core and waited. Once power was restored he would have every ones attention sure enough.


Tika paced as the officers around her worked. "Status on sensors? She asked, stepping down to the joined CONN/OPS console where she worked only a few days ago as Chief of Operations.

"Minimal. We have short range only. No long range or internal sensors.

"Review sensor data from right before the power loss. Is there anything unusual?" She asked.

Jessica reviewed the data quickly and found nothing. "Nothing Ma'am. It's like all of a sudden everything was turned off."

Tika tapped her commbadge and stepped closer to the helm, pressing several buttons over Lieutenant Mason's shoulder. =/=Commander Phoenix-Patil to Engineering. What just happened down there? We've got no helm control and our sensors are down.=/= She said intensely, but then realized there was no activity, so she tapped the badge again. =/=Bridge to Main Engineering....Engineering come in.=/=

She looked at the numerous crew around the Bridge looking at her for guidance. A few years ago, this would have made her nervous, but now, she'd gotten used to command a bit. "Comms are down, obviously." She said. "Mr. Whitacre." She said, speaking to an Ensign standing nearby. "Run down to Engineering and see if you can gather information for us." She said, folding her arms across her chest.

The man nodded, his blond hair waving slightly. "Yes, Ma'am." He said, making his way to the jeffries tube hatch.


After some creative rerouting monitors and lights began to flicker to life; “Auxiliary power and Communications restored sir!"

With normal lighting began to flicker back on it only revealing that they had a much bigger problem. Slapping the new Chief Engineer's shoulder to get his attention. "Sir..."


The junior engineer pointed up to the Warrant Officer hanging from the core itself, some kind of device on his chest.



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