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Arrest gone wrong....way wrong Part 1

Posted on 28 Apr 2012 @ 4:14am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

993 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Timeline: MD 15

Ciara got to her quarters and used her new access code to replicate a new uniform for herself and they worked. Only when she put it on, she realized how much weight she had lost. She shook her head in irony She had always wanted to lose those three kilograms, and continually had to watch what she ate. She only needed to stare in the direction of real calories and it would end up on her hips. Now, when she didn't even worry, she lost it all and more.

After placing the uniform in the recycling receptacle, she replicated a new one and it fit her. She even had to have pips made, and placed them carefully on her neck. If anyone told her a month ago that she would be the Executive Officer on a Prometheus class ship in a war, she would have laughed in your face.

She pulled her hair back in a pony tail, pulled her jacket down and exited her quarters, leaving the few belongings that were saved from the station as they were.

"Computer, locate Chief Warrant Officer Pr'Tern" Ciara said

"Chief Warrant Officer Pr'Tern is in his quarters, on deck seven, section 4, room 17," the computer responded.

"Computer, lock the doors to that quarters, authorization Commander Brannagh BravoRomeo88492Alpha"

"Authorization recognized, doors locked."

As she walked out of her quarters, she tapped her comm badge. =^= Commander Brannagh to Security team Alpha, meet me on Deck seven, section four, now =^=, Ciara said, then realized that they would probably not know who she was, unless they got the memo.

Pr'Tern ears twitched as the seals closed off the room. He quickly checked and sure enough he was trapped. "So they have found me..." He had already made preparation and placed the traps facing the door. He activated an independent sensor scrambler so that his signal and those of the traps would be blocked...nor would they be able to transport him out.

Clamping his 'device' to across his chest and waist he waited...blades in hand.


Mackenzie was with HoSa waiting on the others in order to plan the assault when the call came in. =^= Commander Brannagh to Security team Alpha, meet me on Deck seven, section four, now =^=

She looked to HoSa curiously ~Who was Commander Brannagh...oh yea~ She rose as the Klingon Captain arrived telling her she was needed elsewhere and pushed past his with a huff. Mumbling under her breath..."Arrogant Son of a Bitch."

Her team was waiting for her and she took the phaser belting it as they went.

[Pr'Tern's Quarters]

Sarah's team was scanning when the Commander arrived. "He's activated a scrambler of some kind. We can't see inside or get a transporter lock. If we try to beam in we could materialize inside a table. We are going to have to do this the old fashioned way."

"Just be very careful, this man is extremely dangerous..." she said and nodded for them to get ready.

Sarah and her team positioned themselves to make entry and nodding to the Commander.

Ciara stood against the bulkhead right next to the door and held her fingers in the air.... three.... two...... one.... go!

The door flew open and Sarah and her team rushed in only to die as hundreds of foot long poison tipped barbs flew into their bodies. There wasn't even time to cry out.

Pr'Tern leaped over the bodies and into the corridor and bolted down its length...his goal Engineering."

It happened so fast, but Ciara immediately knew something went very wrong. "Computer seal off deck seven section seven and eight with a level four force field!" she shouted as she darted forward to grab a phaser from one of the security team. ~No!!!~ she screamed in her head, when she saw what happened. She started running towards the trapped murderer, tapping her badge. =^=Brannagh to sickbay, there is a medical emergency deck seven, section four, room seventeen!=^=

Closing in, she tapped her badge again. =^=Brannagh to security, I need a team on deck 17 now, the suspect is trapped in a forcefi......."

Pr'Tern came to a stop as the force field closed on him, but he was ready. "Computer, execute program revenge1."

Everything went dark.


Jessica was with Lucas as they tracked the Kzinti warship at warp 2 when everything went black as they were thrown to the deck as the warp field collapsed. The ships emergency lighting had kicked on almost immediately while they were both scrambling for their stations. "Sensors are down, I have nothing!"

Lucas was momentarily dazed. He had experienced a collapsed warp field once before and it wasn't an experience he had cared to repeat. "So much for that wish," he thought. In the red wash of the emergency lights he reoriented himself. They had been tracking the Kzinti warship now his panel was full of meaningless data. He entered commands breaking through to get some useful data. They were dead in the water, drifting at high speed. But there was nothing more he could tell. He ducked as a circuit break over his head blew sending a shower of sparks onto the deck around him.

Jessica tried to get anything from her console but it was black and useless.

Lucas glanced over and saw that Ensign Logan's console was not functioning. He stood up and said, "Ensign, take the helm for a moment." Before she could respond he crawled under the Ops console and removed an access panel. He repositioned a few isoliniar optic chips, rerouting the damaged circuitry to auxiliary ones. Replacing the panel, he stood up and entered a few commands into the now glowing Ops console.

"Ensign Logan, you should be able to get something now," and he resumed his position at the helm.

Tika pulled herself back into the command chair using the seat and then the arm rests. "What the hell was that?" She asked looking around the Bridge.


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