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Planning the assault

Posted on 28 Apr 2012 @ 3:02am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 15 - day after briefing

HoS'a' altered his pace to follow the Human/Betazoid officer as she led them to a briefing room a few decks down. He was happy for her to take the lead while they were on her ship. His job was the security of the crew of the D'arma. Right now that meant letting the Federation get him close enough to start killing Kzinti.

Once they were in the briefing room he sat down heavily in the chair and looked to the woman. Even without her innate abilities, his confidence was obvious.

"Your plan?" he asked, using the same clipped Klingon he used in the meeting.

Kre walked into the meeting and looked at the two officers. "You are needed somewhere else," he said, his focused demeanor making him sound rude. Just then her commbadge beeped and she left them.

"Now.. this is a mission you can proof yourself, do it well," Kre said to HoS'a. He wished they were there already, itching to get this behind them.

HoS'a' watched the Federation officer leave and snorted. He fell back to talking Klingon, which came more easily to him than the Federation tongue, "More Easily, now there are no Federation sentimentalities that need to be protected. As I understand it, we get in range, beam in under cloak and perform a surgical strike. If there are Federation civilians they are to be extracted. If any Klingon is weak enough to have been captured, they are to be freed, and armed, so they may regain some honor through death in battle with their captors. Have I understood that correctly?"

Caleb stepped into the room quietly, COBs (Combat Operation Blacks) were donned rather than his standard duty uniform. U.S.S. Galaxy crew patch worn on his right shoulder, Federation Flag patch on his left shoulder. "Captain Da'nal, Captain Kretorg." he bowed his head slightly as his eyes looked around; however, he remained silent for now.

Captain Da`nal had hear the run down and approved of the general ideas except for one thing. "I want to capture that ship if possible." He glanced to his counterpart. "I assume you have no objections to bringing back a trophy?"

"Absolutely no objections," Kre said with wide grin. "It will be a great victory to have that damn ship, escpecially that one...." he growled. "However, I just want to rectify an earlier statement," Kre said, looking to HoS'a'. He might not know all the details of the capture. "None of the D'ama crew who were captured were caught because they were weak. They are brave warriors and were transported off a shuttle.....even Kronyx was very brave, even if he was foolish....So their honour is intact. Get them off that ship and quickly, they may not be strong enough to fight, and there is no honor in dying like that. Get them back here," Kre stated.

HoS'a' had hs own opinions on the matter, but the captain had spoken, and so he must know of things HoS'a' did not understand. He accepted his HoD's word on the matter.

Tu'rocK entered the room at tail end of the conversation, " I also recommend a distraction to keep the Kzinti busy." He said

Caleb smirked glancing at Da'Nal and HoS'a'; everyone else in the room was speaking in Klingon, so he'd jump on the bandwagon as well. "Once we get in, I'll handle keeping the kitties busy. My objective will be to take out as many of them as I can before I'm killed, captured or injured." Caleb stated coldly, he continued "Once the infiltration team gets the survivors out, they should disable the environmental filtration system and deploy a Metagenic or Biogenic weapon through the life support systems of the ship. A high enough yield set will be cause death almost instantaneously. Quick, efficient and will render all life onboard dead within minutes and the ship undamaged with few or no casualties on our side."

Tu'rocK snarled "Biogenic weapons are not the Klingon way to kill! You look your opponent in their eyes! A Klingon who kills without showing his face is a coward!"

Caleb flashed a sadistic twisted smile; As if he was possessed by some kind of demonic presence "You finished?" He paused "It's more honorable to get our people back AND capture a fully functional Kzinti ship with its computers memory intact. If we try to do it the 'your way' the Kzinti could very well wipe the computers before we have a chance to gain access. My way, we win; They lose."

"A larger assault force hitting key points simultaneously could accomplish the same thing and it keeps a Klingon's honor intact." Tu'rocK Replied

HoS'a' faced the Human Captain, who was full of hate and anger, "Are you saying that the Federation has a stock pile of Biogenic weapons, banned by every sentient races in this quadrant, that it is willing to dispense on the recommendation of a mere Captain?"

Da`nal stepped his own ire aroused by Danvers. "We do not. Nor will we be replicating any. However the idea is the best for taking the ship quickly..."

HoS'a' Turned to Kre, "You see what I meant about Federation sensibilities?"

He returned to Caleb, "You value victory over all else. We do not. We would rather die than even admit the only way to victory is through subterfuge and poison. I cannot choose if I win, or if I die, but I can choose how I will act while I live and how I will be thought of after my death. I realize many of you mourn the loss of those taken by the Kzinti, but I would hope those who were lost would not approve of the actions you are suggesting. I may have to reconsider my opinion of the lauded integrity."

Caleb laughed "An assault force huh?... I watched these things tear through Starfleet Marines like a knife through butter, it doesn't matter that the next course will be Klingon." He smirked shaking his head looking between the two Klingons "I've fought the Dominion, Va'Karan, Borg, Breen, Cardassians AND survived the Kzinti on a destroyed star base with women and children slowing me down for six months. Don't ever lecture me about the approval of actions." he paused "Biogenic weapons have never been banned; Frowned upon, maybe."

While Caleb railed HoS'a' said quietly to Turok, "NujDaj veswI'mo'." [Klingon proverb: The Mouth does not make the warrior.]

He gritted his teeth, his voice laced with rage and hate like a poison. "bIjatlh 'e' yImev Qa'Hom" [Klingon: Shut up small animal or small thing trying to look impressive] He snapped at HoS'a'. Shifting his gaze to Da'Nal and Kre "We're running out of time and options here..."

"Enough," Kre stated. "There will be no fighting among ourselves, there is an honorless, cruel and formidable enemy we should fight, not each other," Kre said emphatically. Then he grew serious. "You are both right... We need to be efficient, yet keep our honor intact," Kre said slowly. "However, this is not a usual enemy.... we need to think beyond our usual tactics. I am NOT willing to lose crucial crew in unnecessary deaths. We can't replace warriors now; we are stretched thin as it is."

Da`nal was glad the Kretorg had some grasp of the situation. "Besides we do not know how we will find the ship. For all we know it could have joined a larger force by now. A long deck by deck battle will only alert any other ships nearby. We must be..."

He never finished his sentence as everything went black and they were all thrown into bulkheads and furniture, or to the floor.


Captain Da`nal
CO - USS Achilles

Captain Kretorg of the House of Torath
CO - IKS D'ama

Captain Caleb E. Danvers
CIO - IKS D'ama

SoghHom Tu'rocK of the House of Ghawran
Assi. Chief Tactical/Security Officer -IKS D'ama

Sogh HoS'a' of House Matlh
Acting Chief of Security - IKS D'ama


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