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Bloodsport - Whips & Chains Part 2

Posted on 05 Apr 2012 @ 10:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,064 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Kxinti Warship

X'aedell sensed that he was succumbing to what she offered him and relentlessly she continued, showing him no mercy with this incredible wave of pleasure so pushed into his mind. Once she was satisfied that he was occupied, she searched his mind for any tactical information. He was not worth much, being controlled like a pet by a particular Kzinti officer. ~Dammit.....~ she thought her frustrations behind her own walls of protection. There had to be something.... While the Kzinti pet reeled in pleasure, X'ae deepened her search; she didn't have a lot of time.

Then she had the something she needed. Triumphantly she grimaced as she now delivered her own measure of torture. With a surgeon's precision her concentrated thoughts curses through his brain, causing him to be caught up in a nightmare beyond what he could imagine, not able to discern reality from illusion. Using an ancient Betazoid defense mechanism, X'ae tortured him until he collapsed, tremors shaking his hairy body.....

-Male Holding cell-

Darkness was all that she saw, her mind rang with pain, her body rocked to the core with a mixture of both pain and pleasure, but she knew that upon the cold metallic floor, her blue bare skin had some feeling returning to after what had happen to her and her cousin, she wasn't sure if they gotten to X'aedell as well, she blacken out from the over whelming pain coursing through her Andorian/Klingon body before she could notice if they gotten to X'aedell. Laying there upon the floor, she pondered on a way to escape, and wanting so much just to sleep away this nightmare away.

'That would be a dishonorable choose' she groan while thinking to herself 'you must find a way out of here and help save the others'

As she laid there upon the cold floor, dreamt of different species of woman from the starbase, being raped for the pleasure of the males Kzinti. Saw the horror of these women being put to deaths; once they lost their usefulness to the Kzinti, she even saw those of common to the federation fighting each other for enjoyment of the Kzinti. This continue repeatedly and each one as different as the last, but all were generally the same.

Again she groan in pain, as she slowly eyes and looked towards the darkness and shadows, her eyes trying to refocus, but her mind was screaming and recalling the torment of her dream.

'Was it a dream?' she thought before she turned over onto her back in a painful manner and did a quick exam with her hands.

Shock soon took hold of her when she realized that her body was beaten, but her hands continue to exam slowly down her naked body as she continue to exam her body, but what she found, had her both full of rage, hatred, and fear. She began to tremble at the discovery. But, she couldn't do anything at the moment; she had to remain focus on her plan.

Slowly raising up into a seating position, she heard shallow breath and heard whispers in the darkness, which, was no doubt kept that way or her eyes her still trying to adjust, but she knew one thing, the breath and whisper were males and they weren't Kzinti. This meant that she was thrown in with them and not the Female determent cells.

"How long have I been out?" Sara asked softly

"I'm not sure," he replied with a wheeze to his voice, "Month? A Year?"

She shook her head, as she felt hands upon her arm and helped up "Thank you, sir, names Sara Har'tar of the House Har'tar, and you are?"

"Jake Cook," he managed to cough out, "Nice to meet you Sara Har'tar of the house of Har'tar."

"Please to meet you as well, Jake." Sara's eyes went from blur to somewhat more focus as she saw that the each man, was wearing tattered clothing and she remain naked "no doubt I know why those peta'Q put me in here for, but, do you know who the Klingon is, Tu'loc?"

"I believe the warrior's name is Kronyx" returned the Vulcan

With a arched brow, as she looked to Jake, "Give me a hand down, please"

Jake slowly got up from his position and helped Sara down to help the Klingon that was below them.

Once she was down, Sara, helped Tu'loc, with mending the warrior named Knroyx. She knew that it was going to be a lot harder to patch up someone without medical equipment, but, she was trained Klingon and Federation doctor who had years under her belt and knew how to make do with nothing.

Looking down Jake saw that indeed there was a Klingon below, "Hey do you know who he is?" It took every breath of him to yell it down bellow.

"In a way I do know him, but I do not know him" she said as she asked him to get some water and any cloth

She leaned in close to him and whispered into Kronyx's "You are aware that, Bel'a'Tar, is going to either kill you, have you beg for mercy and asking for death or downright make you one happy peta'Q, once she finds out your alive and here."

Jake took it to upon himself to climb down and once he was down he walked over to Sara and assist in whatever she needed.

Leaning back, Sara, slender blue hands did her best to mending the warrior injuries, and gesturing to Cook and instructing Jake, on what to do, while Tu'loc was linked with Kronyx.

His body started to feel better thanks to the pointy ear creature, wondering why he was helping him. He heard a woman speak to him but he couldn't help but simple moan and groan when she spoke to him. Didn't help either that his jaw wasn't a lined and speaking or talking was out the window. He rather face Bel, just to see her once more and he hoped that she was doing well and if the Kzinti laid one hand on her in any way every Kzinti here will die.

Dr. Sara'Marbela Har'tar
USS Achilles

Lt. Bel'a'Tar
Acting CMO
IKS D'ama

Lt. Kronyx
IKS D'ama

Lt X'aedell Kelan
KDF Laison
IKS D'ama
(PNPC played by Sharon)

Various Kzinti NPC's by Da'nal


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