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Whips and Chains - New Toys

Posted on 27 Feb 2012 @ 9:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Sara'Marbela Har'tar

1,902 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Unknown Location
Timeline: current

Darkness was one of those things, that the eldest daughter of the house Har'tar, never really accepted, when it came to being captured. The one eyed Klingon warrior had heard tales of other in her family members that had been captured by an enemy force, and had found a way to return to the house to maintain their honor among their fellow Klingons and right now the warrior doctor, sat up against the wall of her cell as she plotted her escape with the half betazoid and her Andorian cousin. Her eye shifted left and right, as she observed the darkness and took in the smells of the others near her, and those that in other cells. As the warrior observed the darkness, she recalled her time hunting in the dark on a forest moon. Her prey was a primitive humaniod bear like race that only had spares and bows and arrow. Which, at the time, the young Bel'a'Tar, found utterly delightful to track down and kill her first humanoid prey, which took nearly three days to track down.

Bel, shivered a little as she rose up from against the wall, as she cursed at the Kzinti for taking her uniform. But, it only helped fuel her fire to take as many Kzinti as she could, before either she and the others escaped or she found herself in Sto-Vor-Kor along with her beloved, Kronyx. Kneeling beside, X'aedell, she placed a hand onto her to make sure, she was still alive. When she was happy to the fact that the half breed was going to live, she rose back up and walked over to her half breed cousin, to exam her status, who was equally as naked as both X'aedell and herself.

Watching the interactions from the next room the guard he made not of what had taken place and decided to head into the pen area and have some fun. The senior officers were away enjoying the male captive fight for their lives. If they were going to have their fun...why couldn't he.

The one thing their observations had revealed is that the Klingon hybrid needed to be treated carefully. These creatures were not like their females. These creatures had minds of their own, they could even be cunning. As a result he activated a spot light to blind the female.

The bright light that came from the door, temporary blinded the one eyed warrior. As she rose up onto her feet, her fingers flexed as she ready herself to pounce upon one of the Kzinti.

All the females were fitted with restraint/torture collars that could incapacitate or even kill the wearer. Even with these capabilities they were all chained to ports in the cell walls and at a single command those chains could be retracted to separate, or restrict, the captives.

With the beam illuminating the hybrid her movements were plain to see, and he was not going to fall victim to this female. He waited until she was ready to strike and then he activated the collar's strangulation feature and leaned against the bulkhead to watch her struggle. Occasionally he would fire off a jolt of electricity just for fun.

"Aghhhh..." Bel stated as she dropped to one knee as she gripped at the collar upon her throat. The warrior was gasping for air, as her body was shaken with both pain and pleasure traveling throughout her body.

By this time he had been joined by a few of his comrades that too had been unlucky enough left out of the festivities. "Toying with your prey?"

"No, just creating my own entertainment. Care to take a turn?"

An evil fanged grin spread over his face and he took the controller. After a few moments he finally he eased up of the tightness of the collar to see how she would react, but added another jolt for spite.

Taking in a deep breath, Bel, found herself on her knee with a right hand on the floor as she held her throat.

"Damn you peta'Q" she uttered softly

When the door open, Sara, was sound asleep, but when the warm rush of air, rushed in, the Andorain Klingon opened her eyes, with a quickness and turned her head in the direction of the door, yet, she saw her cousin was at first knelt beside her. Of course, the Andorain wondered briefly as to what her fellow doctor was there, but she didn't need to dwell on the thoughts longs as she turned her head slightly and saw a few Kzinti standing outside the gate of the trio’s cell. Sara, slowly, rose up onto her bare feet, and was going to rush them and start killing Kzinti alongside her fellow house member and cousin, but was quickly brought down with a shock to her system, that her cousin was going there.

At first they were puzzled at the female's slow movements. But as she turned towards them they let her actually make it a few steps before sending her crashing to the floor in a ball of spasming muscles. The pair of Kzinti laughed at the two jerked and thrashed under their control. Each began to try and out do the other and began to place wagers as they began increasing the voltage and duration of the shock or the length that they kept their female without air.

Gasping when the choking stopped, her eyes turned up to the Kzinti at the cell, when one of them spoke to both her and Bel.

The stench or urine and feces began to rise as the females lost control of their bodies from the torture. The crowd of lower ranked Kzinti had grown as had the show. Odds were being given and bets made as to which female would last longer. The two groups that had formed each shouted at 'their' female urging them on. One got some water and doused the blue one to revive her. "Don't you die on me yet...I got good money bet on you!"

[Back inside the pen]

The drug that the Kzinti gave her began to wear off. To X'aedell it felt she was slowly rising from a sea of fog, but she had enough training not to alert anyone that she was awake. Her eyes shut; her breathing deep and her features relaxed. But fully alert now, she didn't need her eyes to tell her that she was back in the cell. There was scuffling and then the chain clang. Bel.... she was choking. For once X'ae didn't care much about ethics and picked up all she could, Bel tried to jump forward, but the chain prevented her. There was another person there, Andorian...Klingon and then Kzinti. There stench nearly made her pull up her nose. But if they see her awake, they will just put her under again. She needed to regain her strength first.

Her mind were still so drained, she was so very tired. Then she remembered and she stopped short of inhaling sharply. She could not relax her guard for one split second. Had he detected her again? She knew that the Kzinti telepaths were forced to use drugs and often suffered from neurosis. They also needed to rest. She carefully and tentative swept the ship for is presence, but thankfully didn't sense him.

A shiver went through her, but she dared not focus on what happened the last time she tried to scan the ship. But she detected something that was worth trying again, while the telepath was resting.

There were enough Kzinti nearby for her to get the information she needed. She breathed deeply and swept her mind over the warriors, most of them being low raking crewman, emotionally involved in the action with Bel and her cousin. Bits of the battle came flashing into her senses. She saw the D'ama in targeting scanners; saw how it shook with the blast. See how they lost it again, how they extrapolated, missed, tried again and hit it again.

Her heart rate jumped up, she used every technique she had learned to control her body. ~Where is Charg now....?~ she cried, internally. ~Just a bit more....~

She found a mind, probably a tactical officer, and she focused her telepathic sense on him. She did what Betazoids avoid at all cost, but she didn't care. She read his mind shamelessly.

..Another ship, total surprise... they hadn't expected it. Federation signature! She saw them re-adjusting their sensors. On screen.... X'ae read the name: USS Achilles....It was Da'nal and Ayren's ship!! But it disappeared from sensors. They were looking for it frantically

The D'ama's cloak was now gone, she saw it approaching a Kzinti ship in it's path.... a collision course. ~No!!~ X"ae screamed in her mind.

Then suddenly the Achilles appeared again, it's fire destroying the ship, letting the D'ama pass through the debris and fire, scraping the top of the hull.

The fact that the Kzintoi ship she was one was ordered to change course and head away, was hardly noticed. She got all the motivation she wanted to resist and fight back. X'aedell opened her eyes, the light in her eyes renewed. Charg may be alive.

~Come on you bastard!! It is my turn~," she thought to one particular very tired mind, as she sat up.

[Holding Cell]

Upon Kronyx's arrival they were already surrounded his shuttle as much as Kronyx anticipated. He came out of the shuttle with his pistol ready to fire giving the Kzinti a show before they take him away. He had a plan to get his beloved back How he had no idea put all he needed to know was his mate was alive and well. When he walked threw the shuttle doors, he started to shoot the Kzinti that were in the room like Hell was unleashed. He cursed in Klingon as he started shooting, showing no mercy.

After a few minutes of his crazy the Kizinti managed to obtain him and take him to this holding cell, were they tied him up so he couldn't get away. He pulled and yanked on the chains that bounded him as well as put a collar on him. He gave it is all but they managed getting the collar around his neck with a few electrical devices. Once the Collar was on, Kronyx looked at the Kzinti and spat in his face before he gave a deep growl.

"Well well well look what we have here," chuckled one of the Kzinti officers glaring at Kronyx, "Seems that this dog here decided to join us. He and the other Klingon's will be fun to play with don't you think guys?"

The other Kzinti officers in the room started to chuckle as well. Kronyx gave him a evil stare as he hoped that this officer was stupid enough to step an inch closer to him. Then would Kronyx give a piece of his mind to the taunting officer.

One of the senior office returning from the games to check on his section saw the crowd and pushed them aside. “Klingon…Good. Those pathetic humans we recovered barely put up a fight. So much so that the warriors fighting to earn their names may not!â€

“Take him down this the others! There are still a few Vulcans alive yet. Maybe they will provide proper opponents.



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