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No New like Bad News

Posted on 29 Feb 2012 @ 9:09pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

984 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517

Admiral L'Berr and Commodore Soran had finally managed to leave their Kzinti "guests" in the hands of Captain Yaist as the USS Cochrane was readied for departure.

The pair neared Ops when her yeoman Master Chief Marks cam jogging towards them. She was more than a little surprised as to what had him almost running to meet her.

"What is it.?" She asked as he handed her the PADD.

"While everyone was seeing to the fur balls a class 9 probe dropped from warp just within the station sensor range. The transponder corresponded to the USS Achilles."

The look on her face gave away her concern for her friend and former shipmate, but Marks shook his head. "At the time of the launch the Achilles was fine and the Marines had been deployed. But you're not going to like it."

This clearly didn't involve him or the station itself so Commodore Soran excused himself to see to his duties and the preparation at Qualor. "If you'll excuse me Admiral."

Amber looked up and nodded and the Vulcan continued towards Ops while Amber entered the office she had been provided since her arrival.

Sitting down she activated the file and began to read the log entries downloaded from the probe.

[PADD Contents]

::Captain's Log - Stardate: 65660.9::

Having arrived at Mercer for the deployment phase of our mission we discovered that the Kzinti had constructed a ship yard in orbit over the planet. To have inserted the Marine forces with the level of enemy ships and troops in the area would have been a death sentence. The Kzinti would have been able to take out the landing craft before they could have even landed. Additionally the Achilles could not have continued on our mission safely with the additional craft mounted to you hull, nor could we simply abandon the craft.

It was my opinion that the ship yard posed a direct threat to the planet, its citizens, my Marines stranded on the surface, and the Federation itself. Therefore, in direct violation of the orders of Rear-Admiral Amber L'Berr I ordered an attack on the Yard, and the ships docked there. The yard, the 10 ships docked, the troops aboard were all destroyed.

I ordered the Guardian platform we were carrying deployed within the wreckage and two of the four ships remaining in orbit were destroyed with a third critically damaged before the platform was destroyed by the fourth.

We also managed to extract the a computer core from the yard before it was destroyed, hopefully it can provide us with the intelligence we need. We also captured what I believe to be two, Romulan agents.

With the Marines successfully inserted to the surface using the falling yard and ship debris to mask the entry into the atmosphere we are now preparing to head to the remains of SB 24 to investigate how it was taken so rapidly.

::End Log::

::Captain's Log Supplemental::

During the briefing prior to deploying in preparation to attack; Marine Operational Commander, Major Stone directly challenged my authority as well as voiced strong reservations over the violation of Admirals L`Berr's orders. Per his request I am officially logging his objections.

Captain Da`nal, USS Achilles, Commanding

::End Supplemental::

(Other PADD contents - Sensor logs of the engagement and successful deployment of the Marine forces and other Crew Logs)

Amber browsed the rest of the data downloaded from the probe and came across the a personal log of the Major Da`nal had mentioned

::Major Jason Stone, Personal Log::

During an operational briefing in the Captain's ready room, Captain Da'nal voiced his intention to stray from Admiral L'Berr's operational orders. I voiced my concern that by doing so, he would alert the Kzinti forces in the area to our presence and may endanger the success of the mission. The Captain prefaced the whole plan with the fact that he KNEW he was going to break from a direct order from the Admiral. I brought this situation to the captain’s attention and all I got for it was an oversensitive 1st Officer snapping at me and the Captain's anger. I have no doubt that I have just been witness to the what approximates a charge of Mutiny in the face of the Enemy. This Captain is Klingon, and he seems to exercise excellent self control, but I feel his judgment is more a than a little impulsive.

I requested that my formal objection to the orders be logged into the ships record, and I am making this personal log as a supplement in the event that something should happen to those records. Normally, I would not sit and refuse to take action in a situation like this, but with this operation hanging in the balance, I have made the decision to pour my full attention into that objective. If the Captain's actions endanger the mission, then I will be there to do everything I can to try and pull it through. Too much is riding on our ability to start trouble behind enemy lines and destabilize the Kzinti supply lines; for me to be able to afford to divert my attention anywhere else.

I gotta cut this short now as pre-combat inspections will be starting and I have to get down to the hanger bay and oversea the loading.

::End Personal log::

Sitting back in her chair she put her head in her hands, rubbing her temples. This Major was basically accusing a Starfleet Captain of Mutiny, and taking precautions in the event Da`nal tried to cover up the event. ~This guys doesn't know Klingons very well...~

Her head still in her hand she spoke through them. "MARKS!!"

Standing in the door way he replied, in an equal volume. "YES!!"

The reply made her jump. "I told you not to do that! Get me JAG."

"I told you you weren't going to like it."



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