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An Engineering nightmate

Posted on 20 Feb 2012 @ 4:58am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,308 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: IKS D'ama


Prior to beaming over he had silently looked at the scans of the Klingon ship and inwardly smiled at the level of distruction that had been inflicted. His satisfaction was tempered though at the destruction his allies has suffered again at the hands of that dog of a Klingon in command of the Achilles. He had survived his attempt to kill him and had to cover his tracks. Thus far he had remained successful but he had an opportunity to get away and he was going to taking. He just had to bide his time. The transporter effects faded and Pr'Tern (Caitian) stood there with his engineering team.

The Klingon Engineering section was total chaos clouded wilth smoke and the smell of burnt and burning components. "Who is in command here?"

Several Klingons roared and charged the Caitian not seeing a starfleet crewmember but the enemy. It was only his training and feline relexes that saved his life as he dove clear of the assault.

The charging Klingons plowed into the other Achilles crewmembers as Pr'Tern came to his feet. "WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU YOU IDIOTS!" His statement may have been true for the others but not for himself.

"HOLD!" Came a yell from off to the side, a female Klingon who looked like she was recovering from burns came walking out of the haze. One arm in a sling the other holding a 3lbs wrench. She was wearing a uniform covered with pockets, tools and bits of spare parts poking out everywhere. Goggles were in a pocket and she hooked the wrench onto a tool belt covered with other tools and devices. The command was so forceful every Klingon engineer stopped immediately, "POSTS!" she roared again and they melted away back to their duty stations. She looked at the Achilles crew, "Jumpy..." She said by way of apology. "Excuse me gotta stop the countdown.." She went over and tapped a few keys stopping the self destruct countdown. "Dead mans switch.." Was all she would say as she turned back to them. "K'tala Of House Valdyr. CEO. Who are you and help how." Her words were in a staccato, she was running on little sleep with injuries and had no time for anything that wasn't repairs.

The Caitian nodded to his team that got staight to work helping the Klingons as they tried to stabilize the ships emergency systems. "Chief Warrant Officer Pr'Tern, USS Achilles. We need to make sure your ship stays together long enough to get everyone evacuated."

K'tala fought the instinctive dislike of the cat-like appearance and focused on her duty at hand. "She'll stay, she may not be fancy as your Federation vessels but she's solidly built." She went to a console that was hard wired to a portable power source as she continuing talking, knowing she had to give him more information but unwilling to stand still. "We've got everyone on certain decks all life support has been cut to non use areas.." She pointed at a flickering console that should the areas of non-passability in red and rough outline of damage. Priorities are securing ship systems and maintain cloak. We've got work arounds.." she mentioned gesturing to the portable generator, "For some of the vital systems, damned shorts.." She muttered as the red alert alarm went off, there was a a spark and a curse from the other side of the engineering room as it suddenly cut off.

Pr'Tern had to supress a grin of satifaction at the damage inflicted by his Kzinti brethern. His thoughts returned to his actions prior to his transport to the wrecked ship. He may have missed the Captain, but he had taken more direct measures and gotten someone just as important. A console blew on the far side of the section and brought him back to the present. "Ship ships days are done. We should disengage everything that we can and shut down every section as they are evacuated."

K'tala nodded, "I think we can salvage her but I'm going to put in her deep freeze..." Deep Freeze was another way to say mothballs. Basically locking the ship down as tight as possible and in such a way as to make it possible to restart and repair her. She pulled a PADD from one of her many pockets and handed it to him that held the basic plan so far. There was something off about him, not just his species but she couldn't put her finger on it. That made her even crabby then usual. "We've started locking out areas and non-vital systems but if your lot can help withe area lock out that'd help speed things along." She hated to say it but at least 1/4 of the entire engineer staff was dead, more wounded. And some engineers it was all they could do to keep vital systems running let alone effect more then that. And she hated to admit that the D'ama was hurt enough to require deep freeze. It pained K'tala like it was her own body, it wasn't just their Klingon natures that kept her engineers at their posts, or even their sense of duty. They were aware of one vital fact that seemed to escape others. That the engineers and the ship existed in a kind of symbiotic relationship. It was no wonder engineers were so protective of their charges. In ancient times they would of been the types to care for their horses before themselves. To see the D'ama broken and bleeding was like seeing a family member after they'd crawled away being jumped by a group. One thing did make K'tala smile to herself, that the D'ama had done a hell of a lot of damage before she was shut down and if they played their cards right she could return one day, stronger then ever. She would make sure her Father himself, A Rear Admiral who commanded the Empires Corps of Engineers, worked on it.

[USS Achilles: Outside the XO's quarters]

Ayren turned and leaned against the bulkhead next to the door. The smell of Don's blood nearly made her heave. It was not the blood as such, but the shock of the violence of his death. "It happened moments ago....." she said softly. "The close.....I can still sense his presence....." she told Da'nal.

Da`nal head turned sharply as did the others there. His mate had everyone's undivided attention. "Where?!"

Aeryn got her own emotions under control and closed her eyes to help her concentrate. "About three decks down.... Damn!! He is disappearing.... " she said, opening her eyes. "He is no longer on the ship..... transported?" she half asked.

"With all the trasporter and shuttle activity with the evacuation and emergency teams he could be anywhere on the Dama..." The Dama crew and survivors from the station were not suspect and needed to be evacuated. If thte killer was over there they needed to keep him there. "Computer, lock out all transport request from Achilles crewmembers without my authorization and seal the shuttle bay doors."

"Acknowledged; all transport requests now require command authorization."

[IKS D'ama]

Kre had received a message on his padd regarding the transport requests as well as the reason for it. "Qal'vath!!" he swore. Most of his staff was still on the ship. If there was a possibility of a murderer on his ship, he couldn't contact the senior staff by normal communication. He sent a message via the padd to Charg, who was busy with the search.


Captain Kretorg of the House of Torath
CO IKS D'ama

Captain D'anal of the House Varal
CO USS Achilles (Chris)

Commander Charghwl'lH, sona of Soval
XO, IKS D'ama

Lieutenant Commander Ktala of the House of Valdyr
CEO, IKS D'ama

Chief Warrant Officer 1st Class Pr'Tern
EO USS Achilles (NPC Chris)


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