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A high ranking Murder!!

Posted on 20 Feb 2012 @ 4:43am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,290 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Decks 7 & 3 (XO's Qtrs)

So far Ciara had managed to stay below the radar so to speak. Her hands hugged her upper arms as she walked to her assigned guest quaters. First they were transported off the station and ended up a cargobay on the Klingon ship. There they were basically contained, that was the term the Klingon Captain used. There was no time to blame him, he basically saved their lives and they were only there for a few hours.

People shouldered past her in the now overfull corridors of the USS Achilles. The whole surviving crew of the D'ama had been transported over and were instructed to report to sickbay. She had been there three times already, but everytime the long cue put her off. More than 300 of the D'ama crew had survived, and adding to it the survivirs from SB 24, and they were all taxing sickbay. Of course, she could simply say her name and rank and she would promplty jump right to the front. The thought sent a shiver down her spine. Suddenly Commander Brannagh sounded a million light years away.

Ayren had her hands full with debriefing the guests on the ship. It was not so much the Klingon crew, they saw death as glorious and were mostly in good spirits. That meant they were obnoxious and gruff and loud. But the survivors from the station, they were Federation species and for teh most part had lost someone dear to them at the hands of the Kzinti. She weaved thoiugh the throng, ignoring most of what her senses picked up.

Someone attracted her attention thought and her eyes fell on the unassuming red haired woman walking slowly close to the side of the passage.

Ciara became aware of someone looking at her and she lifted her green eyes briefly to look straight into the black enquiring orbs of the dark haired counselor. ~A Betazoid!~ Alarm flickered in her eyes, met by understanding in the other woman's eyes.

As she walked passed, Aeryn stopped to look at the disappearing back of the other woman. ~She wanted to avoid me.... I wonder why...." Her PADD quickly told her the identity of the person. A frown furrowed her brow. She did sense incredible loss. As she read further, she understood, hoping that she could talk to her when she was ready. "Dammit!! " she said, grinding her teeth in a flash of anger at their ruthless enemy. "Focus Ayren.... you are not a Klingon!" she stated to herself.

Ciara also turned slightly instinctively at the momentarily connection to see if she was friend or enemy, but then walked on slowly, disturbed and scared. Usually she would have pulled herself together, but not today.

Ayren was about to turn into sickbay to fetch her next appointment, when she gasped, her eyes widening in shock. She spun around on her heels and called a mediacal team to stand with her.

=^= Kelan to D'anal, meet me at Commander Killian's Quarters, now! =^= she said with urgency. "Kelan to security, send a team to Commander Killian's quaters now!"

[Ready Room]

Da`nal looked across at his counter part from the D'ama. He and the Kretorg had had heated words...almost to blows about how the D'ama was destroyed. However the urgency in Aryen's voice told him something was very very wrong.

Kretorg frowned when he heard the voice on the other side. He knew Aeryn, met her at his and Zaria's ceremony, she was X'aedell's cousin and D'anal's mate. How small could the universe be? "How's Commander Killian?" he asked, all differences aside now, as he and D'anal started to make their way to Killain's quarters.


Dez was working side by side with the Achilles EMH and medical staff. She had expected that the Achilles would have had a full medical staff but was mistake. The ship was running almost critically low on medical personnel, and as a result the corridor was packed as the wounded waited to be seen. To he delight, Rebecca had been ablse to be downloaded and tranferred the Achilles. and was in the taking care of those only needing minor attention.

The comm sounded barely audible over the noise. "A medical team?!" There just wasn't enought staff to send a team. The Dama's CMO turned to the EMH. "I got this...Sickbay to Shuttle bay. Rebecca transfer yourself to Sickbay immediately."

[Deck 7]

"Computer initiate emergency transport for me and the medical team to Commander Killians Quaters now, authorisation code Kelan334 Bravo 9XX, "

"Transport initiated" teh computer responded and Ayren and the team disappeared.

Ciara felt her heart racing as she watched what transpired and something nearly responded, but she suprressed it. "No.... not.... " she whispered to herself, hugged herself more tightly and walked on.

[Deck 3 - outside the XO's quarters]

Split second later, Ayren and the team arrived in front of Don's quarters. "Where is securitry!?" Ayren asked anxiously.

Da`nal and Kretorg arrived before the security team and heard the comment. "Ayren, what's wrong?!"

Clearly anxious, Ayren pointed to the door. "It's Don, he... he's dead!" she said.

Da`nal bolted for the door but it didn't open at his approach. "Computer! release the lock on my authorization.!"

"Unable to comply, lock and door servos have been physical seperated from all control systems."

Stepping back he drew his phaser and vaporized the door panel. Shoving the remaining panel into its housing he looked in and stopped. His XO laid sprawled over the central table in a pool of blood. His throat had been cut and a knife...a D'k tahg was buried in his chest. The Dama's CMO tried to push past, but Da`nal's arm came up blocking her path.

Dez tried to push through but to no avail His knuckles were white from his grip on the door frame. "CAPTAIN!"

Da`nal was too familiar with the scent of death and knew there was no helping him. "See to the living Doctor."

He turned as the security team arrived. They were haggered and worn, no doubt from the evacuation and recovery efforts. "Seal the room and recall Lt. Mackenzie from the Dama. No One is to enter until she arrives."

Ayren turned and leaned against the bulkhead next to the door. The smell of Don's blood nearly made her heave. It was not the blood as such, but the shock of the violence of his death. "It happened moments ago....." she said softly. "The close.....I can still sense his presence....." she told Da'nal.

Da`nal head turned sharply as did the others there. His mate had everyone's undivided attention. "Where?!"

Aeryn got her own emeotions under control and closed her eyes to help her concentrate. "About three decks down.... Damn!! He is disappearing.... " she said, opening her eyes. "He is no longer on the ship..... transported?" she half asked.

"With all the trasporter and shuttle activity with the evacuation and emergency teams he could be anywhere on the Dama..." The Dama crew and survivors from the station were not suspect and needed to be evacuated. If thte killer was over there they needed to keep him there. "Computer, lock out all transport request from Achilles crewmembers without my authorization and seal the shuttle bay doors."

"Acknowledged; all transport requests now require command authorization."

Da`nal looked back at what remained of his First Officer and all he could do is wonder why. ~Your blood shall be avenged.~ He turned back to Ayren, looking down at her. "Are you up for this?"

Aeryn nodded, white as a sheet. Her eyes flicked to Da'nal's face, as she sensed the Klingon sense for revenge. She didn't say anything to stop him, at that point she agreed with him.



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