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Posted on 20 Feb 2012 @ 4:39am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,035 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: IKS D'ama


"There is a lot of ship to cover and since the sensors are down we don't know what we are going to find. Team with Lornik here and sweep...."

The XO's instructions were interrupted by the sounds of transporter effects and everyone took cover or a ready position. Ready for combat, but he stood as he made out humanoid forms and Starfleet uniforms.


"Stand down." Charg stepped forward towards the team that just beamed over.

"Lt. Saunders, USS Achilles, Sir we have orders to help clear the wounded."

Charg looked to the men with him and returned his gaze to the Federation team. "We are... were sweeping the ship for possible intruders."

"No need Commander, the Achilles swept the ship with its sensors when we arrived. There is a Kzinti ship nearby but they are dead in space and out of transporter range."

Charg knew his warriors were disappointed at the realization that there was no enemy aboard to exact measure of revenge was he. His wife had been taken and was no doubt being subjected to similar tortures as Martiza had witnessed. "Very well. Take the starboard side of the ship and we will take port."

"Roger that." Saunders handed a case to the tall Klingon. "Here sir, transponders. Find any one that needs transport just place it on them. They are auto activating and the Achilles will transport upon detection."

Charg raised a slightly annoyed eyebrow. I know how they work Lieutenant, but thank you."

With a nod the Federation team departed and Charg waved his people on and tossed the transponders to the Marine. Let’s get to work."

Kane caught the transponders and came close to dropping them. Then he shouldered his rifle and walked off down the corridor after the XO. "It's so quiet" he said under his breath.

Charg's sharp ears heard the comment with ease but ignored it. They made their way through section after section. The warriors they found near death they finished their journey, sending them to Sto Vo Kor with honor. Those found closer to life they tagged and the Achilles transporters whisked them away.

After a short time a call came up from of the Klingon members of the search team. "Commander. One of the station survivors is ahead but there is debris blocking our way."


"Yes sir."

After all the dead they had found the prospect of life was pleasing thought and he called to the others. "Lets Go!"

Lieutenant Kane joined the other in attempting to remove the debris. Childishly for some reason he hoped it was a female and he mentally slapped himself, and dug into tearing away at the debris. "We are coming, don't move ok?"

~Starfleet!?~ Ciara thought with elation, though she couldn't work out how that could be. She was expecting Kzinti. Ciara breathed out slowly, trying to calm the uncontrollable fear that took hold of her. "I can't move anyway," she answered the voice. "I am pinned, but I think I am okay...." she said.

Charg examined the wreckage that was pinning the Federation officer. She wasn't Dama crew...must be one of the survivors from the station. "We can try to cut you out or we can tag you with a transponder for emergency transport to the USS Achilles' sickbay. I'm not detecting any injuries so I'd prefer to save the tags. However there is a risk. You must choose."

Ciara had enough time so survey her predicament. "It will take you about five minutes to cut me loose, I am solidly trapped. If you have the time and man power, do that, otherwise beam me out," she said, sounding a little like the executive officer she was on board the station.

Charg and the other Klingons grimaced slightly; they had the manpower but not the time. They had crewmembers to find and some that maybe dying and in need of assistance and this human wanted either their time or their resources. She could have easily waited until their sweep was finished or another team arrived.

He waved for his team to proceed and they filed past the Starfleet Commander.

Ciara grind her teeth in frustration. She had been there for at least 2 hours already, and though uncomfotable, she could last for a few more. Unaware of the situation for the rest of the ship and unable to see the team clearly from where she was lying, she had no idea what was happening. "Or come back for me....just don't forget me here...!" she said, closing her eyes.

Charg knelt as the last of his people filed past and looked into the debris pile to see the woman with her cheek resting on her hand. Slipping his arm in he slapped a transponder on her forearm it beeped and started to flash as it activated. ...But nothing happened

Ciara also expected to return, but there she was still stuck. "And now?" she asked, more to herself than anything else. She checked the tag, but hat seemed to be working fine. With a questioning gaze she looked at the Klingon commander. ~Looks like a hybrid.... Vulcan?? Very unusual...~. She never got to see the XO of the Klingon ship.

Puzzled himself he replied. "Well you should have been transported to the Achilles."

"Commander, leave me here, I am not going anywhere..." she said with a wry smile.

"Very well, I will notify the Achilles and see that they send a team to get you out." He stood and rejoined his team in their search for survivors and called for the Commanders extraction.

Those they found that needed to be tagged for retrieval had had the same effect...nothing happened he called the Achilles again. He was informed that all transport requests from a Federation signal from the Dama to the Achilles required Command approval.

~What the hell is going on?~

Soon after that, a team arrived and escorted Ciara to the Achilles, where she was shown guest quarters and informed to report to sickbay.


Commander Charghwl'lH, son of Soval
XO, IKS D'ama
(by Da'nal)

2nd Lieutenant Logan Kane
USS Achilles

Commander Ciara Brannagh
XO SB 24 - survivor
(NPC by Sharon)


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