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It's outta the bag now - Part 3

Posted on 19 Feb 2012 @ 4:58pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Romulan Refugee Camp

[Tal Shiar Bunker]

The databanks had been dumped and the only computer functioning would allow for basic communications and allow them to monitor the situation. From the monitors they watched as the Federation forces were closing and in force.

Their "guest" had been worked over pretty good and was currently unconscious. The Sub-Commander was now in command the Major having died from his injuries from the impact of the orbital debris. She took a deep breath and looked at her security escort. "Open the door...I'm going to meet our visitor."

[Kzinti Forces]

The sentry towers they had erected were nothing more than smoking ruins and the Federation transports had streaked past them to the center of the compound. "PREPARE TO ATTACK!! WE SHALL AVENGE OUR BROTHERS AND THE HUMANS WILL LEARN WHAT FEAR TRULY IS!"

The assembled troops let out a might roar and they rushed inward toward the compound.

[Marine Perimeter]

Velez manned his position with the rest of the Marines. Their ensure the extraction team had time to recover Longwinter.

"TOP! We have enemy forces closing fast!"

"Roger that." =^= Ground One to Eagle Eye prepare the welcome mat! =^=

=^= "Rodger that Top. Eagle Eye to teams one thru four, go hot. Engage targets as they present themselves, anything that comes over the ridge line. =^=

Each team chimed in as 4 teams of 4 Mk 17 missile launchers shouldered their ordinance and flipped off the safeties while scanning the ridge lines. Not more than 60 seconds later....the first Kzinti assault craft began to appear on the sensor arrays. At almost 10,000 meters, the first calls of "Team * Firing" came through the communications channels, to be repeated several times as the missile teams fired and reloaded as fast as their comrades could slam fresh missiles into the launcher tubes.

[Kzinti Reinforcements]


Two of the five craft exploded in mid air, a third took serious damage and was loosing altitude fast.

[Marine Perimeter]

The warriors rushing into the Romulan compound quickly found themselves facing a wall of Federation phaser fire.

Velez held his position and another Kzinti went down as they again rushed their position. A barrage of Kzinti heavy weapons erupted taking one Marine in the head and the unlucky Marine vaporized before they could blink. He slapped in another power cell and changed the setting on his weapon...time for the gloves to come off. "SET ALL WEAPONS TO MAXIMUM!!"

[Marine Perimeter]

As the Kzinti formation broke apart, the missile teams quickly picked up their gear and scattered into the rocks, hiding from the return fire that came sailing down from the sky after them. Several Marines and Volunteers were vaporized outright.

=^= "Eagle Eye to all Air Two, you are a go." =^=

Stone's craft as well as several others decloaked and jumped the Kzinti craft that had scattered, leaving their wing-men out of position and unable to immediately help. The Kzinti air assets now maneuvering to counter the air attack took their attention from the Missile Teams that had previously harassed them. Those teams started peaking back out of their holes and reloading.

Velez watched as the reinforcements scattered. ~That should take the fight out of them~, he thought as the air battle took shape. However he was dead wrong as the Kzinit ground troops again rushed their position. It was a desperate fight and they were relentless. One even made it past their line but fell dead as he lept the barrier they had established.

Suddenly there was a new barrage of weapons fire; not Federation weapons either. He whipped around in the direction of the weapons fire. To his utter surprise the refugees had gotten weapons and were fighting aiding them. The weapons weren't much, only hand held disruptors, but they were providing cover fire for himself and his Marines. "Ground One to Eagle Eye. We just got some unexpected reinforcements!"


The Romulan Sub-Commander monitored the events as they unfolded. She looked to several armed Centurians. "Get out there and assist and bring their wounded in here!"

Their surprise was genuine but they obeyed.

Her aid came to her and whispered, "Do think this is wise?"

She leaned in and replied, "The Major is dead and he with his cronies were the only ones to deal with the Federation Marine. They are all dead. We help them and we might just survive this...and get the information we need."

[Outside the Bunker]

Jason was surprised as hell to see the Romulan refugees firing against the Kzinti, but was even more surprised when heavily armed Romulan Centurions rushed from the bunker and took up covering positions while their leader ran over to Malluk and others to Cyfian and Dawn.

"Come with us!"



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