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It's outta the bag now - Part 2

Posted on 19 Feb 2012 @ 4:44pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & 1st Lieutenant Corisk Malluk & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper & Captain Derek Longwinter

1,157 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Romulan Refugee Camp


As all this was happening, the shuttles lifted off, the main assault element pushing out and a couple minutes later, the reserve and command element following. They hugged the ground as they made their way through the mountains. Stone followed the progress in his tactical display as the icons followed the topographical display. "Pilot come right to 134, mark 39 and set us down on the ridgeline that will be at your 3 o'clock. Set the missile batteries in and push out your security element. Let's get this done quick...if the Kzinti try to fly in reinforcements on short notice...I want a little surprise for them.

The pilot nodded and the craft banked right....


Velez watched the sensors and waited until the Major's cloaked shuttle took its position then clapped a hand on the pilot in his transport. "Let's get this show on the road."

He didn't have to tell her what needed to be done. They used the mountains as cover as long as they could but eventually the cluster of Wyvern transports blasted out of the mountains headed straight for the Romulan camp and his Captain.


Velez remained calm. "That was to be expected. Keep us low and fast." Heading back to the rear he addressed his team as the shuttle buffeted and jinked as it closed on their target. "LOCK AND LOAD MARINES! Remember the Romulans were our guests here so don't fire on them unless fired upon."

[Romulan Camp - Tal Shiar bunker]

"Sub-Commander! Federation craft coming out of the mountains closing fast!"

The Major was still recovering from his injuries he received from the debris that fell from orbit and was still unconscious. "Number and Type?!"

"Three Wyvern troop transports..."

'Three!...That's potentially over one hundred troops! They must be coming for the Marine Captain...." She only had moments to decide. "Let them have him. Begin wiping the database and let the Kzinti know!"

[Kzinti Forces]

The detachment that had been sent to intercept the Federation signal that had been detected earlier had remained in the area to 'assist' the Romulans. The bodies of the dead had been vaporized and the debris now sat in pile just outside the camp. Another patrol was preparing to head out when the alarm went up. "FEDERATION FORCES APPROACHING FAST!! ALL WARRIORS PREPARE FOR COMBAT!"

Inside the transport acting as a command post another order was given. "Notify Command that we have Federation troops on the planet....and request re-enforcements."

[Command post]

Cloaked on the ridge line overlooking the Tal-Shiar facility, Stone nodded to the Communications Officer. Then Opened a new channel to Valez.

=^= "Valez, we have massively increased communications traffic....this isn't a secret anymore, looks like we're about to become the main attraction. =^=

He tapped another channel over. =^= "Missile Teams standby....we're about to have company" =^= "Teams 1-3 prep your tubes." =^=

[Inbound Wyvern Transports]

Velez hoped the Major didn't show their hand too soon. =^=Roger That!=^=

"Prepare for a rapid deployment...No touch down!"

The transports blasted blast the sentry tower as the lead craft took them out. they pulled up fast and began dropping Marine into the center of the compound.

Jason grabbed Cyfian as they jumped for the deck followed by the rest of his 'team' and 20 other Marines.

Cyfian hit the deck with a crunch after being 'helped' off the transport by Jason. His feet stun harshly but his training and instincts kicked in. Lifting his rifle he examined the area, searching for any hostile movements. It wasn't easy. The dust from the ground swirled into the air and danced awkwardly in Cyfian's eyes and lungs. The scene in front of him was mass panic and confusion. Refugee's running in all directions made it difficult to find targets. Any shot fired would have to be perfect.

Staying crouched down he turned his head to the rest of his squad and Jason, waiting for the nod to continue towards the compound.

SSgt Jason Frey was in his element, though at the moment there was no enemy to engage...yet. There objective, the central compound that they had been informed was being used by the Tal Shiar and could hold Captain Longwinter. It was a long shot but it was the only thing they had to go on. The teams were advancing rapidly and it was their turn. They had a long good secure path now and he gave the word and his squad was on the run. "Let’s go!"

Dawn quickly fell to the ground, careful to miss her wound, she let out a grunt as her trying to miss, didn't help very much pain wise. She wanted to scream, only to be told to go. She forced herself up again, only to feel her stomach tear again. She held her abdomen, as she ran, throwing her rifle over her shoulder and pulling out her phaser.

Of all the things to happen...fortunately they weren't under fire. Yet. "Cyfian! Help Dawn!"

Cyfian slung his rifle over his shoulder and ran to Dawn. He wrapped his arm around her to give some support. "Sergeant we better get you into cover so we can take a closer look at your wound."

Dawn nodded, she couldn't argue, Cyfian was right.

Upon the rapid deployment of his marines; Malluk ordered them to move out and secure the buildings immediately close. "Cyfian. Report..." Running up with a phaser to cover them as helps them to cover."

"Sergeant Brianna has been... injured sir. She needs medical attention." Replied Cyfian keeping pressure on her wound.

"I can still fight." Dawn said to Cyfian, "I just need to patch it up again."

"What do you mean AGAIN?" Growls and snipes a Ksinti who poked his head around a corner and was vaped. "We will discuss this later. Cyfian GET her back to the transport THAT is a order." While moving with them he covers there retreat.

"Malluk to Stone. Site secure 1 injured on Alpha. Taking fire from perimeter defenses and will maintain. Recommend a tight Delta Defense. Snipers covering the rooftops for extraction." As Malluk opens fire rapidly while a explosion came from a grenade nearby.

Grabbing the LT's arm, shouting over the fight only 100 yards away. "Sir the transports dusted off after we were dropped. We need to get into that bunker, Capt Longwinter is supposed to be in there. We can't pull back now anyway. We get in there and we can take care of Dawn at the same time!"

"Fine. Bravo Squad. Secondary Site. Get over there and secure it." Growls and yells in return as the Phaser and Disruptor fire increases. "Malluk to Sniper 4 and 5. Move to Secondary and Range the buildings for Aerial support. Inform Fireteams to Set up Mortars." He was grazed by a disruptor over the right shoulder and pushed the Sgt and Corpsman to the ground. Firing as he hit the ground hard cracking his wrist.



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