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Posted on 19 Feb 2012 @ 4:17pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

774 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Bridge - IKS Dama

The Achilles transporter room vanished to be replaced by the darkness and smoke filled bridge of the Dama. A team from the Achilles was already there dealing with the wounds of the living and assessing the damage to the Klingon ship. Looking about he saw that Charg was nowhere to be seen, but now was not the time and he set aside the concern for his friend and stepped under a fallen beam to the Captain of the Dama.

Sarah was already getting to work, Surveying the ship for survivors.

"Seems your ship has seen better days Captain."

Kre swung around to face the other Klingon. The adrenaline of the near death battle was still raging through his veins and he glared at D'anal. "And it will see those days again," Kre said tightly.

Da`nal didn't have to look at the damage the ship had taken. The scans had told him what he had needed to know, that the Dama's days were most likely over. At present the ship was barely spacewothy...definately not able to make even half impulse. "Of that I have no doubt, but that day is not today. I have emegerncy teams throughout your ship with orders to evacuate all."

"maJ," Kre said. They had fought hard and had been since they were attacked weeks ago. Totally outgunned and outnumbered, they barely made it and had surprising little loss of life. Frankly, he wondered how they even made it this far. "My crew have fought hard and honorable for more than 6 weeks, treat them well," Kre commented.

A blooded and injured Tu'rocK emerged from the darkness and smoke clutching a klingon PADD "The preliminary battle." he groaned as stumbled toward the captain.

Kre grabbed his arm to steady him. "Good to see you are still alive! We live to die another day," Kre said. "Gather whatever data you can and transfer it to the Achilles," Kre said. With Kronyx gone rogue, he had to lean on Tu'rock to handle the sensitive data.

This was a tactical nightmare. Kre would blow the D'ama, but it could still be repaired and the Klingon Empire needed every ship in this war, especially after the loss of the shipyards of m'Icha. They needed to protect the technology and the sensitive data though. Kre shouted the order to be carried by word of mouth, that all crew were to cooperate and be transported to the Achilles. "Have Charg and K'tala report to me. Soran, stay here. Tell Dez to transfer Rebecca to the Achilles sickbay for now," he orderd his yeoman.

"luq!" Tu'rocK replied as he limped over to one of tactical consoles that were still usable.

After getting one of the Klingon officer on his feet, Sarah walked over to Da'nal "Sir, how much of the Klingon crew will we be taking on board?"

Da`nal looked at his Security Chief. "All of them. There is no time to repair the Dama and we can't tow the ship across enemy territory. Coordinate the evacuation with your counterpart." Looking over to his own counterpart. "Captain, if you would care to join me back on the Achilles you can fill me in on what happened."

Kre nodded, slowly taking what remained of the bridge of the Dama, and who remained of his officers. This was not what he wanted, but there was no time to allow himself to dwell on his frustrations. Ever the opportunist, Kre would endeavor to turn this for his advantage. Not yet. "I will see you shortly, Captain. First I need to oversee securing the vessel..." Kre said.

He turned to Soran and motioned her to follow him to what used to be his ready room.

Da`nal watched the back of the Klingon recede as he walked away. He had expected more of a fight at the prospect of leaving his ship behind. "Hmmm..." He then turned back towards the pair of Tactical officers who were working together to evacuate and secure the ship, and instead of interrupting he tapped his commbadge and let them continue their work. "Da`nal to Achilles. Launch all available shuttles to aid in the evacuation and beam me to the bridge."

As the transporter took hold he nodded to Mackenzie.

Sarah caught part of the Captains nod as she turned around. Allowing a slight smile, she turned back to where her Counterpart was working.


Captain Da`nal
USS Achilles

Cantain Kretorg of the House of Torath
IKS D'ama

SoghHom Tu'rocK of the House of Ghawran
Assit.Chief Teactical/Security officer
IKS D'ama

Lieutenant Sarah Morigan-Mackenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Achilles


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