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Opertunity Knocks

Posted on 12 Feb 2012 @ 10:32am by

406 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Intel office
Timeline: At the end of "Recon from hell"


Silonez was going over the third stack of reports to come through the doors, things were not going as well as they could. The edge technologically was still in the Kzinti court, he'd sent three proposals to command about going on a salvage mission to recover more complete kzinti ships and attempt to study them to no success.

He looked at the disposition list right now, with most of the ships assigned to this front engaged or needing major repairs it was going to be difficult to get a ship even if he could get his mission approved. As he continued to look at the reports he kept running into the same problem. The Kzinti were using some kind of advanced torpedo system that seemed to fire the torpedoes at near warp velocities, USS Trafalgar barely escaped after this system was identified.

In another case USS New Jersey managed to evade several strikes by maneuvering at full impulse but they exceeded the design limits for there ship class. This was becoming more and more life things were not going to be solved in the normal starfleet way, the engineers needed a Kzinti ship.

Silonez was going to get one if it meant court martial so the first thing was he needed to find a ship, he kept scrolling through the massive file of ships in the general area, then as he continued he saw something that would meet the need. USS Walker a Defiant class ship was sitting at starbase 67 with nothing more than a care taking crew.

He looked over the roster, there wasn't enough officers in the region to crew it, and he didn't want to start looking at the ranks of cadets at the academy. He looked intelligence rosters and found a couple of familiar names, but none of these officers had anything beyond basic starship operations.

He paused and decided to collect his thoughts, He was going to go talk to the Captain about this plan, and he didn't care what the results were the Federation needed an advantage and there wasn't much he could do without a kzinti ship.

As he left the office to go talk to the CO he knew it was going to be interesting to say the least, this was not going to be an easy sell either but if this war was going to be ended starfleet needed an advantage.


Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson


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