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A Good day to Die - Part 5

Posted on 28 Jan 2012 @ 8:22pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

791 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: USS Achilles / IKS Dama - near the remains of SB 24

[USS Achilles]

While the ship was still completing its flip. "Computer, Automated Multi-Vector Assualt Mode! Tika, seperate the sections just enough to all weapons fire from each!"

The roll complete, Lucas executed the last phase of the maneuver, he fired the thrusters that rolled the ship another 180 degrees, this time on its x axis. The Achilles had "righted" herself.

Tika complied, moving the three sections only 15 meters above one another.

[KWS Bloodlust]

The young warrior saw the seperation but misunderstood what he was seeing. "...Confirmed Commander the ship is breaking up!"

Leaning forward the Kzinti Commander tasted victory but wanted to end them himself. "Disengage D-Drive!"

However as the ship burst into normal space the emerged not to find a shattered and helpless starship but the waiting teeth of a Prometheus Class Starship. The Commanders mouth opened to shout an order but nothing was heard.

[USS Achilles]

The Kzinti warship dropped into normal space with a flash of energy, and just as the process began the order had been given. "FIRE!"

Sarah frantically moved her hands across her console, trying to keep each section of the ship both within firing range of the Kzinti ship and far enough away from each other so their weapons fire wouldn't hit another section of the ship.

After only a few seconds of blasting away, Tika turned toward the center chair. "Captain, sensors are reading multiple hull-breaches. There venting oxygen."

Da`nal had not intention of leaving that ship intact. There could be no one left to know the Federation was in the area. "TARGET THOSE BREACHES AND THEIR PRIMARY POWER SOURCE.....DESTROY. THAT SHIP!"

"Yes sir" Sarah responded as she moved to the targeting controls. Just as she was about to activate the weapons, she hesitated for a moment. closing her eyes, she hit the activation button.

"They're breaking apart!" Tika said, standing up at her console. "I'm reading no life-signs." She watched the viewer as the ship exploded before their eyes.

Da`nal sat back in his chair as the fire ball tha had been a Kzinit warship faded into sparkeling bits of debris. He had shown them no mercy and at this moment he didn't care. The warrior inside him howled and sang at the glorious victory, but a small voice...a voice of Federation training told him he had gone to far. But it was the spirit of the warrior that prevailed this time.

Standing he looked about him at the faces of his bridge crew, he had only wished that his XO had been able to share in the glory. "Well done all! Again you have proven yourselves worthy to have others sing of your deeds, but our task is not yet complete."

Glancing to Tika, "Reintegrate the ship....and have a repair crew reinforce that nacelle pylon."

"Yes Sir."

As she replied he turned to Lucas, "Once reintegrated set a course back to the Dama. Best possible speed."

"Aye, aye sir," he said. The moment the ship became one again, Lucas entered the commands to take the Achilles back from where it had come.

His order acknowleged he looked to Logan. He could see the questioning of his decision in her eyes but she remained silent. He nodded to her slightly then tapped his commbadge. "Bridge to Sickbay"


During the heat of the battle a console had erupted just as Dr. Frece had sat hunched over it. He had taken the full force of the blast directly to the face and chest and now laid in the surgical bay in critical condition. The Achilles EMH had been activated by one of the nurses and was working to save his life. If he could.

It was rare for a nurse to deal with the bridge but she EMH showed no signs of acknowledging the hail. =^= Nurse Nalani, here sir. The EMH has Dr. Frece in emergency surgery. =^=

"WHAT! Never mind I will be there as soon as posible. In the mean time weare returning to the Dama. Have emergency teams standing by."

=^= Understood Captain. Cargo Bay 4 was still set up for the Marines we had and is ready to house the survivors, and the shuttle bay is ready to recieve the wounded. =^=

Da`nal did not like the idea of leave the survivors of the Dama in the hands of an EMH, not at all. However he seemed to have no choice. Returning to his seat, his yeoman approach tablet in hand with the current damage and casualty report. Reaching out to look over the data he issued a final order as they prepared to return to the crippled Klingon ship. "Secure from battlestations and maintain red yellow alert."

Sarah nodded and followed the captains orders



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