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A Good day to Die - Part 4

Posted on 20 Jan 2012 @ 8:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,024 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: USS Achilles / IKS Dama - near the remains of SB 24

[USS Achilles]

Damage and casualty reports flowed into the bridge following the point bank blasts to the underside of the Achilles. Logan had been thrown from her seat and her hair waas a mess. "Captain, Engineering reports damage to nacelle pylon #3! If we go to warp we could..."

Da`nal knew the risks but was never one to shy away. "NOTED! AFT TOPEDOES, FIRE FULL SPREAD! ENGAGE WARP 3!"

"Copy!" Sarah called, typing away. "Aft torpedoes at 50%. Forward torpedoes at 20%. Phaser banks at 10% and charging" she reported, quickly scanning each of her displays. "Forward and Ventral shields are at 50%. Aft shields are gone and I'm not getting a reading on the Dorcle shields."

Once the Achilles had completed a 360 degree arch around the Kzinti ship, Lucas plotted a new course, which took them along the enemy ship again. Once past he engaged the warp drive and the ship lept forward at 39 times the speed of light.

[KWS Bloodlust]


"Pursuit Course!"

[IKS Dama]

"Hu'tegh Starfleet petaQs!" Tu'rocK bellowed.

Charg knew the Captian of the Achilles and in a rage his blaster flew from his holster and was aimed at Tu'rock. "Hold Your Tongue! Startfleet of not that Captain is Klingon...He knows what he is doing!"

Tu'rock seeing Charg drawing his wepon instively went for one of his disruptors seeing a motion for from the secuity officer s standing behind Charg TU'rocK's hand slowly returned to tactical console,"bachHa' bop Point a wepon and I'll kill you where stand!" Tu'rocK replied.

Kre swung around, grabbing his head at the same time. "Fight the enemy, you idiot. It is NOT the time for challenges! " he growled at Turock, referring to the other Kzinti ship. If he hadn't needed him, he would have allowed Charg to kill him there and then. He could see the icy control Charg had and that was why he needed him, so for nwo he needed to get him away, lest he lost another security officer. "Go through the ship deck by deck and look who is still alive, Kill any intruders and report back to me." Kre said to Charg

Not holstering his weapon. "Yes My Lord." With that order they began the search for survivors. As the walked out his hand lashed out sending Turock to the deck. He had no choice but to deal with the blarent challenge to his authority and honor. This was the second time the warrior had challenged him..."Challenge me again and I WILL Kill you! Now see to that other Kzinti ship as the Captain ordered!" Pionting to two other officers, "You and you! Come with me. We must see to our shipmates."

The rage in Tu'rocKs was evident his teeth clenched as rose but he stayed his hand ~Your time will come~ He thought himself as returned his duties doing his best with limited wepons and no targeting sensors aiming the weapons manualy. This would diffcult enough normal conadation still Tu'rocK managed to keep the from completely overbearing them. " I think the got the message that if we go down Idammed sure taking with us." He growled.

[USS Achilles]

Logan turned in her seat to look at the Captain. "They are in pursuits Sir!"

Da`nal nooded, "As intended Ensign." The wild idea that had taken shape in his mind was either going to work, or rip the ship apart, but with out aft sheilds....

[KWS BloodLust]

"We are gaining on the Federation ship Commander."

"Prepare boarding parties...I want to know what that ship is doing in OUR territory!"

[USS Achilles]

"Sir, they're gaining on us" Sarah reported "I may be able to give us full shields but we'll have to sacrifice weapons capability to get the power needed"

"I have an idea." Silonez said as he started scrabling about "I need power to launch four torpedeos and a class 9 probe."

"What are you thinking?" Sarah asked

Da`nal took the information from his officers, incorperating what he could into his plan, butl raised a hand to stop the discussion. Normally he welcomed input from his officers but there was no time to debate. "There is no time....You can have one torpedo. Prepare to deploy it aft as a mine, to be detonated as a cover. Mr. Mason, upon its detonation immediately drop from warp....with no deceleration. Then rotate the ship on its Y axis 180 degrees."

Logan spun her head from Logn to the captain, ~Is he mad! That could shear the nacelles right off the ship!~

"Divert power from lateral sensors to hull integrity. Without the later, we won't need the former anyway." Tika said, motioning toward the Ops console.

"Aye, aye sir," Lucas answered, "Standing by to execute maneuver." It would strain the internal dampeners, but the ship would be fine, the Prometheus-class was a tough class, designed for the extreme stresses of battle.

"Computer, prepare for automated Multi-Vector Assualt mode."

Now that Captain's plans started to become clear to Lucas. The Captain was setting a trap, for the pursuing ship. Before they knew it, they would be facing not one, but three ships, all coordinated.

"Deploy, and detonate on my mark."

Sarah loaded the torpedo into the aft launcher. A look of concern flowed across her face. After it was ready, she released it, keeping a finger poised over the detonation control

Tika open ship-wide comms. "All hands, brace for full emergency stop."


Sarah hit the control, detonating the torpedo.

Coordinating the timing of the maneuver with the detonation of the torpedo, Lucas cut power to the warp engines and collapsed the warp field. With his fingers dancing across the conn panel, he fired the thrusters the flipped the Achilles forward 180 degrees. The ship was now inverted from its previous position, while still travelling in the same direction. To an outside observer it would look like the Achilles was not upside down and going backwards from its previous position.

The ship groaned under the strain as the ship cart wheeled.

[KWS Bloodlust]

"Commander! I'm reading a detonation and the Federation ship ship has dropped from warp and seems out of control!"



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