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A Good day to Die - Part 6

Posted on 04 Feb 2012 @ 10:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: USS Achilles / IKS Dama - near the remains of SB 24

[IKS Dama]

Charg found several other warriors as his team search deck by deck for survivors. The critically wounded they had come across had been given honorable deaths before they had moved on.

After forcing a door a young warrior called over to the XO. "Sir I have a survivor!" It took three of them to move the debris but the man beneath had been fortunate not to have been crush. Extending a hand he pulled the Federation survivor to his feet. "You are a lucky Marine Lieutenant. First you survived the assault on the Starbase and now this battle."

Logan Kane got slowly to his feet and brushed the dust off of his Uniform. "Thanks for digging me out of there. What is the status of the other survivors?"

"Unknown." Charg handed him a weapon. "In case we encounter any unwanted guests. In the mean time we need to see help those we can."

"Here's to hoping we do" Kane said as he checked his weapon and stepped up beside Charg. "What areas of the ship are left to cover? And if you don't mind I would like to take point."

"There is a lot of ship to cover and since the sensors are down we don't know what we are going to find. Team with Lornik here and sweep...."

The XO's instructions were interrupted by the sounds of transporter effects and everyone took cover or a ready position. Ready for combat, but he stood as he made out humanoid forms and Starfleet uniforms.

[IKS D'ama Engineering]

Fires burned everywhere, consoles sparked, the dead and dying lay about as engineers tried until the very last to hold their posts together. K'tala a few remaining quickly gave those who could not be saved their honorable deaths even as they pulled back to the secondary engineering areas. K'tala couldn't see out of one eye, her hearing was only partly there and one arm was in a sling even as part of her body was covered in burns, wounds from the exploding consoles. Even now she wouldn't die and was trying to regroup even as everything fell to pieces around her. Before she knew what was happening she felt the tingle of the transporter only to find herself in a federation ship sickbay.

"PUT ME BACK ON MY SHIP!" She roared. "I have work to do." She glared at the nearest nurse.

Sam, once Neela came down to sickbay and brought her back to her quarters, once the medics cleared her to be transported. Yet, the resident Andorian, wanted to help her friends and shipmates, despite her injuries, but those every injuries, was slowly eating away on her flesh, and the woman needed better medical attention, then what the Klingons had to offer.

As Sam, sat in her quarters, her earth Cat, O'Neill, came up and lay down onto the woman's lap and began to purr with a meow to grab her attention, and return her to the norm. Sam, looked down at her furry friend and smile as she petted him softly, while praying to the Andorian and bajoran god's for help.

[IKS D'ama bridge]

Kre slapped Soran on the back, that she nearly lost her footing."maJ!" She managed to restore some external sensors and the screen flickered into life. First thing they saw was the last of the explosions of a fire fight that happened moments ago. Debris from the Kzinti ship they were supposed to crash into, rushed through space towards the D'ama, banging against the battle weary cruiser. No other Kzinti ship was in the vicinity.

"Is there a Federation signature somewhere?" Kre asked

Once Neela, finished helping Sam, the Bajoran returned to the bridge. Upon her arrival, she took up the last station she was at, which was tactical, for the science station had fried out. But, as she took those few stepped she, couldn't help but pick up what the captain was saying, as she looked down at the display, as she adjusted the small screen.

"Yes, sir" She stated boldly "Federation signature has been detected"

"Then it was here, where the hell is it now?" Kre scowled. Just as he finished his frustrated sentence, they saw the Federation ship appear from its cloak, shimmering into their visual range.

Kre swung around to Soran. "Do we have communication yet!?" Kre barked

The trill shoved a circuit board back into the comms array controls. "External, and short range only. We'll have to get a bit closer. Maybe a thousand kilometers, we don't have the power for anything more."

Landau simply shrugged her shoulder to that answer, as she briefly looked over her left shoulder to the captain, but quickly returned the gathered information of the Kzinti's vessels.

[USS Achilles]

They arrived off the Dama port quarter. The ship was still rotating slowly out of control and Da`nal moved forward his hand coming to rest on Ens. Logan's shoulder. "Engage a tractor beam and stabilize that ship."

Looking up at the Captain she smiled. "With pleasure sir." He had gotten them out of another scrape; she wondered how long that luck would hold.

Watching as the beam reached out and captured the battered vessel. "Bridge to emergency teams, begin transport to the Dama and begin evacuations."

Finally he looked to Sarah. "You're with me Lieutenant. Mr. Mason, you have the bridge."

Sarah nodded and headed for the turbolift. She wasn't sure what help she could be, but she wasn't going to disobey an order from her CO.

Lucas paused in his seat. He knew he heard the Captain correctly, it was just that the order had taken him off guard. He was a junior Lieutenant and on a shift filled with so many other higher ranking officers, he figured he would be one of the last called up. Jumping back to reality he acknowledged the order, "Aye, aye sir." Then stood up, turn the conn to the relief officer and walked up to the center chair. He paused before it a moment, considering its size, then he sat down on the edge, not daring to lean back just yet.

Da`nal and Sarah entered the transporter room as a team beamed out and another prepared to depart. "Beam us to their bridge."

"Aye sir. It crowded in there sir what with damage."

Stepping up on the padd he looked to the transporter operator. "Understood, energize."


USS Achilles Crew:

Captain Da`nal

Lieutenant Mackenzie

Lt Cmdr Silonez Ericson

Lt Cmdr Lahtikah Phoenix-Patil
CStrat Ops

2Lt Logan Kane

IKS D'ama Crew:

Captain Kretorg of the House of Torath

Commander Charghwl'IH (Charg)

CWO Neela Landau
Asst. CsciO

Lt.JG Sa'matelaah Kata
Chief of Science

Lieutenant Maritza Soran

Lt. Commander K'tala of House Valdyr


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