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A Good day to Die - Part 2

Posted on 30 Dec 2011 @ 10:25pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,243 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Achilles / Dama - Near remains of SB 24

[USS Achilles]

It was at this critical moment that the USS Achilles dropped from warp, its weapons blazing!

The thrill of battle coursed through Captain Da'nal's veins "BAH!"

Every phaser and a constant barage of quantum torpedoes pounded the Kzinti ship directly in the Dama's path as the starship bled its moment to cover the crippled Klingon ship.

The battle had weakend the Kzinti ship enough for the Achilles weapons to penetrate the shields and destroy its target. The enemy bridge and as the ships control center vanished in a flash of energy and fire the ship dove out of control. The Dama's hull scraping along the top of the Kzinti ship.

[IKS D'ama]

The flash of quantum torpedoes was unmistakable. "CAPTAIN!! ....BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!"

"What in the name of Kahless!?" Kre's shout disappeared in the mayhem that followed. Explosions all over the bridge filled the room with smoke. Many officers were thrown from their positions as the battle cruiser skidded across the nose of it's exploding enemy.

Bracing herself for the end, Neela, had shut her and thought back to a happier point in her life, that wasn't filled with death. She saw herself, with old friends and family in a large open field enjoy the warm and light of the Bajoran sun, but she knew that it was just a dream and the end was soon upon her.

Zaria tumbled across the bridge, almost like a ball being batted around by a fierce predatory cat. She was bruised and battered and barely conscious when she came to a halt at the feet of the captain's chair.

All Kre could do was to fall over her to cover her with his own body, awaiting the final explosion that would send him and his crew into the afterlife.

Feeling his warmth and his strength over and around her, protecting her with his last breath, Zaria gruffly managed to whisper the only words she'd really mastered in Klingon: "qamuSHa' [I love you]."

Sam continued to work endlessly down in the belly of the beast of one of the Klingon's fine ship, the D'ama, spent no time, waiting for the bitter end to arrive and take her and her good friends lives, she worked cunningly and at times one would have thought of her that she was a Borg Drone, as she turned his nob to stop steam from escaping or re-programing the valves in the EGR valve to open a little more, to help increase the coolant in the weapon area more by filling the coolant chamber with exhaust CO2, in particle form, to up more space and push the cold coolant into the disruptor banks.

As toiled in the Engine room, she helped her friend Commander K'tala without questions, the resident andorian, also help rescue the injured by dragging one or two of them to the large metallic door, or patching up wounds when able. But, when she turned around to finish her tasking on keeping the D'ama afloat, the computer console, blew up in her face, sending shards of plastic and metal through the air.

Sam screamed out in pain, as bits of flesh was ripped off her, when she landed on the floor, her head smacked onto the metallic deck plate, her eyes looked to blue blood and a wiggling and twitching piece of her person.

'Damn' she thought as she felt weak and dizzy as she felt hands on her and being drag.

Sam looked up to see that it was K'tala dragging her away from the destroyed console, she couldn't hear what the Warrior was saying, but, she had an idea as to what it was, and she felt her left size of her face was numb and she couldn't feel her antenna on that side, but the resident Andorain, wanted to work, but cooler heads stated other wise, and Sam watched K'tala depart back to keeping the D'ama afloat, as she left her in the hands medics, and Sam, began to wondered as she closed her eyes and pray.

[Kziniti Warships]

The arrival of the Federtion ship ad been a total surprise, as the radition in the area was clouding their sensors. While they were within the radition "shell", created by the shear amount of antimatter detonations, thy were blind to anything outside that shell.

[USS Achilles]

"Target the next ship! FIRE!"

Quickly, Sarah changed her target to the next closest kzinti ship and opened fire.

[KWS Revenge]


"Unknown Commander!", as blast from the Achilles impacted the shields.

Had it not been for their sister ship the Klingon vessel would have collided wil them on their suicide run. Their sacrifise to protact the Revenge's cargo and research could not be in vain. The Bloodlust could deal with that Federation trash with out them.

The word soured in his mouth even before he spoke them. "Pilot, get us out of here."


"The Patriarch's orders are speed to Kzin."

Subspce ripples as the Kzinti ship engaged their D-drive and vanashed leaving the crippled Dama, the Achilles, and a full strength Kzinti Warship.

[IKS Dama]

The fires and damage had taken out the main view screen and senced the ships departure through his link with his wife. "Capatin they ship with our crew has left!"

Under other circumstances, a flame of rage would have burnt in him, but he felt ice cold fingers grip his heart. He hoped that they would be able to commit Hegh'bat, if they had not already. This was not how he thought they would die. "May they die well!" he said slowly.

Neela utter a bajoran curse, upon hearing the news of the departure of the hostage ship, but was glad to see, or in this case, read that an friendly ship was near. Of course, the woman, looked down at the tactical screen, and briefly gave a report of how many we're lost and with a shock look on her face, to see who was injured, yet she gave the injured list as well.

"Report!" Kre said, turning his attention back to the fight.

"...Lt. Sa'amtelaah Kata injured, sir" stating with fear in her voice in losing her friend, but she had to remain focus as she study the data coming in from the surrounding space and the sub-space ripple that was left behind.

"Also, there our multi-ripples in subspace in the area." Neela stated

Kre couldn't even order them to plot a persuit course. The D'ama was crippled. "get every single bit of information about those ripples, anything that could identify those ships later. This is not finished!" he said with vengence.

"Aye sire" she stated as she began to back track the information, then uploaded information to a data pad, before turning to look at the captain

"Sir, permission to head to sickbay and help with the injured" she asked with concern in her voice, hoping to see Sam.

"Go ahead, get Damark he..." Kre remebered that Damark was injured too. "Soran, get Soran here.." he ordered.

[USS Achilles]

Danal watched as the wounded ship vanished. "REPORT!"

"The damaged ship has disengaged, jumping out of the system" Sarah reported, not looking up from her console "the other ship seems to be staying behind"

"Track Them! We need to draw the remaining ship away from the Dama!" Da`nal just hoped the Kzinti would think the crippled ship wasn't worth the effort.



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