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It's outta the bag now - Part 1

Posted on 30 Dec 2011 @ 8:08am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,127 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Planet Mercer - Marine Camp

With Staff Sgt Frey's help the planning of the recovery operation had gone fairly quickly. There was still some unknowns...key of them was in Longwinter was even there; but that was arisk they had to take. If her wasn't they would find out just what the Romulan's were hiding there. One thing was matter who or what they found there presence on Mercer would be known to the Kzinti.

Once they took out the guard towers they were to land in the center of the camp. His teams were to establish a perimeter while the other head into the area on the search and recovery mission. They only estimated the Kzinit to have a token force...but he never put any stock in estimates.

The sky was still black as Velez, Frey, and the other NCO's did a final check walk through as the Marines gered up. "Morning sweethearts....Another Glorious day in the Corps. Every meals a banquet...every formation a parade. I LOVE THE CORPS! I want everyone on deck and ready to load in 15! Lets go people!"

Major Stone quietly moved up next to the 1SGT as he was coordinating the loading of the assault craft. "Damn fine morning this morning Top. "

Velez nodded as he watched the troops finish their preperations. 'Yes sir. Nothing like a good fire fight to start off the day."

Stone nodded, "I'll be monitoring the situation as it develops from the air with the reserve element. If things go south, you do two, grab everyone you can and move south back towards the mountains, we'll drop behind them and keep them busy, then disengage and join you after you have cleared the area." Maj. Stone looked at the men and women eagerly moving around and making final arrangements, equal mixture of fear, nervous energy and the smiles associate with the preoperational black humor all visible.


Cyfian finished up his routine equipment checks. Engaging a fresh energy clip, the rifle gave a satisfying hum. With one quick press the scope emerged, staring directly at an officers bottom. ~What a shot that would be~ Cyfian chuckled to himself. After a few minutes all the check were complete. He even had time to ensure his combat knife was freshly sharpened and cleaned. The blade glistened in the light as he made it dance in his hands, before placing it back into its holster.

Though looking calm on the outside Cyfian's stomach would disagree. Not sure whether it was the excitement, fear or just the rations he had earlier, his stomach felt like a shuttlecraft crash landing on a planet. Whatever it was, his gut was telling him this would be an interesting operation.

Jason had caught the glint of a blade ffrom the corner of his eye and head over to the junior Marine. "How you do'n Harper?"

Cyfian looked up. "I'm doing good sir. I'll just be glad to see the end of this planet." Darting his eyes from side to side and moving in closer to Jason he whispered "Any word from Dawn sir?"

"Can't disagree with that; but as everyone else just got here I have a feeling we will be here for a while." He looked in the direction of the medical bunker. "Well if I know her she'll try something stupid and go UA from medical."


Dawn laid in the medical bed, waiting for the nurse to leave, then got up and quickly made her way out of the medical tent, away from the doctors. She held her side as she half jogged over to where everyone was getting ready, picking up a weapon along the way.

Velez nodded to the Major and stepped towards the Marines prepping for the Op. "ALL RIGHT PEOPLE; Let's Do this. You know your ssignments. LOAD UP!

The air was filled with the sounds of controled chaos as team leaders counted off the personnel in their shuttles or transports.

Seeing the straggler joining one of the lines he grabbed a bag at his feet looking back at the Major. "See ya back on the ground sir."

Stone nodded, "Give 'em hell Top. I'll be there."

Shouldering the pack he head over to where the "straggler" had fallen into place and as the Marine was about to board he snatched her by the collar...revealing the medical smock that was under the Marines battle dress. "A were do you think you are going Sergeant?"

"To fight with ya'll." Dawn replied, "Sir, please I would like to go." she begged, really wanting to go, although she was already wounded once.

Velez lifted the rim of his helmet as he played at considering her request. "You know the doc will class ya as UA."

"I know sir, Oh well." Dawn grinned, "Rather be out here, then at the medical bay."

Unslinging the pack on his shoulder he dropped it at he feet. "I thought as much. Here, I took the liberty of grabbing your gear. It'll work better that set you....borrowed."

"Well aren't you sweet." She smiled at Velez, "Glad you got it."

Velez smirked slightly. "Well hurry up and change over." He then thumbed over to the Wyvern that was loding up, "Oh and you team is over there in the main transport."

Stone saw the exchange and suppressed his smirk. He couldn't blame her. He likely would have done the same thing she was doing. He turned and walked towards his waiting shuttle, checking his rifle one last time and climbing up into the craft. The hatch swung closed behind him and he took his seat behind the pilot, where multiple displays helped him to see information streaming in from multiple sources. There were 2 other stations like this in the craft where extra interfaces had been rigged into the shuttle to allow a smaller operations team to help coordinate from the craft. He adjusted his helmet and started to organize the data flow, designating quick references and short cuts so he could pull up recurring messages and items in a hurry.

As all this was happening, the shuttles lifted off, the main assault element pushing out and a couple minutes later, the reserve and command element following. They hugged the ground as they made their way through the mountains. Stone followed the progress in his tactical display as the icons followed the topographical display. "Pilot come right to 134 mark 39 and set us down on the ridgeline that will be at your 3 o'clock. Set the missile batteries in and push out your security element. Let's get this done quick...if the Kzinti try to fly in reenforcements on short notice...I want a little surprise for them.

The pilot nodded and the craft banked right....



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