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If We're Going to Work Together...Part 1

Posted on 08 Jan 2012 @ 11:22pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

983 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517 - USS Achilles, Docking Port / Ready Room
Timeline: Serious Back Post - Before the On-set of Mission


If there was one place Ash had never thought of being in, it was a state of war...

Kzinti had swept through the sector with remarkable ferocity, no doubt they had been planning this offensive for many years, maybe even longer then both Ash and Vere had been alive, combined. For most of the last year, war had dominated her career and Ash was headed back into the foray of battle, to serve on a Warship despite what Starfleet said about "A long range, tactical explorer".

She rested on her side against the docking port's walls, awaiting the arrival of her Captain to officially welcome her aboard. Her position as a senior officer demanded protocol that both Ash and Vere enjoyed, and it also gave Ash time to sense the atmosphere of the ship. While she was sure that being a telepath helped in this, it didn't take her abilities to confirm the sense of mild relief and anxiety that filled most of the crew as they seized the opportunity to relax before shoving off to the frontlines again.

Casually looking around the antechamber, Ash continued to try and pass the time by admiring the 'architecture' of the ship, or rather, the docking port. She was in no rush, Vere had taught her a sense of patience, and a few other things as well...

Lance was on his way to the ships umbilical to meet the new head of the ships science department. The ships was shrouded from the rest of the station as the engineers worked to attach the transports the ship’s hull and the corridors were a swarm of activity with all the Marines, their equipment and supplies being brought into the ship and stowed in every available place...the ship was a zoo.

He smirked again as he had to hug the wall of the corridor to make way for a squad of Marines packing case after case of whatever... He finally made it to the dock and saw a Lieutenant leaning against the docking port. "Evening Lieutenant. Lieutenant Vere correct?"

Ash made only eye contact with the man and merely nodded, not moving her head from its resting spot on the bulkhead. "Indeed, Lieutenant Achava Linao Vere, Ash if you will, though protocol demands Lieutenant or Venara if you're feeling spotty today." Ash said with a laugh, making a veiled jest of her status as both a Trill and a first host.

"I'm here to take you to the Captain. I could take you through the ship but..." Looking around at the massive level of activity as the ship was being prepares. " would probably be better if we used the transporter."

Ash nodded and smiled. "Indeed Chief, I normally prefer walks but exceptions are to be made to fit the circumstances." She said as she pushed off the bulkhead and moved next to the human. "It's your ship Chief, show me the way..." She said with a gesture of her hand.

Lance grinned as he cocked his head, "One elbow to elbow tour coming up."

Ash gave a wide smile and a soft laugh at the gesture. "Alright Chief, but regulations might not approve." She laughed as they started down the corridors.

Leading the way through the chaotic corridors and finally to a turbo lift or at least the line for it. Eventually it was there turn and they stepped in and headed to the bridge. "Well Ash...Lieutenant is this your first time on a Prometheus class starship?"

"Yes, my first assignment was a Nova class explorer, then a stint on a Nebula, followed by my longest tour of duty on an Akira." Ash explained as she dodged a Marine as they weaved through the crowds. "I've never been on one of these ships before, they're not exactly the assignment I was looking for but I suppose I'll make do with a warship for now." No impulses from Vere made any effort to correct her statements of preference; perhaps Vere didn't like the idea of this assignment either. "And how do you like things here Chief?" Ash said, turning to her traveling companion.

"We hadn't been on the ship for long before the Kzinti stirred the pot. Before this 90% of the crew was on the USS Freedom, a majestic class, our Captain's first command. After everything the crew had been through together he made sure that everyone that wanted to came with him...he insisted."

While Ash was understandably cautious towards her new commanding officer, his repute was getting better and better the more Lance talked about him. "So you've known the Captain for a while then?" She asked, curious as to how deep the relationship between him and his yeoman went.

"Well the crew was literally thrown together to defend DS5 from some Romulans; he was the Chief of Strategic Ops at the time. I came into the picture after he was formally given command. That was what....almost 3 years ago."

The lift came to a halt as they reach the bridge. Instead of heading out onto the bridge Lance directed her to the left and through his 'office' area while he stepped though into the ready room. "Excuse me Captain. Lt Vere is here."

Da`nal looked up from his terminal. He had taken a break from the endless lists of manifests and status reports to call his father’s ship that was carrying his children to the Klingon home world for the duration of the conflict. He motioned for Lance to show her in and returned to his father.

** Translated from Klingon **

"I must go now but I want to discuss this further."

"There is nothing to discuss my son. The High Council...the Chancellor has spoken. Even the Emperor endorsing the action. The Empire is moving to take back what is ours...your Federation sensibilities are clouding you judgment."




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