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A Good Day to Die - Part 1

Posted on 24 Dec 2011 @ 1:34pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

1,362 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell


[USS Achilles – Bridge]

Da`nal sat in his command chair looking at the tactical display as they sped at warp 8 towards the remains of SB 24. The ship was at red alert and everyone was at their station…all but his XO that is, buy that was another issue. They had lost the signal from the sensor relay station…no doubt it had been destroyed. The ship nearing extreme long range sensor range, but that would still put the station at some distance away. At present they were flying into the situation blind. The Kzinti had probably just discovered scavengers at the station, but until they were within range there was no way to tell.

“View screen standard ahead.â€

Tika sat at her console, yet paid little attention to the readings. Since Don had his breakdown and she'd returned from sickbay, she was acting Executive Officer. She turned briefly and ran her fingers over her console, bringing up a tactical sensor layout. She was prepared to take over weapons, sensors, flight control, or any function she would have to. She also remained open to the consideration that the Captain may order Multi-Vector Assault Mode, in which case she could possibly control the ship sections remotely.

[IKS D`ama]

All hell broke loose. Not one, but two Kzinti ships fired on the D'ama immediately. "Get us away from the enemy fire Sark!!"

Sark dropped the D'Ama into a rapid clockwise corkscrew. The violence of the manouever caused the ship to groan and creak. He completed 2 full cycles before throwing the helm over and bringing them back level.

[USS Achilles]

Lucas was on edge, like he was every time a ship went to Red Alert, but this time the intensity was higher than anything else he had ever experienced. They were flying at high warp into a a starbase that was now a nothing but ruble and debris. His mind began to run through the countless scenarios that he had practiced countless time. In a moments notice he might be called upon to make the Achilles do the impossible.

Silonez sat at a back station, every sensor system was tied into the station he was at, every concieveable type of sensor reading was on display, and they all pointed to the same results, "Confirmed, Kzinti weapon signatures, along with a mixture of Klingon, Romulan, Federation, and a fifth unknown type, energy decay indicates something simular to a borg-type high energy beam, but this lacks the more common energy residue of the borg, possibly another party got innvolved but for which side I don't know yet."

He continued his scans, ~This isn't possible.~ he keyed up a library entry from the early part of the century, and attempted to match it to the sensor readings, ~what the......~ "Captain I recomend dropping to impulse sooner than planned and I advise against any use of the multi-vector mode for the moment, we have a problem."

Before giving any order he spun his chair quickly in the Commanders direction. "What problem?!"

Tika turned in his direction as well, but in a much less dramatic fashion. She wondered what the problem could be as well.

[IKS D`ama]

"Aft shields down to 12%" Neela stated bluntly "Starboard forward disruptor bank reaching critical heat, sir."

"Qul'vath!!" Kre roared. "Reroute power to the aft shields! Tu'rock lay of the fucking starboard disruptor banks till they cool down!"

The Bajoran didn't miss a bit in reporting more bad new for the bridge crew "Sensors detecting a third ship now decloaking bearing 300 mark 12. She's charging weapons..."

"Evasive! And get to the starbase!"

[USS Achilles]

Silonez began to recount some of the events of ten years ago where a starship recovered, the wreakage of an unidentified ship, the ensuing study of its technology and the recovery of several unidentified bodies, he went into details about the recovered weaponry and made acknowlegements that his sensor readings matched data that was on file. He even detailed his direct innvolvement in the salvage operations, and the studies of the equipment that was recovered.

"I never thought I would see the weaponry being fired by its builders, but we don't know who they are, I guess this kind of thing is going to become a normal thing now that the Kzinti have returned to our part of space."

Sarah ran over the results of her scans, conferming the ID's of the ships ahead. Seeing that one of the ships was a Klingon ship, she felt she had to speek up, "Captain, The Klingon ship, I believe it's the IKS D'ama." she said, leaning forward toward the captian.

Looking from his Security Chief to the view screen Da`nal cursed under his breath as the Klingon ship was identified. He had choices to make...address his officers concerns and leave the Dama to her fate or obey Admiral L'Berr's orders and again sacrifice the D`ama and her crew. He chose neither of those options as letting honorable men and woman die was not an option.

Activation the ship comm system from his chair, "Engineering - Bring the saucer's warpcore online! Sick Bay - prepare for massive Klingon causalties! All Hands to Battle Stations!"

=A=Aye Sir. We're ready.=A= Commander Frece stated from his office in sickbay.

Ever since the ship was brought to red alert the saucers Defiant style warpcore and been warmed and ready just in case. =^=Understood. Full power at your command. =^=

Closing the comm he rose and moved to his ready room to arm himself. "Helm, increase speed to emergency velocity! Mr. Mason...see if we can set a new upper limit."

"Aye, aye sir. Lucas said, a hint of both nervousness and excitement in his voice. He realized that he was almost giddy by the order. There was nothing like a pilot liked to do than to make something go faster, and with a Prometheus-class starship, it was time to set a new personal record. His fingered danced over the controls as he took the limits off the warp drive. Engineering might start screaming, but it was there job to make the ship go and keep it together, all he had to worry about was getting there and how fast to go. The Achilles was overpowered so the jump from warp 8 to 9.9 took but a few moments. There reached the design Maximum velocity of 9.9 4 a few seconds later. Now the increase in velocity slowed. The power output of the ship was enormous and it required skill from both helm and engineering to push it further. The readout indicated that they had hit the Emergency Velocity, but it ticket upward again. They were now doing Warp 9.99, and finally 9.991. It looked like that was all there were going to get out of her at the moment. They were travelling around 8000 c. The fasted Lucas had ever traveled. He held back a grin announced, "Warp 9.991, sir. Looks like that is all we are going to get out of her today."

[Engineering - USS Achilles]

"What the hell is going on up there!"

"There's nothing we can do that! Bring additional generators online and re-enforce the structural integrity fields!"

[Bridge - USS Achilles]

Da`nal could feel the added vibrations rising as the ship was pushed well beyond it design limits. He sat there leaning forward as if he could make the ship go faster through shear force of will.

"All weapons ready and on stand-by for your commands sir" Sarah reported as she marked the targets in the IFF System "Shields are at 50% and raising"

The vibrations contiued to grow as the Achilles raced to the Dama's location. His thoughs turned to his friends on the Dama..."Load Quantum Torpedoes...double the yield. As soon as we drop from warp, decloak and I want every weapon targeted on the nearest Kzinti bridge."

Tika turned back to her console momentarily. "I'm routing cloaking control to my console." She announced. "Just tell me when, sir."

"Very good." Danal glanced again to the tactical display, the bridge was a glow in the red lighting of battle stations. They were minutes away from the Dama...~Just little longer my friends...~



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