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Alone in the Dark... - Part one

Posted on 29 Oct 2011 @ 11:00pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

498 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Bridge - Enroute to SB 24
Timeline: 900

Ensign Logan sat at her post on the bridge, she still hadn't gotten used to the idea of being an officer and she still had alot to learn. The training course that the XO had started her on were grueling...sometime boring. But if she wanted to stay an officer she had to push her way through them. The Captain had shown a lot of faith in her and she was couldn't let him down.

Again she looked over at the helms man...~maybe he could help me with the courses? ...and he's kind cute too.~ She smiled and double checked he console then turned to him again hoping to start a conversation.

"So Lieutenant Mason..." tucking a few loose strand on hair behind her ear, "...did you always want to be a pilot?"

", Ensign," Lucas replied slowly as he was fixated on his panel, reviewing the data from the latest sensor sweep. He paused. Satisfied that everything was in order, he turned his head and spoke to Logan. "No, actually, I didn't. I decided to major in Flight Control after I entered the Academy. It was during the course of my studies that I figured out that I had an aptitude for piloting. They told me it was something to do with an ability to do multi dimensional cognitive abilities and something about spacial orientation."

Lucas deliberately downplayed his academy history, he didn't want to intimidate Logan or look like he was bragging.

She bit her lip slightly as she mind slipped into the gutter as it so easilly did...~so he's good and find his way. And he's cute too.~

She snapped herself back to reality. "Well ther reason I asked was that the captain had awarded me a field commision and the XO had assigned me several certification courses to make sure i keep it. Truth be told i never intended to be an officer, but the Captain has put a lot of faith in me and i don't want to let him down. Would you mind lend me hand?"

"Sure, what certification courses are you taking?"

"Well..." She was cut off by the sensors detecting debris close to there heading...and a feighnt power signature. She turned back to Commander Pahtil as she had the bridge while the Captain and XO were in the ready room.

"Commander there, what appears to be the remains of a federation starship in our area...I'm detecting a power signature."

Tika leaned forward...~the Kzinti weren't one to leave survivors, but still we might find something.~
"Yellow Alert. Helm, take us out of warp and bring us to those coordinates. Captain to the bridge."

Logan glanced back, with a grin as her hand flew over her own console. "We'll talk later."

"Certainly," Lucas replied, directing his attention to his panel. "Aye, disengaging warp drive. Proceeding on impulse to designated coordinates."


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian
Playing "Tika"

Ltjg Lucan Mason


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