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All kinds of fun...

Posted on 29 Oct 2011 @ 11:24pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Reva Madhava

743 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: USS Achilles - various locations
Timeline: 900


[Ready Room]

"I'm Just seeing this NOW!?" Da`nal’s knuckles whitened as he read the security report while Don, Sarah and Lance stood there. Eventually the screen cracked from the pressure and he tossed the padd aside in frustration. On top of everything else now he had a murder on his ship. He rose from his desk and looked out the port at the stars streaking past as his mind shifted from Commanding Officer back to Security Chief. He had to force himself to step away from that mindset, he had people to do that job now and he had other issues to address.

Without even turning around he spoke, the controlled anger clear to all. “I WILL NOT have a murderer on MY SHIP! FIND this…Coward! If he can sabotage a replicator he can get to systems far more vital. I want security posted in every key area of the ship, all Jefferies tubes are to be locked down and accessible to authorized personnel only.â€

"i'm already working on it sir. Most of my staff are off duty currently but i've ordered all security personal to be on stand-by" Sarah reported

Nodding. Da`nal knew it was of no use to loose his anger on others.

Don blinked at the shreaky sound of Sarah's voice and all was well as long as D'anal kept his mouth shut. He had always been loud, but now his voice boomed and reflected from the bulkheads. He had to get his blurry brain working. A hangover was a bit better than the headaches. He had better get something in his body soon, before the pain came back. "Sure Captain," he said, ~Murder? what murder?~ he wondered. ~Ah... yes....~

Striking his commbadge Da`nal hailed the ranking officer there. =^=Ens Madhava Acknowledge.=^=

[Engineering Jeffries Tube, Section 32, Deck 9]

In the confined space, Reva Madhava grumbled and shifted around till she was on her back. "Madhava here." Was that Da'nal?

[Ready Room]

His tone was curt and to the point. =^= Ensign you are here by promoted to acting Ltjg and are now Chief of Engineering. Captain Out.=^=

[Engineering Jeffries Tube]

"What!?" Reva shrieked, though Da'nal had closed the commlink already. "I can't be ChEng!"

[Poisoned Arrow Lounge]

Pr'Tern sat in the lounge with several other Engineers that had just come off Delta shift. Everyone had heard about and was debating the Chief's death; how it could have been done and just who had the skills needed to pull it off. Unfortunately almost everyone of them were on there own suspect list. The hushed debate continued with protests of innocense and allibies for the time of death, but he debated came to a halt when two Romulans entered the lounge followed by his security escort who stopped at the door.

"I bet it was sooner had they showed up then the Chief got killled."

"Hmmm, leave it to a Romulan to disolve someone to death."

Colonel S'Cheral's sharp hearing picked up on the conversation an it peaked his interest. "It seemed the in addition to the clandestine nature of this vessels mission there seems to be some trouble aboard." He glanced over at the assembled officer, making note of the Caitian. "I wonder??"

[Ready Room]

Just as Da'nal finnished talking with his new Chief Engineer, Sarah heard her com-badge beep. Quickly she tapped it "Go ahead" she said, tilting her head down slightly towards the com-badge. After a few seconds, a female voice spoke up, "Lieutenant Ishtar here Ma'am, Security teams 3 through 7 have confermed stand-by status" the woman reported quickly "thank you Tallera, Make sure the rest of the team leads get the message and have teams 3,5 and 6 report to me in 30 min, Mackenzie out" Sarah responded, tapping her com-badge to close the channel

"Excellent work. Keep me informed of your progress and any suspects."

Don's brain started working now and he tunred to Da'nal. "Captain, I want to bring Tika.... Commander Patil into this," he said.

"Grante..." Da`nal was cut off as the ship went on yellow alert and the voice of his second officer summoned him to the bridge.

Moving towards the door, "Continue your investigation. Stations."

Sarah was already behind him, heading for the tactical station to get a status report.


Captain Da`nal
also playing Pr'Tern - Caitian Saboteur & Colonel S'Cheral - TalShiar Agent

Commander Don Killian

Ltjg Sarah Mackenzie

Ltjg Reva Madhava


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