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Revenge form within - Part 3

Posted on 29 Oct 2011 @ 10:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

320 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Timeline: 0200 - En route to SB 24

Silonez looked to the Security chief. "The Lieutenant contacted me a while ago. He said that he has a solution to an issue wwe where working on with te Kzinti computer core are extracted and he asked me to meet him at the cargo bay. I waited, he never showed. I came here to check on him and found him as you saw. We should seal the room to avaiod any further contamination."

Sarah nodded, "I agree, I will have two security officers posted at the door at all time. Is there any mention of this 'solution' the lieutenant found?"

Shaking his head. "Nothing....other than his statement that he believed had found the anwer when he first contacted me. Hopefully there is something on his terminal or padds. If there is nothin more, I will go inform the Captain and XO."

Sarah nodded, "alright, you do that i'll take a look around and get to work" she said as she moved over to the other side of the room.

After getting a what she needed from Commander Eircson, Sarah turned around to the medical team leader, "Can you give me a C.O.D or a T.O.D?" she asked, looking at the body of the dead crewman.

The medic laid his kit down as he scanned the remains of the body. "Initial scans indicate that he may have injested some kind of acid. We need to get his body to sickbay for a proper autopsy. The CMO can get you those answers for you then ma`am."

He scanned the area and cut the effected area of the carpet and had it and the body beamed to the morgue for his autopsy and analysis.

"Ma`am here is a padd with the transport logs to ensure chain of custody of evidence." Handing over the padd he nodded. His job was done for now...hers was just beginning.


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