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Revenge from within - Part two

Posted on 21 Oct 2011 @ 9:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

416 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Cargo Bay 2 / Crew quarters


Silonez with an excessively large mug of coffee in hand walked down the corridor, he'd been contemplating taking an academy position just so he could sleep. Arriving at the cargo bay he had wxpected to see the lieutenant but he hadn't arrived yet.

Leaning against the bulkhead he waited.

A shatteer crash woke him as his mug slipped from his hand and shattered on the deck. "Shit..."

Realizing no there still wasn't anyone here. "Computer location of Lt. Styker."

"Lt Styker is in his quarters."

Now Silonez was tired and pissed. =^= Commander Eircson to Lt Styker. You got me up to see your solution so where aer you?=^=


=^=Lieutenant respond.=^=


Closing the channel he left the bay for the lieutenant quarters. Like him they had been putting in long hours...~the son of a bitch probably fell asleep putting his boots on.~

As he rounded the corner he saw his destination and activated the chime. ...Nothing.

Pressing it again only got more silence. "Computer override lock on my authorization." As the door opened an all too firmiliar thing, and he just let out a painful sigh as he realized what he was seeing was the resemblance of the last vestages of bad behavior in civilized sapce, "Ericson to security we have a problem."

Sarah was sitting in her office, going over crew evals when the call came, "This is Lieutenant Mackenzie, what's the problem Commander?"

=^=Lt. Styker is dead.=^= Silonez said with a degree of disconnection.

"Say again Commander, did you say a dead body?" Sarah asked

Silonez knelt to examine the remains. ~That was one hell of a painfull way to go...~ =^=That's affirmative. I need a security detail and medical team here immediately.=^=

=A=On my way.=A= Alex replied as he picked up a medkit.

After a few moments, two security teams along with a medical team and Lieutenant Mackenzie arrived. Directing her security teams with hand signels, Sarah walked over to where Silonez stood, "What do you know?" she asked, pulling out a small PADD.

Silonez looked to the Security chief. "The Lieutenant contacted me a while ago. He said that he has a solution to an issue wwe where working on with te Kzinti computer core are extracted and he asked me to meet him at the cargo bay. I waited, he never showed. I came here to check on him and found him as you saw. We should seal the room to avaiod any further contamination."



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