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Medical Check

Posted on 07 Oct 2011 @ 9:11pm by Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

409 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Primary Sickbay, Deck 7
Timeline: After "New CSTO"

Sarah was takeing a walk around the ship, trying to find her way to her new office, when she found herself outside the Primary Sickbay. She looked around for the door controls and after finding them, she opened the door to sickbay and walked in.

Alex, hearing the door open got up to see what was going on. "Can I help you?" He asked, looking at the lieutenant.

"i'm here for my medical. i figgered i may as well get it over and done with" Sarah said, walking over to Commander Frece "so is it Commander or Doctor?" she asked, trying to get a feel for the Doc

"Either is fine. I prefer Commander when I'm not in sickbay and Doctor when I am in sickbay." Alex replied with a smile as he began scanning the woman.

"Alright Doc" Sarah said takeing a look around "you know, you don't realise how bieutiful starfleet design is untill you get stuck without it" she said takeing a seat on one of the bio-beds "so, is everything up to factory specks?"

"Oh Yep, Sickbay is up to factor specks in beyond." Alex said as he looked down at the tricorder. "Oh, You mean with you."He Chuckled."You bet. You're as fit as a fiddle."

"Great, just what i was hopeing to hear" Sarah said, hopping off the bio-bed "So, what do you do for fun around here"

"On this ship? I have no idea. I usually don't have fun because I don't have any reason to or anyone to have fun with." Alex stated. "But I hear the holodecks are good."

"maybe we sould do something about that" Sarah said, walking over to stand beside Alex, "How about you let your staff take over things for a while and come with me to the Holodeck. I'm sure i can find a way to spark your imagination"

"Sure. And how would you do that?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm always up for a little fun here and there."

"i'm sure i could come up with something that you would find fun" Sarah responded, giving a wink to Alex before heading towards the way out. Just as she reached the door, she turned to face Alex "Call me when you get off" she said as she walked out the door

"Aye." He replied with a smile.


Lt. Commander Alex Frece
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Sarah Morigan-Mackenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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