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Admiral and the Kitty - Part 1

Posted on 21 Oct 2011 @ 9:16pm by Captain Reva Madhava & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

910 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517

Hezrk-Jal was returning to their quarters after another session with Admiral L'Berr and Commodore Soran. Though prisoners of war they had been treated with respect and the scent of fear from those they had repeated contact with had almost all but disappeared. He especially had been questioned...repeatedly given his rank and position, but he had revealed nothing. There had even been a brief hint that they might have to use the Eldest-heir-Ritt to get him to talk. At that he had laughed and reminded his interrogators that his long time pupil was the rightful heir to the Ritt Clan and Patriarch to the Kzinti. As such he was a visiting head of State which accorded him certain rights and protection...even in a time of war.

After that concept seem to finally sink in their treatment had changed markedly. Although the questioning continued it was veiled diplomacy. It was clear that they wanted to win them over, Hezrk had to admit the Federation's arguments were...persuasive.


Fleet Commander Hezrk-Jal didn't sense those he had usually met with. Instead he detected the scent of the Human Female, ~Admiral L'Berr~ he reminded himself, and the Vulcan, Commodore Soran. This time he wasn't shown into a conference room or office but one of their holodecks. The doors opened to reveal a Kzin Estate complete with Kzinti and humanoid workers tending the grounds or going about other duties. In the distance he could hear the calls of wild animals... a proper setting for a hunt.

He was shown to the back of the estate where the Admiral and Commodore were waiting and they rose at his approach and he was understandably suspicious. "If you think bribery will turn me you are mistaken. I will not betray my...."

Soran raised his hand. "You are mistaken, Commander. Your loyalty is to be commended." Glancing at their surrounding, "This program is used by our Klingon guests for their ritual hunts. I modified it slightly to give you and the Heir-Ritt more familiar surroundings."

"A gilded cage is still a cage."

L'Berr set her coffee cup down with a mild clatter of cup against saucer and tossed an irritated glance towards Soran. "Commander Soran, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate a few minutes alone with the Fleet Commander," she said and waited a moment while Soran withdrew from the scene. His departure left her alone with the Kzinti. She gestured to a Kzinti-styled seat next to her. "Please, have a seat, Hezrk-Jal. Would you care for a drink or something to eat?" She watched his body language and stayed relaxed in her chair. From her, there was no scent of fear; instead, there was an undercurrent of anger.

He took the seat that was offered, and was silently appreciative that the furnishing were of the appropriate size as Kzinti were considerably larger framed than humanoids.

"I apologize, Herk-Jal. It seems that some of our investigators implied that they would harm the Heir if you didn't answer their questions. That was not and would not have been an authorized method of interrogation. Ever. The Federation does not condone torture for any reason." She had been looking out over the estate's lawn as she spoke. Now, she glanced at the Commander. "Those responsible have been reprimanded." Out on the lawn, movement caught her eye; she smiled as a large four-legged creature bounded into view and froze, looking towards the two on the rough-hewn deck.

He had detected the creature as they were down wind and heard it freeze as it detected the presence of an unknown predator, but a predator just the same. Paying it no mind he focused on the Fema...Admiral. "Take whatever action against them you see fit. Frankly I was more surprised that it had taken so long for them to, how do you that card. I did use the phrase properly?"

The Admiral chuckled and nodded, "Yes, you did." She lapsed into silence and simply enjoyed the setting. The deer-creature's (L'Berr wasn't sure whether it was a Klingon or Kzinti creature) ears flicked back and forth then it suddenly bolted into the trees.

The silence continued for a few moments and though he wished enjoy the heat of the mid-day sun he knew that he had been asked here for a reason. "Admiral, we both hold similar positions of responsibility. I know you didn't have me brought here for my personality so what is it you want?"

Sometimes diplomatic roles irked Amber. This was one of those moments. She found the Kzinti interesting and would have liked to ask about their culture, their... whatever. Sipping her coffee, she delayed answering then finally admitted, "I want our respective sides to stop fighting. But I need your help in getting to that point."

He scoffed. "An interesting offer. Especially when we are wiping out your forces in every engagement."

She rolled her eyes. "You aren't. Or have you conveniently forgotten that your own people attempted to kill you and the Heir? Were I in your position, I'd consider creating allies out of my enemies since I don't exactly have a home to go to anymore." Her patience was running out.

He knew he could kill her with ease but that would no doubt result in his death from the security detachment hiding in the brush; he was honor bound to protect his charge and he couldn't protect him if he was dead.



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