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To Find the Truth

Posted on 30 Sep 2011 @ 11:48am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

787 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Outside the Brig

Now that the Romulan's were gone Da`nal let Don in on his strategy. "Well played Commander."

"I am glad you liked it..." Don said slowly, tentaively. He had not been sure that Danal would see what he did or not. "I wasn't sure if you were going to clobber me to death or not," he added with a relieved smile. He took a big risk.

"Come." Da`nal handed him a pad. "Before I arrived I ran our guests image and found that he is suspected Tal Shiar agent. If the Tal Shiar are working with the Kzinti we need to know."

"I will gladly do anything I can to expose any involvement."

Standing outside the brig the two senior officers conferred on what had taken place. "Don, I want you to continue to play the rogue officer. Even let him think you have a group of officers loyal to you. I also want the recording of what just took place anylized to determine his stress patterns so we can tell exactly when he was lying or being truthfull."

Don grinned. "I don't have to act much, it is my speciality..." he said. "It will be my pleasure..." he added. "Anyone specifically you would want to have on my camp, so to speak?" he asked thoughtfully.

Da`nal considered the posibilities. "Pick whom you wish, but ensure Lt. Ishtar is in the mix."

"Will do, " he said and made a note. He got along well enough with Tika, but an alliance would be counter productive apart from being too obvious. Maybe he could involve her distinctly siding with the Captain.

As the Captain and Commander were talking, Teresa walked towards them with a PADD in her hand. She was reading it and making notes on it as she approached them. Teresa nodded to them as she walked up and handed the Captain PADD and waited for them to finish talking.

Looking to his right he saw the lieutenant approaching and somthing clicked....something his Yoeman had mentioned. As he recalled the 'rumor' he called her over. "Lieutenant. A moment Miss Wendsar?"

Teresa stepped a little closer. "These are the readiness reports, for sickbay. Also, included are fitness reports on some of the crew. I had to place one on light duty, due to a herniated disc."

"You are 'involed with one of the Marines we had to leave behind on Mercer during the evacuation are you not?"

Don cocked his head to the side, crossing his arms as he waited for the response as well, an amused smirk at the corners of his mouth.

Da`nal looked to his XO to see if he was understanding the angle she could play.

Teresa blushed slightly and nodded, "Yes, Sir. I am." She had not realized that the captain had heard that rumor, and was a little embarrassed. "Have you had any word, Sir."

"No...there won't be any communications from the planet until after their initial action and their presence made known. Of course the operation just deployed is still classified. What I want you do do is play the distraut girlfriend for our guests. Let them come to you as you would be in a vulnerable position and suseptible to an offer. The XO can fill you in on the details but what we are needing is confirmation for Romulan duplicity.

"Don, I'll leave the method and manner you deal with them to your discresison."

"As you wish Captain," he said, suppressing a grimace as the annoying headache suddenly started again, shooting blades of pain through his temples. His fists opened and closed at his sides, but he grabbed them behind his back.

Teresa noticed Don's grimace, but said nothing in front of the captain. She made a mental note to ask him about it as soon as she could speak to him privately. To the captain. "I understand captain, and I will assist where I can, Sir."

Da`nal nodded. "Good, Assemble who you want and then get them together for a brief in the observation lounge in...2 hours."

What Don now needed, was a drink, to sooth this pain. And he was not thinking about synthonol. In any case, the small of alcohol on his breath would be ideal for this ruse.

"Aye, Sir." Teresa turned to the Commander, "Sir, may I see you for a minute?"

Don turned to her, hoping she wouldn't keep him too long. "Sure, Lieutenant," he said and indicated for her to follow him.

As the two departed Da`nal turned on his heel and head back to the bridge. ~Romulans....Why is it always Romulans.~


Captain Da`nal

Commander Dononvan Killian

Lt. Teresa Wendsar


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