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Full Course Meal

Posted on 05 Oct 2011 @ 3:16pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

926 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Various Locations
Timeline: Backpost


[[Achilles Lounge]]

The pair had changed out of their uniforms between Tika's office and the Lounge, deciding that they'd spent enough time working and they should relax.

Tika wore a low cut blouse made of silver silk and black leggings. It was a welcome change to the uniforms she had to wear all the time. She looked at Don as she picked up her fork again. "I'm so glad to get a break.

"I am so glad I get to break with you..." Don said , flashing her a grin, struggling to keep his eyes on his food and not trailing to the edge of tha low cut of the said blouse. He already told her that she looked gorgeous, but then, she looked gorgeous in uniform too.That was the one thing he enjoyed about being with her. No pretences, no espeactation, no games. Of course he could stare at her bustline as long as he wanted, she wouldn't care, but the rest of the diners might feel it inappropriate for the XO to drool over the 2 XO in public. They were alrready watched like hawks by a few junior officers nearby. "I am not the only one admiring you...." he said with a wink.

Tika glanced around her, noticing several men and women respectively turn away. She was sure there was alot of gossip going around about them. They were very obvious with their affections. she'd hoped still that Don would be the one to say that they shouldn't see each other in public like this, but he hadn't. And strangely, it gave her comfort, because he was the senior officer between them.

It was as soon as she noticed everyone looking that she wished he wouldn't look at her chest like he was..then again, wasn't that the reason she wore the low cut shirt in the first place? "I don't know if it's just me they're talking about." She said, moving her fork around her plate.

"I think we are the talk of the ship...." he said with a crooked smile without looking around. "They have little enough to give them something to talk about..." he said a little more somber. Now his eyes flicked around the room. He could see the worries of the etched on their faces. "But, that said, I think, perhaps we could continue this in our quarters.... we are abviously not talking about work," he added.

"Agreed..." Tika stated, pushing her food to the side and standing up. She was still very aware of the crew watching them. "Maybe we shouldn't leave alone." She said to Don. "I'll go to my quarters and you stay here for a few minutes. Then you can just come in when you get there."

"It is the oldest trick in the book, but it might work, especially if it looks as if we had a bit of an argument...." he said, pursing his lips in a forced smile, starting the act. "But don't worry, you won't hear *that* from me, Commander, " Don said a little louder, leaning back in his chair with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

She turned, the bottom of her dress fluttering with the force of her movement. She exited the mess and headed to her quarters. When she arrived, she entered and left the door unlocked.

A few heads turned towards Don and still with the tight lipped grin, he lifted his glass and emptied it with one gulp. He got up, chatted up the barmaid, ordered some from his real alcohol stock, gulped it down and made his way casually to Tika's. Making sure that no one was around, he touched the door, which opened.

"Took you long enough." She said, standing in front of the coffee table. "I was a spoiled kid. I don't like waiting for my desert."

A slow and appreciative smile formed on his lips. "It will be worth it..." he promised as he took his jacket off, hanging it on a near by chair. He stepped towards her, circling her narow waist with his arm and gently pulled her towards him. Still looking deep into her eyes, he ordered soft jazz music from the computer, while he started to slowly move in a dance. "May I have this dance....."

She grinned as she moved close to him. "I'm not too much of a slow dancer.."

Don chuckled. "I know.... neither am I when I am with you," he said as he started to look to unbutton her dress. He dropped his head and nibbled her skin, travelling from her ear down to her shoulder.

She closed her eyes slowly, letting out a smooth soft breath, enjoying the sensation. She knew they only feigned romance as a way of attracting each other. They only wanted one thing from each other, and this was it. That, and perhaps friendship. "Straight to business, I see." She said with a grin.

He wanted sex, nothing else, and whatever he did with woman in a *date* setting was to get to it one way or the other. It was shallow and superficial, but at least Don was honest enough with himself to know that. With Tika he needed no frills, nd that was what he appreciated about her. "Unless you want something else....." he said meaningfully.

"Not a damn thing more." She said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into her bedroom, then shoved him down on the bed with surprising strength.


Commander Don Killian

Lt Commander Tika Patil
2 XO


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