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The jig is up

Posted on 30 Sep 2011 @ 11:47am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,566 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Achilles Brig

No sooner had the materialization process completed than the forcefield activated. The Talshiar agents didn't hesitate and both quickly reached down into their boots to get their Felodesine chips.

Watching them scramble through their clothing would have been humorous if it hadn't been so sad. Chief Yarin coughed and as they looked up he lifted his hand, the orange tablets between his fingers. "Looking for these? Sorry but they were removed during transport. Can't have you both killing yourselfs before explian just what the hells going on."

Colonel S'Cheral straightened his pant leg and stepped up to the security field. "It appears the Federation is braver than we thought. Your ship is a long way from the border..."

"This was Federation space, and it will be again. Count on it."

"Eventually...perhaps. But..."

He was cut off as the doors opened and a male in command red, ~a commander...not the Captain, hmmm~. The other officer was a female in starfleet yellow, most likely a security officer.

Turning away from them he took a seat on the bunk in the cell that would most likely be his home for the time being.

Don glanced at Chief Yarin and walked towards the forcefield, inspecting the men inside. "And the Romulans are more stupid that than we thought.." he commented as he had heard the last part of the conversation as he walked in.

S'Cheral was smarter than that. This human was going to have to do better than that to get anything out of him. He knew they had revealed part of their hand already, but if he was clever he might be able to play it off.

He stood and approached the security field. "I demand to be released immediately! What gives you the right to obduct a Romulan citizen?"

Don laughed harshly, though seemingly untrained and uncontrolled, it was calculated. "Romulan citizen!? That is a joke, you don't have a planet anymore, your precious Empire is ravaged by who knows what, as we speak. And we are at war with an enemy that is a little more threatening than you," he said with sneering sarcasm. "Do you think we really care about protocol where you are concerned? Demand all you want, you Romulan snake! We can do with you what we want...." he said and turned away from the forcefield. A few steps further her turned around and said with a low voice. "Oh yes... the Captain here is a Klingon bastard..No one tells him what to do in a war...." The type of behaviour that got him in a brig a few times, he now played with experienced accuracy.

While this was going on, Sarah walked around to the Brig controls where Chief Yarin sat. she wanted to stand as far away from the Romulans as possible.

Yarin nodded as his boss took control of the station. He collected the Romulan weapons and suicide tablets and spoke softly. "LT, I will secure these and get the pills to the doc."

Sarah nodded "thanks Chief. Much appreciated" she said as she looked over the brig controls.

~A Klingon dog in command of a Federation ship of war? What was the Federtion coming to.~ "I could careless who, or what is in command of this ship. And I know your threats are empty boy. Starfleet instills the precious interstellar law of yours too deep into you for you to do anything but obey like the lacky you are." He waved his hand. "This barbs will get us no where. I ask again. By what right do you hold us?"

"You make wild assumptions, but that is your choice," Don said with a forced, fake smile. "This lackey is a lackey, because I have had a little problem with bending protocol as well interstellar law.... I should have had command by now, but I was demoted a few times, spend time in the brig...and now I found a nice match of a Captain for me. Klingons are Klingons.... " he said. "Don't assume anything....And I don't have to tell you anything, you peice of shit..." Don said.

S'Cheral grinned widely and his grin caused the Commander to cut himself short; he just hoped his aid was learning. "You have told me more than I could have hoped for; Commander. That your Starfleet has no confidence in your abilities. That they thought you needed a babysitter and had to put you under the rigid eye of a Klingon. That you are willing to do what is necessary to accomplish your goals, but aren't clever enough to keep from getting caught. Had you been born a Romulan you might actually have some potential."

[Ready Room]

Da`nal was already on his feet and heading out the door padd in hand as he headed to the brig.


~It is working~ Don thought at the confident Romulan. He was playing a game and baiting the Romulan to their usual confidence. "You are right about one thing, and that is that I will do anything to accomplish my goals," Don stated, matter of factly. "However, none of your deductoins will be of any value," Don said with a smug grin. He wanted to appear the real Starfleet asshole type, one that cold be controlled and played by the superior Romulan, giving Da'nal the opportunity to cash in. Don paced up and down in front of the force field a few times then turned back to face the Romulan.

"You see, you think you are so damn clever, but since you lack the deduction abilities of your Vulcan cousins, you fail to see the most important little detail: You are the one who got CAUGHT," he laughed. "It's so pathetic," he said still chuckling, " you prancing like you are still something, when you have and are NOTHING! Not even the Klingons have a word low enough to describe you.....!"

He remained calm as he interupted the commanders tirade. "Caught doing what? Checking on Romulan citizens trapped on a planet that is in the middle of captured territory. The Kzinti had bloodied the nose of the mighty Federation and now you thinI'm sure you know there is a Romulan refugee camp on the planet we were orbiting. And with our forces tied up in evacuations and dealing with incursions to our space, my aid and I had to arrange transport with the Ferengi."

It didn't take long for Da`nal to arrive and he entered the brig area as Don was opening his mouth to reply to the Romulan. "Report Commander."

Don's expression stiffened markedly, even irritated at the Klingon's arrival as it was still faced towards the Romulan. Still facing forward, he answered Da'nal, in subtle disrespect towards his Captian. "This piece of shit, sorry.... Romulan.....figures we have to let him go, claiming that he doesn't know why the fuck... sorry..... why we would have him IN THE BRIG!" Don spatted disgusted. His hatred was so overpowering that he failed to keep to protocol.

Da'nal glanced from his irritated XO to Sarah and back to the Romulan in the holding cell. "Their reason for being at Mercer?"

"Who cares?!" Don snarled with some fake contol. "They shoudln't have been there in the first place... "

"We have every right to ensure the safety of our people. Especially concidering the manner in which this system changed hands!"

Da`nal raised a hand to cut off his XO, but he ignored the gesture.

"Protecting your people? That is pure bullshit!" Don exclaimed exasperated. "You caused your precious *people* to be obliterated by a supernova when their was assistance available! Now you talk protection, you will never convin......"


Looking to his Security Chief. "Lieutenant, see that our...guests are assigned quarters. Interior quarters. And assign them a security detail."

Sarah swollowed than gave a slight nod, "Will do sir" she than tapped her combadge "Security teams three and four, meet me in Brig"

With a smug grin to the Commander who had been shut down, "Thank You, Captain. But if I could request..."

"NO you may not. I will grant you those privilages that I deem appropriate. Given our current mission those will be limited. When time allows I will meet with you to address any issues. Commander I want to see you in private...NOW"

Don glared with disgust to the Romulans. "Yes, Sir," he said, with a slight emphasis on the *Sir*, knowing that the Romulans would pick up on the tension in his voice.

As her security teams entered, Sarah pulled out her phaser "move" she ordered to the Romulans

With a smug grin S'Cheral motioned to his silent aid as the were escorted from the brig. He had had the good sence to bite his tongue during the whole exchange. Glancing to the young officer leading the escort. "I will need to contact my superiors and let them know what has happ..."

~Perfect~ Da`nal took this opportunity to wet the Romulan's appetite. "There will be NO transmissions of ANY kind! And if I find that you even attempt to break our radio silent you will find yourselves in accomidation even less comfortable than our brig. DO I make myself CLEAR?"

S'Cheral nodded. ~What was this ship up to..?~ "Very clear...Captain."


Captain Da`nal

Commander Don Killian

Lieutenant Sarah Morigan-Mackenzie
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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