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The burden of Command

Posted on 28 Aug 2011 @ 9:19pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

383 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8-A: Kzinti War - Recon from Hell
Location: Ready room

Da`nal stood from his command chair and moved towards his ready room after giving command of the bridge to Lt. Mason.

He moved to his desk and activated his terminal. He knew what he had just ordered not only violated the letter but the spirit of his orders. And knowing Admiral L'Berr she was not going to be happy. Hoever given the situation he had had little chioce.

He had never been one to blindly follow orders. Nor was he one to hesitate when something needed to be done. When the console finally finished rising from the surface of his desk and he bagan.

"Captains Log, Stardate 65263.33 We arrived in the Mercer system and as we approached the planet that was once a thriving Federation colony we were surprised to disscover a small ship yard with 12 Kzinti ships either under final stages of construction or repair.

"In direct violation of my orders handed down by Admiral L'Berr, I ordered my crew to covertly attack the station and the ships docked there. In my opinion this action was they only course af action available.

"The attack was a complete success and all targets were destroyed and to our knowledge the Achilles was not detected. My actions not only allowed for the successful landing for the Marines on the surface, but prevented the Kzinti troops on the station from being deployed against them as well as eliminating a vital military asset from the enemy.

"I assume full responsibility for my actions.

"It should also be noted that prior to the attack a Ferengi transport dock with the station carrying Romulans. These Romulans were extracted as was several items of Kzinti origin. With any luck my crew will be able to gather vital intellegence from these...spoils of war.

"Captain Da`nal, USS Achilles, Commanding. End Log."

Da`nal sat back in his chair for a moment. He resisted the temptation to jump right in and join his XO in the brig. Instead he decided to let his XO and Security Chief do their job, but he still tied in his monitor to the brig security monitors. "Computer tie this station into the brig security monitoring systems and activate display."

He watched as his XO walked in and raised a brow at his opening comments.


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