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Operation Beach Head - Filial extraction

Posted on 05 Sep 2011 @ 11:27pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,712 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer

Hyrum looked to see if the special programming he had done for Tommy's signal was still intact. It seemed so, so he entered the program's hub and blocked it for all but his fellow Marines. It would give them more time, he knew and make his sons safer.

"Sir," he suggested handing His PADD over, "When I built the boys' transponders I put a program into them that allows me to block their signal to all but Starfleet personnel. This will be the first time it's been used but it should give Velez's people more time to reach my sons and get them transported up to sickbay."

Stone took the PADD and punched a few commands in. "This should buy us a couple minutes....good thinking."

=^= "Velez, Stone. Forwarded encoded transponder signal data. Use this to home in on the HVI." =^=

[Talon class - Zephyr]

Velez growled... ~Scrambled comms or not the more chatter the more of a chance the took in being triangulated.~ He reached over to the comm panel and acknowledged the info with two clicks.

They were already speeding towards the transponder signal but if anyone else was they were sure to react to the sudden loss of signal.

[Main formation]

Stone sat down and waited swayed with the motion of the craft. "Now we wait."

"Sir," Hyrum said, "Both of my boys are out there. I would like to be there when they're found as they do not know anyone aboard the Achilles yet. Let me be with Velez' group when they find them."

Stone shook his head but didn't turn around to look at Hyrum. "No Hyrum, I told you we have a job to do. Trust Velez and Reiger to get the job done, because I do."

Stone turns around and looks Hyrum straight in the eyes. "And you trust me to make this happen right. You trust me and I know because you, like everyone else here is a volunteer. If you didn't think I could get the job done you could have walked anytime before getting on this ship. Now you have to trust me to keep the pieces in motion and find the best outcome possible."

Hyrum took a breath. He had to think of words that would make Stone understand. They had to be chosen carefully or they wouldn't work. One wrong word and the no would stick like glue or pitch. He peered into Stone's eye the fierce flames of fatherly dedication in his own.

"That's not it, sir," Hyrum started, "Tim and Tom were taken before they could make it aboard. They won't know Velez or any of the others. Their father should be the first person they see. I have to be there one way or the other even if I have to hand over my commbadge to do it. My family comes first, at least in this situation."

Stone leaned against the bulkhead as the craft bucked a little. He crossed his arms and looked at Hyrum. "I'm sure your son's know very well what a Starfleet uniform looks like considering who their father is. Give us jarheads a little credit, we tend to do this search and rescue thing a lot. We'll get your sons back to you. You have my word on that. I can't let you go, we can't divert from our current mission and I will need you to accept that."

Rubbing his eyes, Stone looked back at Hyrum. "I know it's a tough pill to swallow Hyrum, but you need to focus on the mission as best you can. Put that nonsense about handing over your com badge aside. At this point...that would be considered desertion in the face of the enemy and none of us want to walk down that road."

Hyrum considered the Major's words carefully. He was right. To hand over his com badge would be just that, however his needed to see his face first. Luck on his side, Hyrum made sure to leave his weapon behind for this most important of personal missions. He packed a med kit and some survival ration. He knew his boys and Tom especially always had a very healthy appetite. What food they had could be depleted. Their air would also run out sooner than his fellow marines would take to arrive. It was now or never. Hunger had set in. Hyrum's supply pack was in the rear compartment. It was the perfect excuse and if he did it right no one would be the wiser. Hyrum quietly slipped back to the rear compartment and closed the door. He took the time to actually get energy ration from the replicator, ordering two more for his sons then looked over his transporter protocol code programming a cloaking overlay into the code. It would block his transport signal so it would not be noticed. After a few more moments of tweeking the new protocol suite was complete and it was time to test it. Hyrum hijacked the coordinates and transported out to Tim and Tom's location.

It was none too soon too. His tactical systems were beginning to detect Kzinti forces closing in. There were only five minutes at the most before they arrived. Hyrum pulled out his tricorder Tom's transponder was just fifty feet away, but where?

Stone returned to his seat to ride out the last few minutes to the Alpha Site, for the moment unaware that one of his men had just went on his own mission...


Velez moved aft to join the team a let their 'leader' know what was going on. "Ensign, we are three minutes out, with company closing fast."

Gideon was surprised he had bothered, with him being the outsider and not really one of them. He could sence the other closing in. ~This could get ugly really fast.~ Turning to the other. "GEAR UP! I want to get in and out before the others show up. The longer we go without them knowing we are here the better."

The pilots shouted back to the Marines as they prepared. "Get ready we are coming in hot! Romulan and Kzinti signatures closing...ETA, 2 minutes!"

[Transponder Location]

Hyrum was happy that he arrived so near the spot where Tom's signal was coming from. If he had waited another 30 seconds the mountains scattering effects would have made any attempt impossible. Only a few moments were left before the other troops arrived. He walked a few meters up a path forged by the debris of the battle going on in the upper atmosphere. There was nothing there but a tritanium box. It seemed to be undamaged. He opened the box and there they were asleep in all this chaos. He connected his transponder signal to theirs and transported them out of the area so he could return to duty. Before he could close the lid, the pair slowly awoke.

"Daddy," Timothy wearily said, "is that you?"

"Yeah, Tim boy it's me let get you two out of that box and to the marine shuttle, hmm."

Timothy nodded and nudged his brother with his right foot. Thomas awoke and they both crawled out of the box each grabbing hold of a leg. Hyrum knew the risks of calling in but took them anyway.

"Kenderson to Stone," he said, "I have the precious cargo with arms left behind. Requesting return transport. Also requesting return to orders, sir as to not desert. I just have two duties to perform with the same level of importance.

Any reply was lost in the rush of wind from the Zephyr’s landing thrusters as the cloaked runabout landed. The hatch was already open and even before the shuttle touched down Gideon's team poured out; only to look puzzled as they saw the Masterguns standing there holding two children. Their heads up displays told them all that the kids were the source of the transponder. Regardless of the situation they had hostiles inbound and they couldn't risk discovery yet.

"Get them onboard now!" Several Marines rushed forward and rushed the three into the Zephyr. As they passed Gideon grabbed the transponder and after a few quick adjustments tossed it back into the crate the Masterguns had been next to. Even as the door was closing he shouted up to the pilots, sensing the approaching hatred. "Get us out of here!"

[Kzinti Interceptor]

=^=Control - I am detecting a Federation communicatio...Control that signal is back. Same location.=^=

=^=Source of communication?=^=

=^=the signal originated at the same coordinates as the transponder signal.=^=

=^=Destroy the source and surrounding area.=^=

The Kzinti pilot grind as he set accelerated and set his weapons for a 200 yard blast radius. Then dove in on his target.

[Romulan aid flight]

The Romulans flying in from the capitol had been monitoring the situation. They were too far out to stop anything. "Did you record that signal?"

"Yes my lady."

"I want a full analysis one we return."

They arrived on site just as the Kzinti interceptor was leaving the area, and their ground troop began emerging from the tree line. The coordinates of the transponder was now at the center of a 200 yard smoldering crater at the edge of the refugee camp.

The Romulans ignored the Kzinti troops as they began to render aid to their people and the Sub-Commander began her search for Major S’Taev.


Instead of making a bee line back to the rest of the detachment the Zephyr had hung in the area then used the Interceptor to mask their impulse trail the dove it the mountain range to rejoin the rest of the troops.

Ensign Gideon was up front writing his after action report. Velez on the other hand knew something was out of place. Master Gunnery Sergeant Kenderson should have been with the Major, but instead was found at their target coordinates with the kids they were supposed to have extracted.

Pulling the Masterguns aside, "How the hell did you get out there?"


Major Stone
Operational CO

1stSgt Arcenio Velez
Recon Marine - USS Achilles
NPC - played by Da`nal

Master Gunnery Sergeant Hyrum Kenderson
Senior NCO - USS Achilles

Tim & Tom Kenderson
NPCs - Played by Hyrum

Romulans & Kzinti
NPCs - Played by Da`nal


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