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Incertion: Part 3

Posted on 28 Aug 2011 @ 9:07pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,331 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer

Lets get this wrapped so we can move on. There are posts waiting on this one. If you are named in the TAG line do what is needed. Everyone else - post is closed

[Refugee Camp]

I the midst of the chaos two children were making use of the confusion. "Good Tommy, exactly what we need. Let's go quick before we're found. Your ankle okay?"

"Yeah, it only hurt for a second. Adren--adrenaline I think."

"Could be. Just so you can walk."

They made their way to the protection of the crate, got in and closed the lid and Thomas activated the transponder. It signal made its way to the Achilles where it was picked up almost instantly.


Watching the tactical display Da`nal was both satisfied and disappointed. Satisfied that they had succeeded in landing the Marines before the Kzinti forces now rushing into the area arrived; and disappointed that he would not be joining them for the battles they would soon be fighting.

Four Kzinti battleships rushed into the area and approached the location of the shattered station and the hidden guardian platform.

"Standard view." The screen shifted to show the approaching craft and he glanced back to his XO. The single platform was unlikely to survive but it would do its job.

"Prepare to activate the platform."

Sarah nodded than moved over to the platform controls, "Standing by sir"

Speaking to no one he as he encouraged the ship, "Closer....closer.... Now Lieutenant!"

Sarah quickly activated the platform. After a small warm up sequence, the platform fired upon the closest Kzinti ship, destroying its forward weapons ports. as the first ship moved off, the other ships moved to an attack position on the platform. "Sir, permission to target their warp reactors?"

"Set the platform to self targeting. We cannot be discovered here."

"yes sir" Sarah responded as she released control of the platforms.

A few moments later, the Platform resumed attacking the kzinti ships. Before long the platform was able to destroy two of the ships and disable the remaining ships in some way before it was disabled itself.

"The platform is disabled, two kills, the other two ships are offline" Sarah said, looking up at the viewscreen "It's possible they'll be able to bring their systems back online."

Ens. Logan turned from the operation station. "Sir, I'm getting a Federation transponder. It's not from any of the transports. We must still have people on the surface." Her smile was clear that she had hope for those on the planet, but there was nothing they could do.

[Kzinti Surface HQ]

Everyone was still scrambling to try and figure out what had happened to the station and the other battleships. There were no other ships in the area. Suddenly a technician turned sharply from his station. "SIR, a FEDERATION transponder had just been activated near the Romulan refugee camp!"

Colonel Shah-Req's claws flashed as his ears pulled back in his fury. "THE FEDERATION!!! I WANT THOSE FLEETERS!!"

[Romulan emergency teams]

The medical teams had just lift off when they where contacted by the TalShiar Operations center. =^=Sub-Commander, be advised we have detected a Federation emergency transponder near the camp.=^=

"Federation?! Well that explains what happened to the station."

=^= Yes Mistress, and you can be sure the Kzinti have detected it as well.=^=

"They will probably destroy the whole area. We are en-route and will check things out, keep me informed of any activity on their part."

=^=Yes ma`am. Control out=^=

[Federation Marines]

The formation of Talon, Dynasty, and Wyvern transports cut into the mountains range looking for a place to set down. "We are detecting a Federation transponder at 273 mark 26 distance 11.2 kilometers. Sir that puts it near that Romulan Refugee camp."

Hyrum's eyebrows peaked as he heard the conversation. It had to be his boy, who else would have the guts or foolishness to do so in Kzinti space. He pulled out his tricorder and set it for the boys' frequencies. The configuration was 157.15 Mhz, it was Tommy's.

Before the Major could reply to the news 1stSgt Velez was on the scrambler. =^= Strike Charlie to Strike Actual. Permission to check out that signal. =^=

Stone couldn't help but snicker a little at the speed with which his 1stSgt. jumped on everything.

=^="Rodger that top, send in Rieger's Recon platoon. Have them land out and walk in. In the meantime, you need to establish an outpost near the mountain LZ 1 and get a couple of the hoppers unloaded ASAP and back in the air to provide close support and extraction for Rieger if things go south." =^=

"Major," Hyrum piped up, "That's my son Tom's transponder. We need to get there before the Kzinti do. I have to go get them, please allow me this."

"I'm sorry. I can't allow that. We have a timetable and with that signal going out...then know there is a starfleet precence on the surface. If the Marines can't get in and out before the Kzinti arrive, they'll know we have forces on the surface and they'll start trying to locate us. It is imperative that we move to LZ1 as soon as possible and set up operations."

Stone turned away from the man and looked over his shoulder before returning his attention to a console. "Again, I'm sorry."

=^= Velez this is Stone, be advised we have a High Value Individual on side. Name Tom. He is Hyrum's son. =^=

Velez shook his head in his frustration. =^= Acknowledge. Don't worry Master Guns, we'll get'em...and be back in time for supper. =^= Looking to the pilot, "better get a move on. If we can detect that signal so can everyone else."

[USS Achilles]

Da`nal stood at the news of the transponder. He stepped down of the command dais and into the Helm/Ops pit. "There is nothing we can do for whoever they are. Ericson, McGregor, get to work on analyzing the components recovered. Don, Mackenzie, see to our 'guests' I will join you shortly. Mr. Mason....set a course for what's left of Star Base 24. Warp 5"

Without missing a beat, Nate requested to help out "Captain, permission to assist Lieutenant McGregor with the components?" While he didn't mind manning his station on the Bridge, he would rather be working on things and getting dirty. The more detailed the task, the more he enjoyed it.


Murphy nodded in agreement, "Aye sir." he said, "But there's nah a lot I can do with a computer core..." he thought for a moment, "But I can at least analyze the materials its components are made out of....possibly their configuration...possibly to the end of fabricating devices to interface?" Murphy was thinking out loud now, "With Mr. Stryker's help I'm sure we could modify tricorders to operate the core or worst case scenario replicate a new display device to do so."

It was not every day that an officer stated his limitations. But he was heading in the right direction with what he could assist with. "Commander Ericson found out some interestion information on the quality of the enemies ships. I will let him fill you in on the detail but you may also be needed to analyze the some of the data as well.

We need as much information as fast as possible. "Commander I am authorizing you the use of whatever personnel and resources from both the Engineering and Science departments."

"I'm already working on it Captain, it looks like our little theory may have been proven as well." Silonez said as he pointed to the burning hulk of a Kzinti cruiser.

Don got up as he while and indicated to the Captain that he was on his way to their guests, and he motioned for Sarah to come with him

Sarah nodded to Don and waited for someone to take the hand-off before following.

Da`nal stood from his command chair and moved towards his ready room" Lt. Mason, you have the bridge."



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