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History repeats itself

Posted on 26 Sep 2011 @ 9:47pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,359 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Kzin � Orbital command platform

The planning for the next phase of the expansion of the expansion was well under way. And advanced preparations and the prepositioning of assets had already been accomplished. The new Patriarch, instead of allowing his generals to plan and present, was taking an active role in the planning process. This unnerved some of the commanders but they a understood that he had only just recently been a general himself. And as far as they knew he would have returned to that position had the heir to the Ritt bloodline not fallen in battle. The Ritt line had lasted for millennia ever since the Jotok revolt had established the Patriarchy. ~All things end…eventually~.

The Patriarch grinned at his success but knew that if the truth where ever to come out it would lead to civil war. Those loyal to the Ritt clan would quickly rise against him and then the fighting to establish a new royal line would begin.

Pushing the thought from his mind he focused on the task at hand. Expanding Kzin territory and further humiliating the Mighty Federation. Their next target; the Yadalla sector. Once Yadalla prime had been taken, the Barradas system and Calder would be taken quickly. The three planets inhabited primarily by Federation researcher would then be used as a staging ground and source for raw materials.

After that lay star base 60 and the Acamarians. Though humanoid he and his people held no ill will towards them in particular. So long as they accepted Kzin terms, and paid an appropriate tribute as a subjugated planet under Kzin control, they would remain unharmed. If they refused…they would be enslaved or eradicated if they became too much of a problem.

“My Lord; respectfully I still believe that it would be to our advantage to take Star base 60 intact. At least as much as possible. The Federation continues to issue orders to fall back. Another lightning thrust toward the Starbase and they would flee before us. As long as our forces arrive prior to the evacuation we can use the lives on the station as a hostage. We allow them to evacuate as long as they surrender the station whole. We can still eliminate them once they are off the station and then have it a forward operations base.â€

While a clever idea, it spat in the face of the ways of the Kzinti Warrior. “We D Not Bargain for what we want; We take it! The taking of hostages is for the week!†After a brief pause he continued. If they could tke the station whole it would be a valuable asset and resource. “However put together plans to take the station intact and I will consider them.

Satisfied with the progress of the planning and the conflict overall he motioned to his aid. “Let us adjourn for the time being.â€

“Yes, Lord Patriarch.â€

“Have a meal prepared for myself and my Generals.â€

“Yes sir.â€

Not bothering to watch his aid depart the Patriarch turned back to his former colleagues. “I understand several nonhuman Federation prisoners have arrived?â€

“That is correct.â€

“Well how about some sport while we wait for our meal…there is nothing like bloodsports to work up an appetite.â€

The room filled growls and fanged grins in anticipation for the entertainment to come.

[2 Hours Later]

The Patriarch and his Generals sat at the enormous table feasting and recounting the Federation humanoids fight for survival. The last one standing had been an extremely agile Vulcan female and he had noticed that several off his planning staff had lost wager on how long she would survive. They had failed to sentient nature of the humanoid females…something to remember.

Eventually she did fall and when it was all over the Patriarch’s own females were allowed into the area to dispose of the dead. After all they had to eat too.

The final portion of their meal was interrupted when a warrior clad in uniform of one of the Kzinti intelligence units rushed into the room and reported to his superior. Had the general been human he would have turned white at the prospect of having to relay such information.

General Jgrek-Qiv, after taking the report, dismissed the agent and stood. “My Lord there have been…incidents.â€

The Patriarch knowing his mood was about to be ruined rose from the table. “What....‘incidents’â€.

“It seems that the rogue elements, those ship that broke formation near the Federation border attacked Starbase 65 and were destroyed.â€

The Patriarch ears twitched slightly. ~The ships carrying my assassin…Good the loose ends concerning my rise to power have been tied up.~ “The traitors got what they deserved, go on.â€

"Yes, My Lord. A patrol ship has been lost near the Klingon boarder. “A signal was detected indicating that Klingons were involved and an investigation found the ship after it had collided with a nearby planetoid. The ship was the Attack cruiser Vengeance, the same ship that was investigation humanoid females sentients.â€

~A minor loss…nothing that couldn’t be replaced.~ “The loss of those warriors is unfortunate, as is the loss of the research they were conducting. Put together another team to continue that project. There are those that still need those answers.â€

The Patriarch moved to retake his seat, but his General remained rigid and that stopped him. “You have more?â€

Swallowing hard he replied, “Yes My Lord. The Fleet around the former Federation colony of Mercer and been almost completely destroy.â€

“WHAT!!!?†Blind fury flashed over his features and through clenched teeth; “HOW?!!â€

“Of the 15 ships. 12 were completely destroy when the yard station explode...â€

The Patriarch's rage echoed through the chamber , "THE SHIP YARD!!"

General Jgrek-Qiv squared his shoulder as the Patriarch ranted, even before his installation his temper as legendary, the general stood silently.


"The reports from Mercer are thst the debris that fell from orbit hit near the refugee camp that the Federation had established. They left the capital to tend to their own..."


"MY LORD! If we wipe out the camp we will unite what's left of the Romulan Empire even more with the Federation. And with the failure with the Klingons...."

"WHAT...Oh yes their discovery of our attempt to frame the Cardassians." The Patriarch temper calming he bagan to think more clearly. "Has that ship that made the discovery been destroyed?"

"Not as yet. Our intellegnce beleives it was that vessel that took down the Vengence."

His anger was rekindled. "WHAT! I want that ship most be destroyed...with whatever secrets they have. Dispatch two attack cruisers to hunt it down. At the same time contact the Klingon High Council. Invite a delegation her to discuss compensation."

Everyone assembled looked to each other equally confused. "Compensation?"

"Yes...The plans against their territory and assets were made by the previous Patriarch. Tell them we apologize for their losses and with no hostilities with the Empire."

"And when they hear of the destruction of their ship?"

"We will deal with that when the time comes. Now if there is nothing else I would like to finish my food!" When he move to sit the Patriarch paused as saw the General's expression. "There is more!?"

General Jgrek-Qiv swallowed hard. "Yes My Lord. As I reported a few moments ago only 12 ships were lost in the stations destruction. Of the other 3 ships; 2 were destroyed and the last seriously damaged by a Federation defense platform."

In a fit of rage the table where they had been seated was flipped end over and an aid within the Patriarch's reach dropped to his knees clutching a throat that was no longer there.


"My Lord, we are not ready yet...The preparations to take Yadalla and the neighboring sys..."



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