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Incertion: Part 2

Posted on 18 Aug 2011 @ 7:02pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Derek Longwinter & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

1,052 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer

[Outside the Achilles]

Stone's Wyvern nosed down and wove through the flaming and sparking field of debris left by the shipyard. Stone's stomach lurched as the gravity of the planet began to assert itself and fight the artificial gravity of the drop ship. Looking out a window, the outer hull began to glow as burning pieces of the shipyard raced the drop ships to the surface.

At least we aren't taking surface fire.

--- Activities on the Surface Take place simultaneously ---

[On the Mountian - near the tree line]

Jason and his Marines were making their way back up the mountain towards their cave hideout. The mountains were safer for them than trying to remain hidden in the refugee camp. It was a slow climb and once they emerged from the trees it would be even slower, but eventually they would make it. They had to. Suddenly the early morning dim was brightened by a flash and a boom from above. Instinctively he took cover and heard the others do the same. As he scrambled to a position to see where the sound had come from he looked up to see objects rain down. Only most seemed to be burning up as they fell....

Cyfian peered over the stone rock he took position behind. The sky lit up in a sea of red flames contrasting harshly against the blue sky. It was almost beautiful, if not deadly. For a moment Cyfian forgot the danger he and his team mates would be in. Though still high, the objects were dropping fast and getting closer.

"Sir. We better find some better cover!" Cyfian shouted to Jason.

Jason looked up as the streaked through the sky if they took a direct hit they were goners anyway but some shelter would protect them from a near miss. "LETS MOVE."

Cyfian slung his weapon over his shoulder and started to run. Always quick on his feet, he as able too glide through the forest with relative ease. Vaulting a large rocky outcrop he turned to check on the now burning red sky and the others. The object continued its dangerous path towards them. They didn't have much time. Turning to run once again Cyfian push his body to its very limits. His lungs burned and his legs cried out in pain, but still he continued. Even the harsh, jagged thorns cutting the flesh on his cheek did not stop him. They needed to get to shelter.. and they were running out of time.

An outcropping appeared out ahead. It was nothing more than a rain carved, shallow impression that some slabs from higher up the mountain had slid down and created. "THERE!"

Jason crouched low outside and began waving them in.

Cyfian darted towards the shallow impression on the mountain face. Taking one last look at the burning sky, he slid easily into the small space.

Dawn followed Cyfian to the shallow dent in the mountain, more or less slamming her body into it, trying to squeeze herself into the mountain.

It was beyond a tight fit as Jason pressed in against the Sergeant. He didn't bother to look as he heard...and felt as something slammed into the surface. There was no way to tell where the impact was or how big the impact, not that it mattered; if it was their time it was their time.

[Outside the Refugee Camp]

The Kzinti Leading the patrol looked and the Romulan cubs dusting themselves off. That they had escaped the camp was obvious and he began to step in their direction but was stopped cold by a tremendous boom from above. The sky was streaked with hundreds of smoke trails from whatever had broken the planets atmosphere.

An alarm sounded off in the distance near the camp. He waved to the rest of the patrol speaking quickly, they had more to worry about than ywo wayward mancubs, with a fanged glare the patrol broke into a run that no humanoid could match.

[Colonial Capital]

The young Romulan sat at her console in disbelief; the orbital shipyard was breaking up before her eyes. On her on initiative she scanned the area to find any expaination. As the scans ran she opened a channel to her Talshiar Master still at the Refugee Camp.

=^=Commander Center to Major S'Taev=^=

[Tal Shiar bunker – Outskirts of the Camp]

Major S’Taev looked down at the Federation Marine and motioned his ‘assistant’ to hold off for a moment. “Just wait, I be right back. I don’t want to miss a thing.â€

“Yes Major.†As the Major stepped away the Centurion move to clean the blood off his hands

=^= Go ahead. =^=

=^= Sir, the Kzinti shipyard has just exploded. Intitial scans indicate some of the ships engineering core went critical and spread to the rest of the station! Debris is entering the atmosphere over your location… =^=

Ignoring the Federation Marine, S'Taev turned and head up and out of the underground chamber.

=^=…Most of the debris should impact in the mountain areas but you and the rest of our people are still in danger of impact.=^=

Looking up into the sky it was streaked with hundreds if not thousands of streaks from flaming debris. The ground shook as a large section impacted in the nearby slopes. There was no shelter available to protect them from this firestorm. Some of the Refugees were already fleeing into the mountains… ~let them go, if they survive they’ll be back when their bellies begin to ache.~

He turned and began to return to the relative safety of the bunker when a small impactor hit on the edge of the compound. There was a sharp pain as the blast wave threw him from his feet. He reached down to feel something protruding from his side and when he lifted his hand it was covered in blood. His consciousness began to fade as the Centurion’s face appeared.

All around him were screams of pain and cries for help.

[Colonial Capital]

The comm. line was still open and those in the room heard everything and immediately moved into action. “Get medical teams to the camp immediately!â€

“Sub-Commander, what about the station and the orbital scans?â€

“Let the Kzinti see to their own problems! Now get moving!â€



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