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Incertion: Part 1

Posted on 18 Aug 2011 @ 6:57pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Captain Derek Longwinter & Lieutenant Lucas Mason & Sergeant Dawn Brianna & Lance Corporal Cyfian Harper

947 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Mercer

[USS Achilles]

Da'nal sat in the center seat and glanced to the tactical display to verify the positions of the cloaked auxillery craft. The 5 vessel were spread out beneath the Kzinti shipyard even as the Achilles held it position above the yard. His people looked down on the tactics he was about to use, to kill without showing ones self meant there was no honor to be gain from the deaths, but he had his orders. "Warheads ready?"

Sarah made a final check before reporting, "yes sir, all is ready"

"Be ready to transport additional explosives if needed."

Sarah nodded, "yes sir, ready and standing by" she said, moving her hand over the transport controls

"Helm, be ready for evasive manuevers from any your discretion."

"Aye, aye sir," Lucas replied, his adrenalin levels increasing. The ship depending on his piloting skills.

"Commander Ericson, I want you and Mr. McGregor to begin analyze whatever you manage to retrieve...and have a security detachment ready for any Romulan guests."

"On it skipper." Silonez slipped into the almost zen-like mode as he began to go over the data.

Don stepped over to have a look himself at the sensor scans and the positions on the craft, so keep an eye on any discrepencies.

Da`nal took a breath in anticipation and let it out as he leaned forward in his command chair. His hand balled itself into a fist..."NOW".

"This is going to be pretty...." Don quipped to himself.

Da`nal could almost hear his security officer hands working her controls to send the their little surprise packages throughout the Kzinti ship yard.

[Kzinti Ship Yard]

- Command and Control –

"...and tell our guests I will be with them shortly." As General Fek-Zajak finished his sentence and turned his ears twitched and his head turned sharply at the sound. Materializing on the status table was a container of some kind...but the emblem that had been place on the container could be seen clearly even as the materializtion completed. He began to hiss in pure fury but as his fanged were exposed the materialization completed and the device detonated.

- Combat Training Arena –

The hoards of combat troops waiting on the ships under construction or repair were board in the extreme. To remedy the situation they had set up combat games. None were supposed to be fights to the death but several had already ended in just that. The next to combatants had endered the arena and had begun to circle eachother when both stopped cold as something began to materialize in the center between them. Intstead of one warrior dying in the arena nearly 100 lives ended in a flash as the warhead exploded.

- Engineering Section 1 –

The Kzinti engineer swore again at the situation. The station had been prefabricated and towed behind the orginal strike force but the final construction had been rushed and shotty to say the least. That only meant his life and that of his team was one headache after another. After fixing another malfuncton he crawled out of the maintainence hatch to see a Federation emblem materializing in the corridor in front of him. A millisecond later he didn't have to worry about fixing anything again.


A thrill of victory shot through Da`nal's body as explosion after explosion ripped across the station and the ships docked there. It was as if things were moving in slow motion as the Kzinti ship yard began to break apart and fall towards the planet.

Turning his chair to Tika. "Open the shuttle bay and inform all transports that they are cleared to depart."

Tika moved her fingers across the console. "Aye sir. Transports confirm readiness."

Hiding his smile, the Chief Engineer was elated to see the explosives work so well, knowing the time his folks had put into it had been worth the painstaking task. He had also managed to pack a little extra than initially requested for explosives into each unit to make certain the job got done.

As he turned his chair again. "Mr. Stryker. I believe it is time to destroy you handy work. Blow the couplings and detach the other transports before any othe Kzinti forces in the area arrive."

Nates hands flew over his console synchronizing all of the lock systems together. He pressed the button to alert the crews they were about to be released, and then a moment later pressed the release function. Everything to his surprise worked perfectly. The transports were blown away from the Achilles and any of the excess docking equipment floated away. Once everyone was clear, he made it known. "All transports Away Sir, combat platform is ready for operation. Additionally structural integrity has returned to 100% and we are fully capable of maximum warp once again." For the moment he could relax as some of the power levels returned to normal.

"Excellent, Helm...time to thread the needle. Take us through the orbital debris and deploy the Guardian platform then take us to a higher orbit."

"Aye, sir," Lucas replied as he hit the thruster controls. The debris was going to present a challenge for navigation. The computer was complaining that there was no way through. Lucas ignored the warnings and maneuvered the ship, getting it safely through the debris and into a higher orbit.

Don also felt the elation of success, but he stepped over to the Intelligence station. "Mr Ericson, what have you got so far?" he asked

Even though thing were blowing up everywhere he was able to get what they were after. "The stations computer core, two Romulans, and a partridge in a Pear tree."



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