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Posted on 08 Jul 2011 @ 10:20pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Lieutenant Lucas Mason

1,240 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB 517


It was long after his new Chief of Security had left than Lance came through from his desk into the ready room. "Sir...its time." Nodding he rose and head out onto the bridge.

Stepping through the door he strode to he command chair. He silently admitted to himself that he preferred the more 'traditional' bridge layout. Some of the newer designs blocked the Captain view of portions of the bridge, and the position of the lift entrances meant he would never sit with his back to a door. As he took his seat he tapped the all call on the arm of the chair. "Depature stations; all departments report."

Alex strode on to the bridge with a frown. Although he liked getting underway, he didn't like the aspect of going into war. "Captain." The Doctor said as he found an empty science station and took a seat.

Da`nal saw the Doctor's entrance and nodded to acknowledge his greeting. He continued to watch as the other departments signaled their readiness. After a few moments he then turned to the doctor, "Sickbay is prepared?"

"The medical supplies for the Marines has already been distributed to the various transports, so they didn't have all their egs in one basket; just in case. Sickbay is ready for any wounded we incur during this little jaunt."

Da`nal disregarded the doctor's mannerism. "Well if all goes well you should have few patients, if any, least on this particular mission."

"That's music to my ears sir."

Now that the medic debate was over Tika turned from her station. Normally she would be up front next to the new helm officer, but the Captain had made her the ships Strategic Ops office. "Sir all craft report ready."

Sarah looked up from her console, "tactical station reports ready. Security teams standing by" she reported, returning to checking her system

Eva replied to the Captain as Nate was still busy ensuring all of the marine transports were secured. =^=Engineering is online and ready for departure Captain, awaiting your orders.=^=

Every preparation that could be made had been made. The ship looked like the oddest creation every conceived with the three transports and the defense platform attached to the exterior of the Achilles hull, but those would be detached in just over 24 hours. The turbo lift to his left opened and Don and Major Stone stepped out.

He nodded to them as his XO took his station and the Major took a position behind the center seat. Returning his gaze forward it was time to go.

"Clear all moorings."

Lucas typed in a few commands and reported, "Gravitational and unbilitalical disengaged, moorings cleared. We are free to proceed."

Don opened his console and watched the status reports as they came in. He was relieved that they were ready to go, wondering what awaited them.

Stone stood there on the bridge and looked out at the traffic on the screen. He felt the normal twinge of anxiety everyone gets before any big op...but he was glad the pieces were in motion now.

The panel on Da`nal's chair beeped with a signal form the Captain of the USS Victoria. They would be exiting the stations docking bay as she headed to SB 65 with defense platforms to protect the supply lines and the station itself, and providing them cover. "Maneuvering thrusters Mr. Mason. Once we clear the docking arm, bring us up behind the Victoria and follow her out."

"Aye, aye sir, thrusters ahead one quarter," Lucas reported as the ship nudged forward gracefully, yet seemingly desiring to escape the confines of the docking slip. Once the ship emerged from the docking slip Lucas announced, "We are clear and free to navigate, increasing velocity to one quarter impulse power, following the USS Victoria."

Walking onto the Bridge, Nate was finally able to take his station. "Chief Engineer reporting to the Bridge Sir. The ship is as good as new, and I even managed to upgrade us to the touring package". He sat down and began pulling up status displays, monitoring the core power balancing systems in particular.

The corner of Da`nal's mouth curled slightly at the engineers humor. The tension was obvious and everyone had there own way of dealing with it.

Turning to his Second Officer and new Chief of Stategic Operions. "Commander, signal the other craft to assume formation and give the order to cloak all ships once everyone is in position."

Tika complied, signaling to all ships to do as the Captain ordered.

As the acknowledgements came in he turned his chair to face the Major. "Are your Marines ready Major?"

The Major looked at the Captain and nodded. "Always."

"Excellent. Once we are underway I have a special event planned for your troops." Every part of him wanted to join the landing force. He was a warrior and the thought of not being able to take part in the battles to come seemed to him like a waste. However he was not only just a warrior he was the Captain, his duty was to command this ship and see to it that the Federation got the answers it needed.

"Roger sir, just let me know and I'll advise 1Sgt. Valez to make sure the men are there." Stone crossed his arms, leaned against the bulkhead and watched the screen. This wasn't a view he got often.

Turning back forward as the ship moved into position Da`nal glanced to the tactical display and saw that the rest of the craft in the Major's strike force was moving into position. And the dislay changed as the Achilles and the other craft engaged their cloaking devices.

"Cloaking device is operating normaly sir" Miranda reported from her place at the tactical station, "All weapons systems are ready for your orders"

"Helm standing by to get underway, Captain," Lucas said, without taking his eyes off the controls.

The cloaked formation cleared the station and was free to navigate. "Mr. Mason set a course for Mercer colony. Warp 5"

"Aye, aye sir. Course for Mercer Colony plotted and laid in, Warp Factor 5." He feed the information in the navigational computer which plotted the most efficient course to the colony, he specified a velocity 214 times the speed of light and then held his finder over the execute command, waiting for the order to engage.

Da`nal sat silently as he called on Kaless to bring them victory. When Lt. Mason announced that all was ready he gave the order. "Chu' (engage)"

Lucas pressed the execute command and the Achilles leaped forward at Warp Factor 5. "Underway," he reported.

Da`nal watched while the star field shifted as the ship jumped to warp. Finally they were on their way but the work had only begun. It was late and he and the other department heads had remained on duty to see things off. All the preparation had been made now they just had to get to Mercer and wait for the right conditions…Like a hunter stalking is prey.

Rising from his command chair he looked around the bridge and addressed those present. “Excellent work all. You accomplished a great deal in a short amount of time. We will have some time until we arrive at Mercer. Those Alpha shift personnel still on duty are ordered to stand down, Department Heads, make sure you and your teams get some rest.â€


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