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A Physical during War?

Posted on 12 Jul 2011 @ 10:46am by Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

194 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current


=A=Commander Eircson report to sickbay=A=

Silonez hopped this wasn't about a physical or something else, he had enough to do as it was "On my way Doctor."

Gearing up for what was to come, Alex waited patiently for the man to walk in. Once he walked in, the Doctor stated, "have a seat on bio bed two."

Silonez let out a groan, "Doc your time really sucks, I have a breifing in less than twenty minutes with the Captain."

"Well, the Captain is just going to have to wait." Alex demanded with a frown. "Besides, I think the captain will understand you having a physical."

"I'd like to keep this short, we're not exactly on a very loose time table." Silonez took a seat on the examination table.

"I understand." Alex stated, wanting to say something smart, but deciding against it. "So Any injuries, allergies, or abmormalites to report?"

"No, just ticking along." Silonez said

"Alright. Well, I suppose I could let you go. Just don't tell any of the crew that I know how to give short physicals." The Doctor replied with a smile.

"Thats fine doc." Silonez replied



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