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Routine Check-Up

Posted on 05 Jul 2011 @ 6:02pm by Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

521 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony


=A=Commander Phoenix-Patil, please report to sickbay =A= Alex stated with a smile from his desk.

Tika sat on the Bridge at Ops,filing a report when she got the call. She nodded to her replacement and then headed toward the turbolift. Within minutes she was walking into Sickbay, hips swaying from side to side.

"Hello Commander. Have a seat on bio bed three while I get my tricorder." The doctor replied with a kindred spirt.

Tika looked at the man with an arched eyebrow. " there a problem, Doctor?"

"Yes, your physical is over due."

That was all the info Tika needed and she was on her feet again. "Oh, Doctor I was under the impression his was important. I have alot of work to do..." She lied. She'd caught up with her work days ago, she just hated doctor's offices.

"Oh well; sit down. That's an order." Alex stated with a frown. "We can do this the hard way or the easy way. It's up to you."

Tika arched a perfect eyebrow. "I don't believe you outrank me, Doctor..."

"Anytime it comes to medical things I do. I even outrank the Captain when it comes to medical." Alex replied with an authoritative tone. "If you don't believe me just look at Starfleet Regulations. "

"I'm a Command Officer...I'm well aware of regulations..." She said in a feisty tone. She didn't like to lose anything, especially not disagreements. She didn't plan on giving up, though she decided to comply and sat on the biobed, adjusting her skirt. "So you're suggesting that this routine physical destined to tell me something I already know, that I'm perfectly healthy, is more important than anything the Chief of Operations and Second Officer could possibly be doing?"

"Yes it is. Because, while you say you are perfectly healthy, there could be some disease or virus lerking around your body." The Doctor stated as he began to run the scan. "And if you don't believe me look at the tricorder. It looks as if it has picked up something.

Tika reacted swiftly, widening here eyes to full surprise. "WHAT?!" Her shout got the attention of every other person in sickbay.

"Relax Commander, I was just teaching you a lesson." Alex stated. "You never know when something like that will happen."

Tika rolled her eyes so dramatically, one might think they almost fell out of her head. "I'm sure I could sue you for that..."

"Nope. You can't sue your doctor for trying to watch out for you." Alex said with a frown. "Actually, it looks like your quite healthy. It looks like your a little too healthy, but that's nothing to worry about."

"I can sue him for lying to me.." She said with a beautiful grin, standing up from the bed. "But I'll let it go this time."

"Well, I think you're alright for now; however, I want you to report back for a second check up in two weeks." Alex grinned.

"But you said yourself that I'm fine.."

"Right, but I still want you back in two weeks. Chief Medic's peroggative. Dismissed."


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