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Posted on 13 Jul 2011 @ 12:13am by

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Achilles Deck 12, Chief Engineer Quarters
Timeline: 2113 Hrs


[Deck 12, Marine Barracks]

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Nate managed to get the last of the initial gas delivery systems connected to the atmospheric conditioning pumps. With a few key strokes he powered up the system and configured it by downloading the programming he had spent 10 hours writing. "Tie it in with the rest of the others into the internal sensors and that should cover all of the vital areas of the ship, to include Senior Staff quarters." "Aye sir. May I report to team 3 now, you assigned me to help them finish boosting power to the containment field around the matter/anti-matter reaction chamber." "Go ahead" Nate said, dismissing the crewman. Now that the Marine Barracks had been placed under the protective shroud of the gas that would disable the Kzinti, he know would work on a way to vent it throught the systems of the ship entirely, as long as the Captain would approve it being pumped throughout the ship continuously.

While he hadn't known much of the work that Lieutenant Oz did as far as preparing the gas, he would submit a request for more. There where still areas of the ship that needed to be covered. Crouching down Nate made his way through the crawlspace and exited back out into the corridor. Pulling himself up, he closed the doors behind him and walked to the Turbo Lift. "Deck 3" he mumbled. Although they had left spacedock and were on their way, the list of work that was in place for Engineering only seemed to grow. He hadn't seen alot of Eva the last few days as they had both been working opposite shifts and covering down on what had to be done before they left. For now atleast, they could take a breath and relax, planning to spend time together.

[Personal quarters]

Entering his quarters Nate dumped his gear into the locker by the door. Eva poked her head from around the corner and hugged him from behind. "I'm glad you're finally back. I've missed you, although your bed has remained comfortable as ever." Turning aroung he kissed her, then broke her grasp and picked up a PADD that layed on his desk. Sitting down on the couch he got comfortable, and Eva cuddled up against him, the two of them reading over what was displayed. "So I was thinking of trying to get the Captain to approve the installation of more of the gas systems. The Kzinti coudl move fast and get through certain areas of the ship with ease. We could place them at potential choke points and stop them that way." She had little interest in talking about work as something else had been on her mind.

"I think it's time we become a little more official" Eva told him. Leaning back from her Nate grew wide eyed. "What do you mean?" A hundred thoughts ran through his head Is she pregnant? I know I didn't miss my injections. Does she want to get married? We haven't known eachother that long..... His mind was put to ease a moment later. "I think we should be exclusive, you know, a couple. We've been together for a bit and I feel we should focus on eachother, as much as possible anyways." Remaining silent for a moment Nate continued to think. Maybe she just wants someone to show up to functions with. He hated the idea of removing himself from other options, but something told him that atleast for the time being he wouldn't have much energy to devote towards other women, and decided it his best course of action. "I think that sounds like a good idea." Eva squeeled and gave him a big hug. "That means I can start moving some of my stuff into here!" Rolling his eyes, Nate sighed. Something in him was already regretting the decision he made, but atleast he would have someone to clean his quarters for him on the days he was busier than her and a companion to eat dinner with, not to mention the other things she could provide for him as a woman. At the very least he would be able to find some comfort with everything else that was going on.



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