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Staff briefing

Posted on 17 Apr 2011 @ 6:22pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Captain Reva Madhava

1,522 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Briefing room

Once the Captain and Don arrived on the bridge Da`nal saw the Lieutenant waiting for him. As he and Don stepped out of the lift he nodded to the Lieutenant and glanced over to Don. "Gather the Senior staff, we will join you in a few minutes."

"Ay Sir," he said as he walked towards his seat. "Open a channel to the senior staff," he said to the communications offficer on duty, who nodded once it was opened. "Killian to all the senior staff. Report to the briefing room for a meeting right away," he said and closed the channel. Don closed his console and got up, grabbing his padd.

"Madhava, you have the bridge for the duration of the senior staff meeting," Don said. It was going to the first time she would have to do it, but everyone needed as much experience as possible.

Reva nodded and grinned. An Orion-lookalike in the Captain's chair. She slid into the leather covered seat and wriggled in it then watched the parade of senior officers on their way to the meeting.

Silonez emerged from the turbo lift, looking grey not unlike his uniform he'd been going nearly unstopped for two days, his staff and even medical had attempted to get him too take a break, but even a vulcan couldn't argue with him, and they were right; But things were looking bad on some fronts, and with the loss off the Serenity, starfleet was going too need to do something soon, Silonez had even gotten reports of a Gorn Megasaur class being decimated by the Kzinti onslaught.

Across the Bridge another turbolift had reached its destination. Out stepped Nate, looking better than he had the other day, but still hadn't checked back in since he walked himself out of Sick Bay. Seeing Reva sitting in the big chair he nodded at her. Nate was glad to see that she had made her way back after a short break. At least he had good news for the Captain, even if he didn't look as such. Walking into the briefing room he went to the replicator. "Double Espresso" he stated. A moment later the drink appeared and he took a sip. Waking up somewhat, he sat in the nearest chair, curious as to what the meeting was about.

Lyra walked into the breifing room and didn't look up from her PADD. She took her usual seat and was still working on the PADD making sure that she hadn't missed anything.

Alex walked into the room with a PaDD and a Mocha in hand. "Hello all." The Doctor was actually in a good mood. He was smiling as he took a seat.

Lieutenant Commander Phoenix-Patil emerged from the turbolift on the the bridge. She walked into the briefing room quietly, her arms folded tightly around her chest. She took her seat at the table.

Noticing the Doctor, Nate hoped he wouldn't force him back to Sick Bay. It wasn't like he exactly left with their permission in the middle of the night. Then again, none of the medical staff had bothered him since. There were virtually no scars from his accident, so he figured everything was ok. Although he was still healing and not as able to do as much physical labor, things had been going ahead of schedule.

Tika noticed the new faces around the table. She'd ran all their files, as those sort of things typically crossed her desk because of her role on the Achilles. She noticed the absence of some others, which wasn't a surprise.

Da`nal finally arrived and the room became still and quite as Da`nal carried an expression known to those that knew war; an expression of utter seriousness and deadly purpose. He looked out to those assembled as he breathed in deeply and his eyes stopped as the reachec Aryen, he hadn't had time to see her before the meeting and didn't have time to tell her what had happened. Though judging by the look in her eyes she already knew.

"I am sure most of you have heard what happened to the crew of the Archer; if not you soon will. Our enemy has shown their dishonor and shall pay the price in this life and the next. However before we can claim that victory we need to know our enemy.

"The Kzinti have managed to amassed fleets of ships right in the Federations own back yard. We need to know their deployments, their potential, what they are planning and when they are planning to do it. To that end we are ordered into Kzinti controled space to get that information, we will also be heading to examine the remains of Starbase 24 before returning.

"Our primary mission is to run silent and gather as much information as possible..." He paused before continuing, the orders still sour in his throat. "...without engaging the enemy.

Don's mouth opened "Without engaging the enemy!?" Don spat out before he could help himself. A stare from his captain silenced him, but didn't prevent his anger from rising.

Ayren was shocked. Under normal circumstances she would be relieved that they were not to engage the Kzinti, but so many others would have to.

"It has also been decided that since we cannot rescue the Marines stranded on Mercer that an operation to reinforce them be put into motion. Operation Beachhead will entail the depolyment of additional Marines...and any other volunteers to the surface of Mercer to keep the Kzinti from unifying their control over the planet using whatever means necessary. Including the enlistment of any Romulan refugees on the planet that are willing."

Don struggled to control his frustration, but knew he had to for the sake of the crew. "I volunteer," he offered, even if he was certain that Danal would want him on the ship.

"If you need me to Sir, I'm more than willing to go assist the Marines. Never can have too many Engineers". In all honesty, he was ready to get into the fight, one on one. He missed it. Nate was already considering weapons mods for himself.

"LT. Stryker the vast majority of the prep work for both Operation Beachhead and our Reconnaissance mission will fall upon you and your staff. While your enthusiaum is to be commended you are going to have your hands full. I will want you to remain behind following this briefing to go over the details."

Great, as if we don't already have enough damn work to do "Aye Sir, sounds more fun than a barrel of monkeys...". The Chief Engineer tapped his combadge. =^= Stryker to Clance, report to the main breifing room and wait outside, out =^= "Gona need my Assistant Chief as well Captain".

"Pull as many resources as you need. Now as a part of Operation Beachhead the Achilles will be packed to capacity with Marines, and their supplies. Commander Phoenix-Patil and Gunnery Sgt Kenderson you are to see to their needs".


"Aye Sir, has anyone found my sons yet?", Hyrum asked.

Da`nal looked to the Marines and forced to keep his shoulders high and his expression strong. That was not the question he was expecting; nor wanting, as he had no answer for him. "There is no word as yet, but I have no doubt that the search continues and will get an update on the investigation. Lt. Belacque, please see to that and let me know what you find."

"Yes sir. I'll have a team work on it" Lyra replied simply adding another thing to her list of things to do.

Now that the subject of family had been brought up he carried it to the next step. With us heading into combat I am ordering the offloading of all nonessential personnel and family members. Miss Kelan, as the Kzinti have made it clear Diplomacy is not an option I am appointing you counselor and I want you to see to the evacuation of the family members of the Achilles crew."

Ayren nodded, her heart still pounding as the reality of war hit her. She blinked as she strengthened her mental barriers over the wash of emotions she sensed from the crew. Obviously it included his own small children, although she certain they would want to stay to be part of the war, They were Klingon after all....."I will start immediately..." she said

"Anything else?"

Da`nal looked out at his staff and nodded. "Very well. Don, put out the word to those Marines, pilots, and any others willing, on the station and in the surrounding space. This operation will need as many as possible. We have a lot to do and a short time to do it in. Each of you know your duty and I have no doubt that each of you are up to the task. Dismissed."


Capt. Da`nal Cmdr Don Killian

LT. Nate Stryker LT Lyra Belacque

Ayren Kelan LtCmdr Phoenix-Patil
Counselor/CDO 2XO
(PNPC by Sharon)

LtCmdr Frece LtCmdr Eircson

MGSgt Kenderson Ens Madhava


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