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Such is Life...

Posted on 17 Apr 2011 @ 8:51pm by Captain Reva Madhava

714 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Personal Quarters of Antonio Vazquez

Weary from going over the weapons systems with a number of his fellow Security and Tactical officers from both the Achilles and some of the other ships arrayed around the Starbase, Antonio wiped a hand over his face and sighed. So far, all ships were reporting that the Kzinti ships' shields were hefty enough to withstand the Fleet's phasers. That meant Antonio and the others had to devise battle plans that hinged on torpedo strength and numbers. Thinking he'd need to talk to the ship's engineers about fortifying the phasers, he approached his quarters and shifted his thinking; he wanted an alcoholic drink. And his bed.

As his door slid open and he walked in to his quarters, though, his bed and his drink were the farthest thing from his head. He froze as he looked around; the lights were dimmed and there was a scent in the air, one he couldn't quite place. His senses sharpened as he realized the dim lighting was coming from a number of candles. Then a sound arrested his attention; the jingling of small coins or bells. Who is here?

"I am", the jingle sound drew closer and Reva stepped from his bedroom. Pausing to let his eyes feast on her skimpy outfit, a 'skirt' made of black and green ribbons that sat low on her hips and a bra, both decorated with small coins, she smiled from behind a sheer veil. Moving again, she sidled towards him, her hips shifting and bouncing, and danced around him. The coins on her hips and breasts chimed with each step, shift and sway. "On Earth, there's a dance something like this called belly dancing. Orions have a version called melho'nang." Orion females were notorious for their feline-like agility; that they had developed a dance style that emphasized the curves of their bodies and entranced most males (with a slight bit of help from their pheromones) was not surprising.

Like any other male, Antonio couldn't help but be entranced by those sparkling, chiming coins and the hips and breasts they adorned. Resisting her and her pheromones, he caught her arm and spun her so that he could growl into her ear from behind. "Reva, how did you get in?"

"Ooo, Antonio!" She purred and backed her body against him. "I'm in engineering now; it's rather nice what access I have. I told the computer there was a leak in here."

"Really? And what are you doing here?"

She laughed at that. "I thought that part was obvious!" She tried to turn to face him, but his grip wouldn't let her. "Antonio?" Concern went through her but was quickly banished when she slid her free hand between them. If he was upset with her, his body wasn't sharing that emotion.

"Is that all? You came here for sex?"

"Well... my boss told me to come see you," she looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. "Who am I to refuse such an intelligent order?"

A bad feeling had Antonio reeling. Yet he knew she was telling the truth. How could he trust her? "Your boss?"

"Yeah, Eva. She's a Lieutenant, assistant chief engineer." This conversation sucked, by Reva's standards. "Antonio, if you're not happy to see me, I'll leave."

"No, no need," his grip shifted as hers did. His breathing changed as well and he kissed her neck. "I'm happy to see you."

"I can tell...," she dropped her head to the side and gasped as he nipped her skin.

Hours later, Antonio woke a napping Reva and sat next to her on his bed. "I have news, Reva."

"News?" She could feel his hesitation and angst. Whatever this was, it wasn't good.

"I'm staying behind on the Starbase. Admiral L'Berr requires a weapons specialist to aid with developing defenses and offenses against the Kzinti," he told her and hid a wince as he awaited her reaction.

"You're... but...," Reva was stunned. She'd finally had him and now he was leaving. Well, technically, she was the one leaving; he was staying. Such was life in Starfleet.

"Such is life in Starfleet, Reva," Antonio said, unaware he'd just picked up that thought from her. Leaning in, he hugged her with one arm.

LtJG Antonio Vazquez


Ensign Reva Madhava


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