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Disturbing News

Posted on 07 Apr 2011 @ 11:24pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

521 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!

Lyra had been analysing the weapon signatures from the battle with the Kzinti. She had found out some disturbing results about the technology they were using. She downloaded it quickly onto a PADD and tapped her comm badge. =A= Lieutenant Belacque to Captain Da'nal, I need to speak to you as soon as possible =A= she said.

Having just left the Admiral's briefing Da`nal was about to speak to Don when his badge sounded. =^= Da`nal here. What is is Lieutenant? =^=

=A= Sir, I've just analysed the weapon signatures and I have some disturbing news sir. I think this would be better if we spoke in person =A= she replied.

As they returned to the docking umbilical; =^=Understood. We are returning now with our orders. Da`nal out.=^=

Looking to his XO, "What do you think that could be about?"

Don was concerned at the tone in her voice. "I have no idea," he answered as they made their way to the bridge. "

Once they arrived on the bridge Da`nal say the Lieutenant waiting for him. As he and Don stepped out of the lift he nodded to the Lieutenant and glanced over to Don. "Gather the Senior staff, we will join you in a few minutes."

"Acknowledged," he said as he walked towards his seat. "Open a channel to teh senior staff," he said to ops, who nodded once it was opened. "Killian to all the senior staff. Report to the briefing room for a meeting right away," he said and closed the channel.

Stepping past Lt. Belacgue and into his ready room he sat on the edge of his desk. "What do you have for me?"

"Sir, the weapons signatures used against the Achilles and the other ships have turned up as" she took a breath. "Dominion sir, with some Romulan and even Federation signatures" She explained simply.

That got his attention and the stood quickly as he paced the walked the area. "How could their weapons be similar to all those different powers?" His question not intended to be anwsered as he pulled at his beard.

"It seems as if they've somehow used the weapons and intrgrated them into their own. Also, they seem to have tried to mix them together to give them the best possible firepower" Lyra explained simply.

"Hmm, that could be a problem. Kzinti weapony was always powerful, but if they've integrated other technologies into their ships it could give them a significant advantage. The how it was done can wait, right now we have preparations to make.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Most of the staff should be assembled so lets move to the observation lounge, we have orders and we should find many of the anwers to these different weapons signatures. Join the staff I will be right behind you."

Da`nal watch the woman leave and he looked to the blades behind his desk. Opening a panal behind his desk he remove a cloth wrapped stone and set it and the honing oil on his desk. After this meeting he would prepare for battle...his way.


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