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Just a short rest....

Posted on 29 Mar 2011 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D. & Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar

450 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Current

Nate walked into Sick Bay, clutching his arm. A young crewman helped him along as he was nearly in a state of shock. "Can I get some help here? The Chief Engineer has got plasma burns !" Sitting down on the nearest bio bed, Nate became a little more responsive. He was grateful for the assistance that the other Engineers had provided him. There was no way anyone could have known the panel was going to rupture. He just happened to be the one opening it.

Alex ran out of his office with a tricorder in hand. "What happened?" He asked as he opened it and began his scan.

"Plasma conduit ruptured on deck 15 in the control room as we were finishing up an overhaul on the system. Nate happened to be the one opening the final panel. I gave him one of the hypos from the emergency kit, the blue one, to help stabilize him. I brought him up myself as I was worried he may be to shocky to be transported. The man barely managed to get out of the way of the blast, mostly."

"You made a good call, Crewman. Do you have any medical expertise?" The Doctor asked as he looked down at the tricorder which was still doing its job. After quickly grabbing the dermal regenerator, he began his magic.

"Just basic first aid for trauma Sir. They've made it a point that all Engineers have some type of standard treatment skills". Laying there, Nate began to relax, and feel better as the regenerator brought some relief. He wondered how bad the burns were, as he hadn't really looked at them. He did however want to get back to Engineering to meet the Captains deadline.

Dr. Wendsar entered sickbay ready to start her shift. Noticing that they had a patient, she walked over to assist Dr. Frece.

"Can you get me the hypo from over by the supply table?" Alex asked of his companion Doctor.

She handed him the hypo and looked at the man that layed there before her. She didn't recognize him, but he wasn't in the best condition at the moment.

"Thank you." The Chief Medical Officer stated as he began to administer the hypo. "That should keep him sedated for a while so that the pain can leave his body." He lifted his shirt to make sure the regenerator was doing its job.

As the hypo took effect, things became hazy, he wasn't quite sure what was going on anymore, but then again, it didn't matter. For some reason all he could think about was getting the ships repairs completed, but it would have to wait until he had taken a nap......


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