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So much for a break

Posted on 29 Mar 2011 @ 11:01pm by Captain Reva Madhava

1,074 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: SB517
Timeline: Current

Eva had been walking along the shops and looking at things to maybe buy. The sleep she had gotten a well as a sonic shower made her quite happy. Nothing like some time off. Even if it was just a short time, she was going to make the best of it.

Her minion, Reva Madhava, had had the same sort of thought process and, when Eva had asked her to go along to the Starbase shops, she hopped on the chance for some female companionship. Most females avoided her, a fact that Reva attributed to her green skin and winning ways with the men. Jealousy, she called it. In truth, it stung and left her lonely.

"Eva, mind if we stop in at a ...," would Antonio prefer a 'hard' gift, something weapons related? Or a 'soft' gift that might make him hard? Was that something she should buy with her boss present? She'd chance it, " undergarment shop?"

She giggled as she was amused by the thought of going. "Sure, there's a lingerie shop I noticed a few back. Planning on making somebody happy eh?" she said teasingly. Even as she said it, she had a thought of getting something for herself. For what exactly, she was yet to be certain of.

She was glad that out of uniform, Reva didn't quite see her as her "boss". She just wanted another woman to hang out with, someone she could be herself around. As the two women approached the store, she tried to remember the last time she had been to one to buy such things.

"Sometimes I don't think he wants to be happy, but I'll try," Reva said. They entered the shop and Reva was quick to notice a black ensemble that was, considering how little material was involved, outrageously expensive. "What could possibly warrant this price?"

"All hand beadwork," a voice behind her answered, "Nothing in here is replicated, ladies."

"Oh," Reva breathed and delicately set the garment down. "Perhaps something... not so hand-beaded?" To Eva, she lamented, "I have to buy black... Any other color clashes with my skin."

She had never thought of having such an issue, considering her skin wasn't green. "I'm partial to red myself". Looking around she saw a red camisette that caught her eye. She walked over to it, checking the size. "What's this made of?" she asked. Her eyes glazed at how it looked. It would be perfect she thought.

"It's only made of the finest Tholian silk" he replied. She looked at the price tag, and her heart dropped. It was way too much, especially when she wasn't even sure if he felt the same way. "It is on sale today as part of a promotion. It's from a new vendor, we want to get their product line more known. The craftsmanship is excellent".

Just as suddenly Eva was elated again. "I'll take it" she said.

Grinning at Eva's elation, Reva asked, "Who's the lucky guy?"

The question caught her off guard, she was almost embarassed to answer. "Well I don't even know if he really likes me, but there's just something about him....". She took a moment and then decided she would tell Reva. "I'm interested in the new Chief Engineer. He's confident, takes charge. He's kind of an ass, but it I don't know much about him, it intrigues me".

"Ah. The men who are intriguing are often the hardest to...," To what? Get in bed? Nail down? Woo, both were loaded concepts, especially where two bosses were involved. ", to determine if they're interested." Reva smiled and an outfit on a display caught her eye. "I'll take that," she said, pointing to it. It was black with green and black scarves hanging from the hip and small golden coins decorating the hips and breasts.

"That's certain to get whoever going" she said. "It's a little "out there" for me, but I think it suits you Reva". She felt better having let her guard down some. However things would be tough, considering her interest was in her superior.

"Hopefully Antonio will think so, too," Reva said. "It's similar to a particular dancing costume Orion women wear."

The shop owner commented, "It's inspired by Terran belly dancers' outfits."

"Oh," Reva sounded only slightly disappointed. Maybe that meant that Antonio would recognize it and appreciate it. She made a mental note to look up 'belly dancing'. "Eva, is there anywhere else you want to go?"

"Well, I was thinking that we coul.." she was interrupted by her combadge. =^= Achilles to Lieutenant Clance =^= Surprised, she responded. =^= Go ahead =^= =^= We need you to return the to ship, you need to take over oerations in Engineering. Lieutenant Stryker has been injured. See you in a few. Out. =^=

Her heart sank, ~What happened to him?~ she thought, worried, dreading what could be waiting. She looked at Reva, not knowing what to do.

Reva's brows went up. "Just like a new guy to go and do something to get himself hurt!" she quipped before thinking about it. "Um... oh, I mean... well, perhaps we should head back." Obviously Eva should; that was the order. "C'mon," she caught Eva's arm, started escorting her out of the shop and shot directions back to the shop owner: "Send those two items to Reva Madhava on the Achilles, please."

Eva stopped outside the store, still slightly stunned. "Ya........ I'll go back, you should stay here, see Antonio. I think I can manage to get things up to speed....." What got to her most at the moment though was not knowing his condition. Sure, she'd only known him for about a day, but her infatuation grew fast. Although trying her best to hide her worry, it did little good against Reva's abilities.

"Oh, ok," Reva nodded, hiding her glee at being told to see Antonio; spending time in Sickbay wasn't what she wanted to do with her precious few off-duty hours. She caught Eva's worry and frowned. "Hopefully he's not badly injured, Eva," she said before the woman headed away from her.

She made her way to the nearest transporter room. There was no time to be wasted as she knew what needed to be done. Atleast for the most part. Stepping up onto the transporter pad, she stated her destination. "Achilles, Energize".

Lieutenant Eva Clance
ACEO, NPC'd by Nate

Ensign Reva Madhava
Engineer and Soon-to-be Resident Belly Dancer


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