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Posted on 25 Mar 2011 @ 12:31pm by

460 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Location: Holodeck 2
Timeline: Current

Gideon had been reviewing tapes and evidence for the past eight hours. He was convinced that the Kizinti, held superior firepower and that the Federation could be in serious trouble. He was by no means a pessimist, he was a realist.

Despite a reputation for being a Cowboy he had a keen and antyltical mind. What he saw bothered him. He still believed in the Federation and that they would come out on top, but it would take a superior strategy. That strategy would depend on proper intelligence.

There were two things Gideon was pessimistic about. The first was politcians and polticians that masqureaded as admirals and their unwillingness to do what it took to win the war and the second was miliatry intelligence. Gideon knew that the very definition of an oxymoron was military intelligence.

Which meant that if the Federation was going to win this war it would have to be won by the front line troops like those on the Achilles and by people like him, that actually knew what they were doing.

The Captain and Commander Erircson were both tied up so Gideon could not discuss his findings with them just yet. What he needed was a diversion. Something to keep his senses sharp. "Computer," he intoned, "Run Exeter/Kizinti Alpha, level three."

The room faded away and Gideon found himself crouching behind a trash dumpster, wind whipping his hair and rain soaking his black turttle-neck. The smell from the dumptster was rank and a little too realistic and Gideon was glad he hadn't selected level four.

He saw movement off to his left and slowly, without making any sudden movements which might attract attention, turned that direction. He saw two Kizinti, two very large Kizinti and they had a prisoner. She appeared to be human and not in good shape, but Gideon could not tell anything more from where he sat.

So he decided to do something about that. He slowly got up from his position and moved as quitetly as he could to intercept them. He was very good at moving quietly and he was upwind from the Kizinti, so he was somewhat surprised when one of them said, "More human trash," one of them said. So Gideon pulled the trigger on the phaser he was already holding and the first Kizinti dropped to the ground. The other turned and barred his fangs at Gideon. Gideon fired a second time, but nothing happened. The Kizinti tossed her prisoner aside and leaped toward Gideon.

Gideon felt a sudden pain inside his head and he felt fear crash through his mental shield. Not his own fear, but someone else's. It was a child's fear. "Computer, freeze progam," he stated.

Then he reached for his comm badge.


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