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Leaving....on a Starship...I don't know if I'll be back again.

Posted on 26 Jun 2011 @ 5:39pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,614 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M8: The Kzinti War!!!!
Timeline: 2230

Stone looked around at few officers and NCOs around him. He smiled inwardly to himself at First Sgt. Velez, who seemed to have a permanently sour look on his face. Many of the officers looked your...some still carried that bright eyed look that they all had as young officers before they met true desperation face to face for the first time. The Major remembered being that way once....a long time ago. Some still looked as if they had done some time on the line in one of the many little fires that crop up around the Federation and its allies. Stone shuffled the PADDs around and laid them down on the tipped over locker they were using as a briefing table. Stone just pulled a briefing room together out of some bunks and lockers, it was nothing fancy, but it worked and that's how Stone liked it.

"Alright everyone, you're here because you've been selected to lead various elements of the relief force. You've all volunteered and I'm sure almost all of you have met First Sgt. Velez. My name is Major Jason Stone, and I have been given operational command. Are there any questions before we get started?"

They looked around at the faces gathered around him.

Those Marines from the Achilles knew Velez and grinned at his promotion. After the briefing they would have to all meet up in the lounge for the traditional party. But now wasn’t the time. One Marine in the middle of everything stood, “When do we get to kick some Kitty ass sir?â€

Gideon joined in the general laughter that followed, but he was seasoned enough to know it wouldn't be that easy, that many of the men in the room with him might not make it.

There were few things that sobered Gideon, but death-facing it or dealing it-was one of them. Still he apprecited the man's enthusaiam and planned on speaking with the man afterwards, he could use a good partner so they could watch each other's backs.

He took the time to check his weapons. Knife, phasers, gun and hands they were all there and all ready to use when the time was right.

"We aren't" Stone looked around at the confused faces on the Marines around him. Finally, one of them asked the question, "Then what did we get all dressed up for?" A couple of murmurs in the background confirmed the sentiment being a widely held one. Stone continued, "We are going to get our people back first off. They are property of and the kitties didn't ask to barrow them. So first we're gonna go slap them around like a rude neighbor who won't return your tools."

Stone waited for the laughing to die down. "Then we're going to set ourselves to bleeding them slow.... Every time they turn around they are going to be fewer, and fewer. They will be afraid to sleep, afraid to travel in small groups. Let's not fool ourselves though, the civilian population will suffer as we make the kitties suffer, and will will have to take measures to limit that if we can, but accept what we can't. We'll bleed them pale, and when the fleet breaks through and a full Marine Expeditionary Force puts down on the planet, we'll stomp a mudhole in their chests and walk it dry."

Dewey allowed the "OOORAH" to die down around the group and continued. "Who has been to Mountain Warfare School?" A couple hands went up and Stone handed them PADDs. "Here are the personnel records for the Relief Force. Identify those others that have been, and spread them evenly as platoon guides if you have enough. We will be landing in the mountains and I don't want to loose time by groups not knowing how to move through the terrain."

The officers nodded and took their leave. Stone looked at those that remained. "Lt. Reiger, your Recon Marines will fan out as soon as we hit the ground. You'll be the first landing craft on the ground. I need a good recce of the area, make it quick, no prisoners....and no witnesses. Begin to secure a perimeter and push out OP/LPs."

"Everyone else's primary objective will be getting the perimeter around the LZ secure so we can offload and distribute our supplies, then get our air assets camoflaged." Stone looked around at the group then looked over at his First Sgt. "You got anything you want to add Top?"

Velez stood there his typical stoic self...but with a suble curl to the corner of his mouth. The Major had covered the bases very well but the status of his Marines on the surface was unknown. They very well could Be POWs but if so all but the Captain were probably dead, considering the extermination of humans to date. "Yes sir."

He stepped forward and looked at the faces in the crowd, some he knew most he didn't. "For those of you who do not know me expect nothing less than 100% of all my Marines. I expect you to all to work hard but my Marines play just as hard. By now you have all heard just how the Kzinti treat the humans they encounter. Make no mistake we will be in harms way facing an enemy that doesn't take prisoners; at least human prisoners that is." He paused a moment as he let that fact set in before continuing. "Now as the Major stated we will be hitting the ground in the mountains. These are the same mountains that was the last known location of our fellow Marines. With any luck they will be waiting for us. A little hungry maybe, but with the intel we need to begin to put boot to ass. If something HAS happened to them...THEY WILL REGRET IT.

"I have assignments and final personnel rosters for all platoon sergeants, and they should be in your padds by now, any problems see me after we break. Get with your Marines and get the other volunteers incorporated into your units. They may not be Marines but most either have Starfleet security/specops training or are qualified combat pilot or medics. Believe me this is no tome for the typical service on service crap."

Turning back to the Major, "Sir given the number of additional personnel aboard I've arranged for chow in from 0500 to 0700 in all mess halls and lounges. A final gear issue at 0700 with a final check and inspection for all officers and staff NCO's set for 0900 and the same for the remaining troops at 1000. All holodecks are reserved for our use, be it deployment drills or mountaineering training beginning at 1300."

Stone nodded, "Alright, officers mess call between 0630 and 0700, we eat last. You coordinate the training schedule, platoon leaders will follow the same course of training as their men. Where we are going...rank isn't going to be worth much. Get the Officer's kitted out early, I want them to help heard the troops through equipment issue, not be dicking around trying to get their gear squared away." Stone hands him a PADD, "Here is the initial deployment plan once we hit the ground. If you need me, I'll be right over there...", Pointing at his bunk.

Gideon looked at his orders. He was going to be with Sergent Well's contingent fourth to land. He slowly shook his head. If things couldn't be changed they couldn't be changed. Still he had to try.

Gideon waited til Major Stone had finished speaking with a few senior officers. His ear ring was safely stowed away, he was freshly shaved with a new uniform and his hair which was still longer than regs allowed, had gel applied so that it was tame and in place not its usual spiked and out of control self.

He managed a decent salute and said, "Ensign Gideon Exeter, sir. I know I don't look like a typical marine, but this is not my first rodeo. I am sure you are not in the habit of changing orders, but I could not help but notice that Lt. Riegar's group is going to be first boots on the ground. Sir with all due respect, you need me on that team. I know combat and I know not to leave witnesses. Besides I am a telepath and that makes me even better at recon."

Stone stood there as the Ensign went on. When he finally settled to the end of his sales pitch, Stone stared at him for a couple long seconds and snagged then brought his PADD up to look at it. He scrolled through the menu, tapped a couple things in and looked back up at the Ensign. "Approved, but I'd offer up one very vital piece of advice.....get your hair cut or Lt. Rieger will have you for breakfast tomarrow."

~Haircut, Gideon Exeter get a hair cut? Do the Kizinti care if I have long hair?~ "Aye, sir, one hair cut coming up."

Stone turned around and smiled slightly to himself as he made his way back over to his bunk area in the corner where he had been doing most of his reading. Sitting on the bunk, he pulled a protien paste tube out of his bag and squeezed it into his mouth as he picked his PADD back up and began to unbuckle his boots with his other hand.


1stSgt. Arcenio Velez
Marine Recon - USS Achilles
(NPC played by Da`nal)

1st Lieutenant Jack Riegar
Marine Platoon Leader- USS Achilles

Major Jason Stone
Marine Infiltration Task Force Commanding Officer

Ens. Gideon Exeter
Infiltration Specialist - USS Achilles


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