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Reporting For Duty Pt. 2

Posted on 13 Dec 2010 @ 12:00pm by Lieutenant JG Teresa Wendsar & Lieutenant Commander Doctor Alex Frece , M.D.

423 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After assisting Injured Marine


OOC: I am trying to nudge another player to post the lead-up posts to our initial JP. If this happens, we
should not have any posting delays ... that is the plan anyway...


:: Ethen Ballam's Quarters ::

Ethen quickly gathered his PADDs following his brief talk with Ms. Andrus, and then headed first toward Sickbay, where he needed to report in to the ship's doctor. Upon reaching Sickbay, he entered.

Teresa had beamed up from the planet after speaking to Commander Donnovan. She requested information on where sickbay was located and went directly there, only to find an injured Marine needing assistance. Once she and Doctor Frece completed working on the marine, she followed the doctor into his office.

"Dr. Frece, my appologies. I did not have time to report in before that. I am Doctor Teresa Wendsar. The XO told me to report into you and Lt. Ballam."

"It appears then that I am right on time," Ballam said. "I just got here, so you can report into both of us at once."

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant Ballam. " She said as she pulled her transfer orders from a pocket and handed them to the Doctor. "I will need to speak to you on a more personal basis, later, Lieutenant."

"Sounds good," Ballam replied. "I can stop back here once I check in with the Captain, or we can set up an appointment."

"It's nice to meet you Lieutenant Wendsar. Welcome to sickbay." Alex replied with a smile as he held out his hand. The doctor loved meeting new people whether they worked for him or another department head.

"Thank you, doctor. I look forward to working with you. I can meet with you later, Lieutenant. This is to set up an appointment with my daughter, actually. I'll give you a brief overview of what's going on at that time. She may not want to talk yet, but I want her to have someone, other than myself or her nanny, if she needs to. Not that she can't talk to us, but a third party, someone that's not constantly in her life. Doctor, would you like for me to do anything while I am here? If you wish to take a break or something, I am able to remain, if you wish."

"You know, I think I like you already Lieuteant. I do need a break."

"Certainly, go take a break. Unless there's a natural disaster, or an attack, I should be able to handle things here." Teresa said with a smile.


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