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Just in time... Part 2

Posted on 12 Dec 2010 @ 1:21am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

659 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Timeline: Day 3 - afternoon

[Wedding Reception/Dinner]

No sooner had the ceremony concluded than the guests were all ushered to their places as platter after platter of food and barrels of blood wine and other beverages were paraded into the hall.

Da`nal slapped his friend in the shoulder. "With this feast you won't be able to get out of your seat let alone do anything on your wedding night"

Charg laughed at his friend. "You still under estimate me..."

"OH NO...not after that last match."

"You saw that?"

"Oh yes....and if I could have been ring side I would have. It seems things are finally going your way....Champion Standing, a marriage to a fine woman. All you need now a promotion. I've always said you should've had a ship of your own by now."

Charg was honored by his friends support over the years. "Perhaps one day...but I have a House to restore."

Da`nal looked into his friends eyes for a moment and they clasped arms. "And on that day the House of Varal shall stand as your ally."

They toasted the future and as a servant refilled there tankards another servant rush up to Da`nal. "My Lord, there is an urgent message from Starfleet."

"Yes, what is it."

"Sir," The Klingon had an expression that was a mix of smug satisfaction and apprehension, "Romulus has been destroyed..."

Charg grabbed the nearest person. "Get me Lord Mur'gh, General D'Groth and Captain Kretorg NOW." Glancing to X'ae talking to Ayren at a nearby table.

X'ae sensed his urgency and looked at Ayren, who nodded. Without words spoken, they sensed

"...all Federation starship near the Neutral Zone have been ordered to Red Alert and are to stand by for further instructions."

Da`nal's focus shifted from celebration of his friend’s wedding to the various scenarios that could unfold from such a catastrophe. The ramifications were enormous for everyone in the quadrant.

[Mean while]

Kretorg stood outside talking to Ky'lara. He only showed his face at the wedding reception for the sake of X'aedell. He didn't want to let it seem that he hated his own niece. As far as all was concerned, he and Charg had reached a truce at least. He was distinctly not at the Kalhya ceremony for two reasons, Charg had not invited him and if he were invited, he would not have gone.

Mu'rgh approached Kretorg and his wife, but before he could speak they were interrupted. Ky'Lara saw him come and excused herself and disappeared inside.

An agitated warrior addressed the two men. "Lord Mu'rgh, Lord Kretorg, Charghwl'lH wants to speak to you urgently," he said.

Kretorg glanced at his father. He knew that Charg would not wish to chit chat to him. With a nod to the messenger, they followed him inside the main hall to where Captain Da'nal and Charg were standing.

Kre had not met Da'nal, the Captain of the USS Achilles, but from his expression he could see that this seemed serious, but apparently pleasant news. He quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand in a Klingon greeting. "I am Kretorg, son of Mu'rgh," he said for a brief introduction.

"You wanted to see us.." Mu'rgh said to Charg.

Have just gotten all the details as they had approach Charg waited until Da`nal finished as his friend reached out to return the greeting from his host. "An Honor Lord Mu'rgh; Da`nal of the House of Varal. Regretfully I most leave immediately and return to my ship...Duty Calls. I will let my good friend Charg here explain." The urgency in Da`nal's voice was obvious, but he turned back to his friend pointing with a grin. "You still owe me that hunt."

As Da`nal moved off to collect Ayren, Charg called after him. "If it doesn't kill you."

Turning back he replied. "If there is nothing to lose....there is nothing to gain."



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