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The Road back

Posted on 14 Dec 2010 @ 11:32pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,037 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M7: Shore Leave - Mercer Colony
Timeline: Day 3 - After the 'Just in time' post

Da`nal approached Aryen and X'ae, his sense of urgency clear on his face. They were already watching him and there was a degree of concern to their faces as he drew closer.

Da`nal was still speaking to Ayren and X'ae as they said their goodbyes, but Charg moved to address his new In-Laws with the information that had just arrived. "My Lord, the star in the Hobbus system that became unstable has exploded. The USS Enteprise has reported that Ambassador Spock was usuccessful in stopping the destruction of Romulus and Remus. Also that Ambassodor Spock was lost to a Black Hole that he created to stop shockwave from causing further destruction. As a result the Federation has put all starships along the Romulan border on red alert."

X'ae, being a stronger telepath and linked to Charg, was already pale with the news. "No...... " she mumbled, her mouth instantly dry with the shock.

Ayren stood up to meet Da'nal. "Something is wrong.... " she said as her black eyes searched for confirmation of what she had sensed. Her eyes dated to her cousin.

"I'm afraid there is. I know we just got here, and that the two you...the four of us," nodding back to Charg, "had planned to catch up; but the unimaginable had happened."

Her breath caught in her throat. His thoughts were strong earlier. Her senses informed her of the gravity of the news, even if she didn't know exactly what it was, only that it had something to do with Romulus.

"A star has exploded...destroying both Romulus and Remus. I'm afraid we have to go. Immediately."

It was as if someone had poured ice into her soul as the reality of his words penetrated mind. "Destroyed....." she repeated hoarsely. "Of course.... " she said as she tried composed herself.

X'ae had gotten up as well as she hugged her beloved cousin. She couldn't think of anything to say or think. They simply shared in the moment and greeted each other at the same time. when she pulled back, her eyes were bright with tears. "Go..... we will stay in contact," she said to Danal and Ayren.

Ayren hugged her back and nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything. Having to leave X'ae after barely seeing her, was hard enough, but it was dwarfed by the loss of the Romulan planets. She didn;t even want to think of the implications of what that would mean for the quadrant. Once they had said goodbyes, Ayren slipped her hand into Da'nal's, she needed his strength and wanted to offer her support to him.

Da`nal took her hand giving it a good squeeze. "I'm sure things will be fine. Though we will probably be busy for quite a while."

Pulling his hand a away he tapped his commbadge establishing a link with the shuttles computer. "Two to beam up." As he felt the transporter take hold hold he could feel a sense of foreboding. Knowing that his people would no doubt want to take advantage of the situation...and he would have a choice to make.

They materialized he looked down to Ayren. He could tell she was concerned, but he needed her to focus. "She what you can find out from your diplomatic Isha if you have to."

"Of course," she answered, pulling back from her mind running in different directions..... from the lives lost, to possible war. Ayren moved to a console towards the side and stared to request diplomatic channels.

Da`nal turned then stooped. Stepping up behind her as she sat he placed his hands on her shoulders and could easily feel the tension in her muscles. He gave her a reassuring squeeze again and she seemed to calm a bit.

"Thank you," she said placing her hand on his. ".... it is just hard to block out the devastation of the destruction... the lives lost, families broken up... Romulans or not... and Ambassador Spock....Sorry love, I will be ok..."

"I know and something tells me the losses aren't over yet...but we can't worry about what is past or what may be. Find out what you can, I'm going to get us back to the ship."

He then immediately moved to the cockpit and as he swung into the pilot's seat and set a course back to Mercer Colony...maximum warp. At the same time he was talking to the computer. "Computer, open a priori..."

He was interupted by the computer just as the ship slipped into subspace. "Incoming transmision."

"On screen."

Normally that command would alter the large central view screen on the bridge of the Achilles, on the shuttle it only activated the monitor to his left. The Federation Emblem was replaced by the face of his XO.

"Don I was just calling you. We are on our way back now. Do we have any orders?"

"All ships in range of the neutral zone, of which we are one are ordered to Red Alert. But nothing further than that," Don said. "I am calling back all crew from shoreleave and DH's to a staff meeting as we speak."

Da`nal nodded approvingly as his XO has thing locked on. "Very good. Once the senior staff is assembled contact me."

"Will do Captain." Don said. He didn't have a good feeling about all this. "I will send you the rendezvous coordinates."

"I'll be waiting...Any observation on the crew?"

"At this point they are shocked and stunned. There are a lot of rumours and you know what misinformation does. Being close to a colony doesn't help," Don commented. "Everyone has their own story based on who knows what source of information ... That is why I would like to get a briefing done as soon as possible so that at least here we are all on the same page, so the crew can settle and focus..." he added.

"Excellent...I'll be waiting for your call." da`nal closed the channel and opened one up to he father. No doubt the he needed to find out what if anything the Hight Council was considering.


Captain Da`nal

Commander Donovan Killian

All NPC's played by:
Chris and Sharon


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